The State Council of China announced the appointment and removal of state staff today. Fu Hua, deputy minister of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, was appointed as the editor -in -chief of the official news agency Xinhua News Agency.

Earlier, He Ping, president of Xinhua News Agency and secretary of the party group, was also the editor -in -chief of Xinhua News Agency.

Lianhe Morning Post reported this personnel change earlier this month.Sources revealed at the time that Fu Hua had begun to work in Xinhua News Agency, and the relevant appointment was expected to be announced in the near future.Fu Hua will be a popular candidate for He Ping to serve as the president of Xinhua News Agency next year.

Public resumes show that 57 -year -old Fu Hua is from Jiangsu Ru Emperor. He graduated from the History of the Communist Party of China of Renmin University of China. He has a postgraduate degree and a doctor of law.

Fu Hua's propaganda system in Beijing has worked for many years. In 2007, he served as member of the Standing Committee of the Xicheng District Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Minister of the Propaganda Department, the principal of the party school, the party secretary of the district Wenlian, the vice chairman, and the party secretary of the district social science joint.

In 2010, he served as the Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and was transferred to the Deputy Secretary -General of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee (at the level) the following year.In April 2014, Fu Hua served as the president of the Beijing Daily and chairman of the Social Affairs Committee of the Beijing Daily Newspaper Group.

In January 2017, Fu Hua returned to the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee as executive deputy minister. In May of the same year, he served as the editor -in -chief of the Economic Daily and was promoted to the deputy ministerial level.In 2018, he was new across provinces for the first time and was transferred to the Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China and Minister of Propaganda Department.

According to Chinese official media reports, on April 1 last year, Fu Hua attended the Construction Symposium of the Civilization Practice Center of Beijing New Era as the Deputy Minister of the Central Propaganda Department, showing that he returned to Beijing to do new.