The secretary of the party committee and chairman of China Aerospace Investment Holding Co., Ltd., Zhang Tao, seemed to be embarrassed to recommend academicians. The news of beating Academician Wang Jinnian and Academician Wu Meirong of the International Astronautics Academy of Aerobicular Academy of Sciences have recently circulated on the Internet.A document obtained by a insider in the field of aerospace shows that Zhang Tao, secretary of the Party Committee of Aerospace Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., was not able to become an academician of the International Academy of Aerospace because of seeking Wang Jinnian and Wu Meirong.He fought against the two people, causing Wang Jinnian's rib fractures, multiple soft tissue damage of the whole body, Wu Meirong spine fracture, hospitalization surgery.

According to China News Weekly, as the main investment management entity authorized by China Aerospace Science and Technology Group, a secretary of a chairman of the Qiao surname of China Aerospace Investment Holding Co., Ltd. said that after the incidentThe company has reported this to China Aerospace Science and Technology Group.The secretary of the Qiao surname also said that Zhang Tao was still working normally, but he was not in the company that day.Several people close to Wang Jinnian and Wu Meirong's two academicians revealed that two academicians are still in hospital.

Wu Meirong, 85, has served as the general manager of the Ministry of Aerospace Computer and Surveying and Control Company.In 2014, he won the von Carmen awarded by the International Aerospace Sciences (IAA).

Wang Jinnian, 55, has long been engaged in aerospace remote sensing technology and application for a long time.Professor of remote sensing college.In 2016, he was selected as an academician of the International Astronautics Academy of Aerobe (IAA) and a member of the Presidium of the IAA Presidium in 2017.

According to the above documents, Zhang Tao invited Wu Meirong to visit his company on the afternoon of June 6 this year. In order to have a deeper understanding of Zhang Tao, Wu Meirong invited the younger academician Wang Jinnian to participate.After the headquarters of the Aerospace Investment Holding Company reported his work, Zhang Tao invited two academicians that night to dine in a restaurant. During the meeting, he proposed to apply for an academician of the International Astronautics Academy of Astronautics this year. He hoped to give support.

Wang Jinnian believes that he met with Zhang Tao for the first time. He didn't know what he did. He hoped to understand it.At this time, Zhang Tao suddenly launched a fire, arguing with Wang Jinnian, and got up to fight Wang Jinnian.Wu Meirong was very panicked when he saw this and asked to leave.At about 10:30 that night, Zhang Tao and his company's subordinates sent two academicians back to Wang Jinnian's residence in Beijing.Before Wang Jinnian took the elevator, Zhang Tao turned Wang Jinnian to the ground behind Zhang Tao and began to beat Wang Jinnian.After that, Wu Meirong was overturned and Wang Jinnian dragged Wang Jinnian from the elevator.

According to the surveillance video screenshot attached to the file, Zhang Tao has the action of kicking and locking the throat king Jinnian.At about 23:17 that night, Zhang Tao also rushed into the elevator, and continued to beat Wang Jinnian and Wu Meirong who had later entered the elevator.According to the diagnostic report issued by the Aerospace Center Hospital, Wu Meirong's thoracic spine compressed the fracture mildly, and the lumbar spine slipped.According to the diagnosis of Wang Jinnian issued by the 306 Hospital and Jishuantan Hospital, many rib fractures have damaged the whole body with multiple soft tissue.

Wu Meirong and Wang Jinnian have not yet responded to the cause of the incident and after.An temporary resident who was in Beijing's residence in Beijing revealed that things are being dealt with and Wang Jinnian is still in the hospital.A person close to Academician Wu Meirong said that Wu Meirong was still hospitalized.

The secretary of the chairman of the Qiao Qiao Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. responded to the incident that the facts and the information of the online transmission were somewhat different, and the specific situation had to wait for the survey results of the police station.

Public information shows that Zhang Tao, 57, has been the director of the Economic and Technological Cooperation and Trade Division of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Corporation.The company's executive director, a member of the party committee, and the deputy minister of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Corporation operated the investment department.

The official website of Aerospace Investment Holding Co., Ltd. shows that the company was established in December 2006 and was officially operated in March 2008. The registered capital was 12 billion yuan (S $ 2.49 billion), and the size of management funds was 224 billion yuan.Industrial incubation, resource integration, strategic mergers and acquisitions, investment and financing given by Group Co., Ltd..

It is understood that the Academician of the International Academy of Aerospace (IAA) that Zhang Tao wants to apply for is selected once a year. If you want to be elected, you must pass the recommendation nomination of the three academicians. After several rounds of selection, the presidency will conduct the final review.Wang Jinnian and Wu Meirong were among the members of the president.

The International Academy of Aerospace was established in Stockholm, Sweden in 1960. According to the official website, IAA was identified as an independent non -governmental organization in 1996 by the United Nations.Individuals who stand out from scientific or technical branches; provide projects to contribute to the international astronal industry through the project; cooperate in the field of advanced astronomical science.

However, an industry insiders who are unwilling to name have revealed that in the early days, the standards of IAA selection have high standards, and they have a higher level of academicians, but now there are places that have been criticized."I know that Chinese academicians who are elected have no basic language communication skills. How can I cooperate with international colleagues?"

The aforementioned industry insiders also said that those who are elected academicians in IAA have all walks of life in all walks of life.I didn't participate much. "The chairman of IAA is often part -time, not for a long time in IAA.To become a member of IAA, you will have to pay a meeting fee.According to the official website, the conference fee in 2019 and 2020 is around 150 euros.

A scientific researcher engaged in the field of aerospace scientific research in the Chinese Academy of Sciences said that IAA academicians were not recognized in the higher education institutions and scientific research institutes in northern China, and they did not give any special treatment like academicians of the two domestic institutions.But some cities in the south are recognized.The aforementioned industry insiders also said that in foreign countries, no matter what academicians, they do not enjoy any special treatment, just an academic honor title.