"You exist, in my deep mind, in my dream, in my heart, my singing."

This is to let Chinese singer Qu Wanting in 2012The chorus part of the song of the year is famous.At that time, this lyrical song was popular all over the streets -from Beijing to Taipei, and then from Taipei to Xinma area, almost all people who followed Chinese pop songs have heard; the success of this song not only allowed Qu Wanting to be inThe two sides of the three sides of the three places won the soft hand, and she also appeared on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala that the whole Chinese would watch.

Qu WanTing's music video launched in 2012.(Video screenshot)

Unexpectedly, when Qu Wanting was optimistic about Qu Wanting on the pop music scene, when she was red and purple, she was horses and carried all kinds of disputes and fame because of her mother's mother.The entertainment circle that has always changed her face than turning the book, and she immediately abandoned her like a performance, let alone the Chinese people who were deeply stunned by corruption.

Qu Wanting's mother Zhang Mingjie was detained for criminal crimes on September 21, 2014 for suspected corruption, bribery and abuse of power. On September 29 of the same year, he was arrested for abuse of power, involving an amount of 3498.5 millionYuan (RMB, about 72 million yuan).Before the arrest, Zhang Mingjie served as the deputy director of the Harbin Municipal Development and Reform Commission in Heilongjiang Province, and belonged to the official -level official.

Public information shows that Zhang Mingjie's career has never left Harbin.She has served as deputy director, chief clerk, deputy director, deputy director of the Letters and Calls Division of the Municipal Construction Committee, and the director of the Letters and Calls Division of the Municipal Construction Bureau.In November 2002, Zhang Mingjie became the deputy head of Dali District, Harbin City, and has been working until September 2011.This is the longest position of her job.

According to reports, the fuse that Zhang Mingjie was later checked is that she hosted the restructuring of the original breeding farm in Harbin during the deputy district director of the Renoli District.The case was said to have been adapted into the name of the people of anti -corruption TV dramas as prototypes, and became the "Great Wind Factory Incident" in the play.

VirtuousTing's mother Zhang Mingjie's case was said to have been adapted into the name of the people of anti -corruption TV dramas as prototypes, and became the "big wind factory incident" in the play.(Internet)

In any case, after seven years of arrest, Zhang Mingjie's case finally results on Wednesday (November 17): Zhang Mingjie was sentenced to life imprisonment for bribery and deprived of political rights for life.And confiscate all personal property.Although the sentence is not light, Zhang Mingjie may be relieved, because according to China's corruption and bribery criminal law, if the amount of corruption and bribery is particularly huge, the death penalty can be sentenced.The criteria for death can be sentenced.

Qu Wanting did not respond positively to her mother's sentence.However, she settled in Canada, and posted a photo of Guanyin in the social media Instagram, and wrote in English: May All Sentient Beings Be Free of Suffering. Wishing You Nothing But Happy. d love guide ourActions. Peace Will Follow. Sending love to everything one of you.My love)

Qu Wanting posted a photo of Guanyin statue on the social media Instagram on Tuesday (November 16).(Qu Wanting Instagram)

What is the echo of this post, the answer is self -evident.Earlier, Qu Wanting "drummed into the grievances" on social media almost every year, including the post that implied that the mother was innocent, and seemed to want to use the Internet to speak for the mother and fight for support.

For example, Qu Wanting wrote on Weibo on Weibo on September 22 last year: "The sixth anniversary is unsuccessful, and continue to work hard to maintain a heart that believes in justice.There is Qingtian, I miss you so much. Sending you so much love. "On January 28, 2019, she also wrote:" Mom has been detained for more than four years and still has no judgment.It will give a fair and fair result. "

However, Qu Wanting is obviously difficult and not flattering, because in the social context of China, officials involve corruption not only violated the law, politically, politically, but alsoMorality is even more severe.Qu Wanting issued a post and three consecutive times, and she seemed to challenge the bottom line of society.To this end, not only did she greatly affected the image, the original singing career has also been buried -the disappearance of the disappearance of the entertainment industry in the past few years shows everything.

Qu WanTing wrote on Weibo on Weibo on September 22 last year: "The sixth anniversary is unsuccessful, and continue to work hard to maintain a heart that believes in justice. I believe that there is a way, law, and blue sky in the world. I miss you so much. Sending you"so much love." (Qu Wanting Weibo)

However, the real angered netizen is Qu Wanting, on the one hand, constantly shouting injustice and expressing distress, but on the other hand, she eats fragrant and spicy abroadTraveling everywhere, netizens have criticized her to rely on the corruption of her mother to live such a pleasant and enviable life: "After so many years after the mother was detained, she did not dare to return to China once, but she was free to use stolen money abroad.Is this your filial piety? "" You take your mother's greedy money in foreign countries. What qualifications do you have to call your mother? "

In this regard, the CPC Central Discipline Inspection Commission's official websiteLast September, an article also published an article singer Qu Wanting's mother Zhang Mingjie's case that attracted attention. Overseas is not a paradise for asset transfer.Get a lot of injustice wealth and satisfy the extravagance of relatives and children. "

The article also said:" Some cases in reality are exactly the case, some evenThe spouse's children moved to overseas, and the property was transferred overseas, and they were always preparing to have a 'jumper'. Such leading cadres and the party and the people were centrifugal, and they must be severely punished by party discipline and state law with the original mission of the Communist Party."

Indeed, the" naked officials "in China in the past: officials transferred the money from corruption to foreign countries, and their spouse children also moved to overseas, while officials stayed in China as officials in China.Search. Qu Wanting, who went to Canada at the age of 16 and 17, could not elute the suspicion of this family of "naked officials". She once revealed in the interview that her childhood hero was a mother, and she also mentioned that her mother gave it.The best life she can get, "No matter what kind of struggle she (mother) has experienced this".

Qu Wanting became popular in my singing.Wan Ting is not a case. Former Chinese Ministry of Public Security and former International Interpol Chairman Meng Hongwei, three years ago, disappeared after returning from the headquarters of the Interpol in Lyon, France.Still settled in Lyon, France. Recently, when I was interviewed by the US media, I once again shouted for Meng Hongwei, saying that the official allegations about Meng Hongwei were fabricated.

For the Chinese people, Qu Wanting or Gao Song either sing.After enjoying all the benefits brought by the mother and husband's official position in that year, now because of power no longer, they suddenly transformed into a free warrior who criticized the Chinese system abroad.P>