After the Taiwan Company Far East Group had been fined by mainland China earlier, his chairman Xu Xudong claimed to be "senior industrial person" yesterday (29th), and the exclusive investment book has a blue Taiwan joint newspaper to express the relationship between cross -strait relations and cross -strait relations andThe anxiety of poor industrial policies also said that he was worried about the phenomenon of Taiwan's "converted to the middle of the middle", and also emphasized that he was opposed to "Taiwan independence" and supported the principles of the first China.

According to the United Daily report, Xu Xudong said in the text that some public opinion made Taiwanese companies develop in mainland China to develop a sense of guilt. He believes that it is not necessary.Understanding and judgment should not make ideas.He also said that the phenomenon of "everywhere in the middle of the middle" seemed to be expanding and worrying.

He explained that in the Forbes rich list, there are 698 people from the mainland and Hong Kong, and 47 people in Taiwan. It can be seen that the economic growth on both sides of the strait can be ignored.He said that all over the world, the degree of transnational enterprises has continued to see the degree of view of the mainland market. Most American companies have said that in the past year, any part of the supply chain has not been moved out of the mainland. Nearly half of the US companies also plan to strengthen their investment in the mainland in the next year.

Xu Xudong further stated that, in contrast, the referendum and elections occupy most of the attention of government officials and politicians, and lack of discussions on Taiwan's economic policies and future layouts.He said, "This is my worry, I am very anxious."

He said that cross -strait relations have been frozen recently, but cross -strait economic and trade exchanges are getting more and more enthusiastic. By October this year, Taiwan's trade surplus to the mainland from 70.5 billion US dollars in the same period last year (below, appointment, appointment, appointment, appointment, appointment, appointment, appointment, appointment, appointment, appointment, appointment, appointment, appointment, appointment, appointment, appointment.The expansion of S $ 96.4 billion) expanded to US $ 86.25 billion, which indicates the importance of the mainland market to Taiwan's economic development and trade growth.

Xu Xudong emphasized that he, like most Taiwanese, hopes that cross -strait relations will "maintain the status quo", and always oppose "Taiwan independence", support the "1992 Consensus" advocated by Guwang Hong Kong talks, and with the United StatesIn the same international attitude, support the principles of the first middle school.

He bluntly said that the political scenes of Taiwan attach importance to the election. Political figures are mainly calculated in the hearts of the hearts of the votes. The industrial strategy of focusing on the large pattern is not carefully planned. In the face of the mainland market opportunities of 1.4 billion people,EssenceHe asked, "Is this in line with the long -term interests of Taiwan?"

Xu Xudong believes that although simple thinking considerations are unable to solve cross -strait difficulties, he always hopes to peace on both sides of the strait and maintain normal communication and interaction.He said how to create a peaceful atmosphere of cross -strait in the future, the greatest interests of the people, and the wisdom of leaders.

Mainland China announced on the 22nd of this month that many companies invested in the Far East Group in the mainland were punished for violations of laws and regulations.Except for the expression of related undertakings such as Asia mud according to law, the Far East Group did not express the attitude towards the matter.It is reported that this investment book represents Xu Xudong's basic attitude towards this series of incidents.

The joint report was previously reported that the Far East Group had been regarded as a blue camp in the past, and the number of politicians funded by the blue camp was mostly. In recent years, the information disclosed by the Supervisory Court has shown that the Far East Group has funded the targets of the targets of blue and green. Among them, funding is funded.There were as many as 50 candidates for legislators in 2016, and containing blue and green and small parties, but the amount was different.