"Chinese Medicine Mao" Pianzi Chairman Pan Jie announced his resignation.In just eight months, the company's total market value has increased by more than 80 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 16 billion).

According to the Securities Times website, Pianzi issued an announcement on December 9 that she received a written resignation report from the chairman Pan Jie.Wait.

Pan Jie's resignation report has taken effect on the date of delivery of the company's board.After resigning, Pan Jie no longer holds any position in Pianzai.

In April this year, Liu Jianshun, chairman of Shibahara, applied for retirement in advance for personal physical reasons. Pan Jie took the stick.Until the resignation report was submitted, Pan Jie's chairman was only eight months.

When Pan Jie took office, the total market value of Pianzi was about 200 billion yuan.As of December 9, the latest market value of Pianzi was 2811 billion yuan, an increase of about 40%.In the eight months of Pan Jie's tenure, the total market value of Pianzi increased by more than 80 billion yuan, which is equivalent to creating a market value of over 10 billion yuan per month.

Corresponding to the rise of the stock price, it is the performance of Pianzai.

In the more than two quarters of Pan Jie's chairman, the performance of Pianzai's performance increased significantly: the net profit of the second and third quarters reached 552 million yuan and 919 million yuan, respectively, 36%, respectively, and 36%and respectively.96%.Among them, in the third quarter, net profit set the highest historical record since its establishment, and the net profit in the single quarter exceeded half of the whole year last year.

The "癀" in Zhangzhou, Fujian, refers to "heat, poison, swelling, pain" in the name, and "Tsai" is the language of the southern Fujian dialect.It means that you only need to take one piece to eliminate all kinds of sturgeon.

According to reports, Pienzi has the function of anti -inflammatory pain, clearing heat and detoxifying, stasis and swelling, and has good pains caused by hepatitis, cholecystitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, and all inflammation.The efficacy can also be used to treat scabies swelling, knife and gun trauma, snake bite, burns and so on.

The formula and pharmaceutical process of Pianzi belong to the "national dense level", which has been secret for hundreds of years.But its raw materials are clearly printed on the packaging: musk, beef, Tianqi, and snake gallbladder.The analysis believes that due to the impact of the crown disease epidemic, these natural medicinal materials have fallen into a crisis of lack of supply and excessive demand. This year, the price of natural musk has increased from 300,000 yuan per kilogram to 400,000 yuan, which has pushed up the price of Pianzi.