The Office of the German Federal Prosecutor said yesterday that a retired German political scholar was accused of using the political relationship that he had established for a think tank for nearly ten years.

According to Reuters, the man who was named KLAUS L. based on Germany reported that he was recruited when he went to Shanghai in 2010 in 2010. At that time, he had worked for the above think tank for nearly 10 years.He regularly conveyed intelligence until November 2019 in exchange for money and travel to China.

Public Broadcasting Corporation ARD said that Klaus L. before retirement also did a half -century spy work for the German foreign intelligence agency, the German Federal Intelligence Agency (BND).

ARD quoted unnamed sources saying that Klaus L. initially reported to BND's recruitment at an attempt to recruit in China, but did not report the contact with China later.

ARD said Klaus L. worked at the HANNS Seidel Foundation in Munich, headquartered in Munich.The foundation is related to the Christian Social Union (CSU).CSU is the sister party of the German Christian Democratic Alliance (CDU) where German Chancellor Merkel is located.

The foundation claims to have cooperated with the authorities since June last year.A spokesman for the foundation said that KLAUS L. retired ten years ago, and has not had any contact with the foundation since then.

BND did not comment immediately.