UMNO Chairman Ahmad Zahi announced the withdrawal of support for Muyudin yesterday morning, setting off a storm of Malaysian politics, rumored.However, the Attorney General of Malaysia, Edruz, quickly issued a statement saying that there is no evidence that Muyadin has lost support for most members of parliament, so he can continue to govern in accordance with the law.

After the UMNO President Ahmad Zahi announced that he would no longer support the Prime Minister Mu Yuding, there were various rumors in the field, including news that Mu Yuding saw the head of state yesterday afternoon, hoping that the head of state agreed to reorganize the cabinet.The Prime Minister's office immediately refuted the statement.The Malaysian Procuratorate stated that the Muyudin government can continue to govern in accordance with the law.

denied the head of the head of the reorganization of the cabinet

Ahmad Zaji announced at about 1 am yesterday that the online press conference announced that the national alliance government led by Muyudin failed to meet the effective governance of UMNO's requirements, so he immediately withdrew his support for Muyadin and hoped that Muyudin would take the initiative to be decent.Resign.

UMNO has a total of 38 members of Congress, the largest party that supports the National Alliance.These members of the parliament include nine ministers and eight deputy ministers, and UMNO is therefore the most important party of members of the MP.A total of 42 members of the Barisan Nasional led by UMNO. In addition to UMNO, there are two MCAs, as well as one of the National Party and Sabah People's Unity Party.Both MCA and the National Party stated yesterday that they would continue to support Muyudin until the next election according to the decision of the Barisan Nasional.

Ahmad Zahi's announcement touched the new round of vertical and verticals of the court and caused various speculations.The Prime Minister's Office of the Prime Minister's Office yesterday afternoon in the media group of Social media WhatsApp, he denied that many media reports said that Muyadin had seen the heads in order to reorganize the cabinet and described these reports as fake news.

The head of state Sudan Abdullah did not express opinions on the political situation at the time of the draft.Mu Yuding met a number of Umno ministers in batches yesterday, including the new vice prime minister and the defense director of Eismimi, High -level Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hishan Mu Ding, the Federal Minister of the Federal District, Annaya Musha, the Minister of the InteriorHan Sha Zi Noudin, Minister of Prime Minister (Legal Affairs) Dakine, Turkish Party and Islamic Party Minister and Chief Attorney General Edruz.

It is reported that many UMNO Ministers have stated to Muyudin that they would not resign.

The chief prosecutor Edruz issued a statement saying that there is no clear evidence that Muyudin has lost support for most members of parliament, so Muyudin and its cabinet can still continue to govern in accordance with the law.

According to the statement, according to Article 43 (2) (a) of the Federal Constitution, whether a person has obtained the trust and support of most members of the House of Commons should be determined by parliamentarians instead of issuing a statement by a party or any party leader.The Prime Minister and the existing cabinet still have the administrative power of continuing the federal government in accordance with the law.

Pakatan Harapan: Muyudin should resign decently

However, the Presidential Chairman of the Pakatan Harapan called on Muyudin to resign decently after losing the support of the UMNO Government of the National Alliance.

An Hua, the chairman of the Justice Party, Lin Guanying, Secretary -General of the DPP, and the Chairman of the Integrity Party Mohd, a joint statement issued a joint statement. The remarks of the chief prosecutor were obviously lost.

The statement said that the crown disease is still severe, and the Pakatan Harapan chairman believes that it is not suitable to hold elections, states or supplementary elections.We need to invest more to save the life and economy that is more threatened due to the epidemic, rather than seeking political activities such as power and interests.

Ahmad Zahi stated yesterday morning that he no longer supported Muyudin, and then faced the attacks of different factions within the party.Ahmad Zahi said in a video of a suspected leak to social media yesterday that he had stated to the head of the head that once the parliament voted for Muyudin's disbelief, UMNO member would be able to decide whether to continue to support Muyudin himself.

UMNO Secretary Ahmad Maslan clarified that the Supreme Council did allow UMNO MPs to consider voting in Congress, but they still must follow the party's decision.

The Malaysian crown disease continued to deteriorate yesterday, and the case of death was reached new high, but politicians continued to fight against each other. Netizens expressed their disgust and helplessness.Zhu Renkang, a netizen who commented on the Xingzhou Daily's facebook, asked: Why isn't the Malaysian government (pressed: should be a politician), isn't he busy resisting to epidemic, is he busy grabbing the Prime Minister?Is it really like India?