Dai Xianglong, the former president of the People's Bank of China, said today that China does not have a formation mechanism for the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States in 2007, and China's economy has grown strongly. The government has also had precautions and resolving measures for the risk of the real estate market.

Comprehensive Phoenix.com and surging news reports, Dai Xianglong attended the 2021 Phoenix Network Finance Summit in Shanghai today, and delivered a speech entitled by the new journey entitled by modern financial construction in China.

Dai Xianglong emphasized when talking about the mortgage problem that China does not have the formation mechanism for the sub -loan crisis in the United States in 2007. "China's (China) economy has grown strongly.Residents' housing demand has continued to increase; the risk of the Party Central Committee, the State Council and the relevant departments has long been preventing and resolving measures on the real estate market. "'Promote the construction of affordable housing and support the commercial housing market to better meet the reasonable housing needs of buyers'. The central bank has announced the reduction of the proportion of deposit reserve of commercial banks and increasing market liquidity. These decisions will effectively control and reduce the risk of the real estate industry., Promoting the healthy development of the real estate industry and a benign cycle. "

When talking about the international development of the RMB, Dai Xianglong believes that the internationalization of the RMB is a long process.It is used in deepening and convenient RMB exchanges, improving the overseas settlement of RMB, and developing the offshore market.

He also predicts that the organizational system of Chinese financial enterprise will remain stable in the next 5 to 10 years, but it also needs to be improved.

Dai Xianglong said that at the end of last year, in the total assets of Chinese financial institutions, the banking industry accounted for 90.5 %, the insurance industry accounted for only 6.6 %, and the financing scale in the whole society accounted for only 2.9 %. "This kind of shapeThe situation needs to be changed urgently. With the development of fintech, the prediction of the personnel and facilities of large commercial banks will tend to surplus. Support large -scale commercial banks to carry out comprehensive operations.The development of financial business. "

Dai Xianglong suggested to evaluate and summarize the comprehensive management pilots of large commercial banks, weigh the advantages and disadvantages.Development steps and regulatory rules.