The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China today (30th) By revising the Annex 1 and Two of the Basic Law, Hong Kong Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue held a press conference in the afternoon that members of the Qualification Examination Commission were held by many main officials of the Special Economic Zone.

According to the Hong Kong 01 website, the issues such as how the Qualification Examination Committee formed and whether there is a term restrictions on the term of term, and Lin Zheng responded that the new system must ensure that the candidates and enter the political system are patriots. This is local law in Hong Kong. This is local laws in Hong Kong.According to the basis, the system of election directors in Hong Kong itself is now only replaced by the Election Director by the Institute of Trial.

She pointed out that there are not many members of the fund trial. The main officials of several special zones are held. The advantage is that it belongs to the governance team and is appointed by the central government to trust.

Lin Zheng said that the Police Force's National Security Department will review many candidates and confirm whether they support the Basic Law and Loyal Zone, and every candidate will be tried;The National Security Commission is reviewed. This is based on the function of Article 17 of the Hong Kong National Security Law, that is, the fourth duty of the National Security Department of the Police Department.After the National Security Commission made a decision, he would submit opinions to whether to determine whether the specific candidate is qualified and then handed over to the funding meeting.The funding meeting can decide whether to determine the qualifications of candidates according to the content of the opinion.

She emphasized that the decision of the funding committee cannot be arranged in lawsuits, which is in line with the regulations that cannot be disclosed and cannot be judged by the China Security Commission of the National Security Committee of the Hong Kong National Security Law.

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress today passed the Answer Basic Law Annex II, and Article 5 stipulated the Qualification Examination Committee, that is, the funding review committee is responsible for reviewing and confirming the qualifications of the legislators candidates for the Legislative Council.The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Maintain the National Security Council in accordance with the review of the National Security Department in accordance with the SAR Police Office, and judge whether the legislative requirements and conditions of the Legislative Council members meet the basic laws and conditions of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and those who do not meet the above statutory requirements and conditions to meet the above statutory requirements and conditions.The SAR candidate for review issued review opinions.The decision to confirm the qualification confirmation of the candidate made by the Institute of Trial shall not be filed.