Yu Shiyu column

The term "racial extinction" has recently become a popular vocabulary, especially the Western governments accused the Uighur people of China have been accused of "racial extinction".Because the growth rate of Uyghur population far exceeds the Han nationality, this accusation is not only sensational, but also shows the mischief of Beijing's national policies.

Disputes on the development of Uighurs in China in China are important components of "racial extinction" accusations, but it is not seen that the main Islamic country comes out of the Western government. Instead, Iran has signed a 25 -year cooperation agreement with China.

The US President Biden recently issued a statement that for the first time, it officially announced that the Armenian Holocaust more than a hundred years ago was the "racial extinction", which caused a strong response from the Turkish and the field, and also provided interesting historical footnote for Xinjiang issues.

The young Turkish party held the Ottoman Empire during the First World War. Its important guidance policy was to combine the pan -inism of all Turkic countries and regions.Armenia in history is actually the eastern part of Turkey, and today's Republic of Armenia represented only the "second home".If Little Asia is merged into the Republic of Armenia, the land bridges in Turkey and the Turkic region of Oriental blockbuster will be cut off.This is the abdominal disease of Pan -Turkicism, and it is also the geopolitical factors of the Armenian Holocaust.

According to the Great British Encyclopedia, the total number of deaths of this massacre is about 600,000. The American Encyclopedia calls more than one million or more, which is really the origin of modern race extinction and "national cleaning".

Xinjiang Uyghur issues are closely related to pan -discountism.This is also related to the cold attitude of Iran on the Xinjiang issue.Iran's establishment of regional hegemony through the so -called "Shiite Crescent" is almost always old -fashioned.However, this "Shiite Crescent" does not include the historically Iranian territory -the Republic of Azerbaijan, which is meaningful.

Although Azerbaijan, like Iran, mainly believes in the Twelve Ima sects of Shiite, has become the fortress of contemporary pan -Turkicism.At the end of March, the active member of the Turkic National Summit held in Kazakhstan was an important base for the Thames to disclose the Israeli intelligence organization against Iran.

Iranian name is the mutation of "Yalian", and Pan -Turkicism is also known as Tulandism.The "Tuland" here is the enemy of the Yalian nation in the historical tradition of Iran.From the ancient Jiao Jingshu Avesta, to the Iranian epic king (Shahnameh) has clearly recorded, it has become the core component of the Iranian national identity.The Turkic language is continuously expanded in the Iranian cultural district, which can be regarded as part of the historical struggle between "Yalian" and "Tuland".

Outside Shiite, the Arabic world, mainly in the Shiite, lacks a good impression on the Turkic tribe and can be traced back to the Osman Empire's iron -fist rule for the Arabic world.As a result, the strong dissatisfaction of the Arabic nation has become an important weapon for British and French colonial expansion in a war.This history is found in Lawrence (or translation of deserts) in the famous film of the Oscar award.Economist Weekly has also acknowledged that the Arab world's ambiguous attitude towards Xinjiang Uyghur issues has nothing to do with this history.

Biden announced that the Armenian massacre was "racial extinction", revealing the impact of US internal affairs on diplomacy.There are many outstanding figures in the scattered world, such as former Soviet President Mi Gaoyang, and his brothers are one of the designers of Mi Gegan.

There are also a large number of Armenian ethnic elites in the United States, including David Ignatius, deputy editor -in -chief of the Washington Post and newly known as Moderna, the founder of Moderna, who has recently developed crown disease vaccines.EssenceThey added the Greek immigrant group to become the main anti -Turkish forces in the United States, especially the Democratic Party, but it is far inferior compared to Jewish Lobby Group.

The author is engaged in scientific research in North America