The Deputy Director of the Hong Kong Security Bureau, District Zhiguang, the director of the Immigration Department, Jiahong, and the Customs Guan Deng Yihai, attending a private club for a meal that violated the ticket restrictions. Some people were suspected of being raped in the residence.The spokesman for the Security Bureau today (9th) further clarified that there were only three government officials attending the dinner. The three were invited to the banquet. Because the banquet said that the dinner place was private place, so mistakenly thought that the location was not subject to the restriction order rules.Tube.

According to Ming Pao, the Security Bureau said that the dinner dish is a general hot pot ingredients, and it is emphasized that the dinner on the day is a "common social party."

A spokesman for the Hong Kong Security Bureau said that the three once again acknowledged that there was negligence and insufficient sensitivity, apologizing to the incident, and the event would be more cautious in the future.

A spokesman for the Security Bureau emphasized that the three officials did not involve the above -mentioned criminal cases.What's more?