On November 17, a report letter from the Internet was circulated on the Internet.The report letter stated that Yang Mou, the former chairman of the Blu -ray Real Estate Group, and a vice president of the Kunming Branch of Guangfa Bank jointly for fraud.

It is understood that this report letter first appeared in the Blu -ray owner group.

The report letter shows that the reporter is Zhu Moumou, secretary of the party committee and president of the Guangfa Bank Kunming Branch.Forgery such as exchanging documents, adding, setting, printing, and reprinting materials, colluding with some of the person in charge of Guangfa Bank of the bank, the bank's funds were picked up for the second time, the amount reached 5.5 billion yuan.

On the evening of November 17, the relevant person in charge of Guangfa Bank told the reporter of the Times Weekly that the news from the network was false information and reported that the report was posing as an impersonation.The party secretary and president of the Kunming Branch of Guangfa Bank of Kunming Branch stated that it has never wrote this report letter to the adverse effects on the false report information to him and Guangfa Bank Kunming Branch.The right to legal liability.

As of the end of 2020, the non -performing loan ratio of Guangfa Bank was 1.55%, which was the same as the end of the last year.Among them, the non -performing rate of corporate loans was 1.63%, a decrease of 0.15 percentage points from the beginning of the year.

Blu -ray also stated that the content of the report is false and is taking legal channels to resolve it.