(Beijing) China Aerospace Investment Holding Co., Ltd.Zhang Tao, the secretary of the party committee, seemed to become an academician of the Academy of International Aerobe Sciences (IAA), and was suspected of fracture the two academicians of the college. One of the academicians was 85 years old.Police have been involved in the investigation.

Aerospace Investment is the leading force of China Aerospace Science and Technology Industry, an investment management entity authorized by China Aerospace Science and Technology Group, and fulfills the functions of industrial incubation and resource integration given by the group.In the IAAA, which was established in Sweden in 1960, members were composed of aerospace scientific experts in 83 countries. In 1996, they were identified as an independent non -governmental organization in 1996.

According to the documents obtained from a insider in the field of China News Weekly, the academician of IAA Wang Jinnian and Wu Meirong visited Zhang Tao company on June 6, and then the three were dinner.Zhang Tao proposed to apply for Academician IAA this year during the meeting, hoping to support the two.Wang Jinnian expressed his first meeting with Zhang Tao, hoping to understand his work.Unexpectedly, Zhang Tao suddenly got angry and got into Wang Jinnian.

Zhang Tao, 57, and his company's subordinates sent Wang Jinnian and Wu Meirong back to his residence that night, beating two people inside and outside the elevator.The screenshot of the surveillance video shows that Zhang Tao has actions such as kicking, locking your throat.

Hospital diagnostic report shows that the 85 -year -old Wu Meirong thoracic spine compressed the fracture mildly and lumbar spine slipped; Wang Jinnian, 55, had multiple rib fractures in his body, and multiple soft tissue injuries.The two are still staying in the hospital.

Aerospace investing in a chairman of Qiao surnamed Qiao said yesterday that the police had intervened in the investigation. The company had reported this to China Aerospace Science and Technology Group. Zhang Tao was still working normally, but it was not there.

Wu Meirong has served as the general manager of the Ministry of Aerospace Computer and Surveying and Control Company, and the head of the preparatory team of the China Resources Satellite Applied Center.Wang Jinnian was the deputy director of the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, chairman of the China Science and Technology Remote Sensing Technology Group, and currently a professor at the School of Geography Science and Remote Sensing of Guangzhou University.

The incident was exposed in June, but it has only been exposed to this day. Some netizens suspected that it was related to the CCP's century of the CCP's CCP.Some netizens posted that China Aerospace Science and Industry Group issued a notice the day before yesterday, asking party members and cadres to not spread and spread related news.

A anonymous IAA academician in China introduced that IAA selected academicians once a year. If you want to be elected, you must first pass the recommendation nomination of three selected academicians.A scientific researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences revealed that, in fact, Academician IAA will not be treated like a special treatment like the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, but it is just an academic honorary title.