Chen Zhaoshi, the director of food and health, said in a committee of the Legislative Council today that Hong Kong's current in vaccination rate is about 36.4%, and the confidence is confident from 50%from August to September.Macau's cross -border exchanges will be announced after the consultation will be announced.

According to Sing Tao Daily, Chen Zhaoshi said that now it is a critical moment for vaccination at the end of next month. As of the day before, the Hong Kong vaccination rate was about 36.4%.Based on the current progress, the confidence in the Hong Kong vaccination rate is 50 % from August to September, but at least 70 % is enough.

In addition, Chen Zhaoshi said that the government has been actively studying the control of the epidemic through the joint prevention and control mechanism through the joint prevention and control mechanism, and will not increase the risk of both parties through the joint prevention and control mechanism.In the following, gradually recover cross -border exchanges with residents of the two places, and the details will be announced after completing the consultation.