The document shows that the U.S. Supervisor's Office proposed to review the allegations of the former Trump administration's Chinese minister Zhao Xiaolan, but the US Department of Justice refused to investigate or sue Zhao Xiaolan.

According to Reuters, the supervisor report announced the day before yesterday (3rd) mentioned the allegations against Zhao Xiaolan, including Zhao Xiaolan instructed the staff to study her personal belongings or use Zhao Xiaolan's personal credit card to buy these items online online for her., Or do other personal affairs for Zhao Xiaolan or her father, Zhao Xicheng.

This report mainly focuses on the behavior related to Zhao Xiaolan and her family business Foremost Group.Zhao Xicheng founded Fumao Group, and Zhao Xiaolan's sister Zhao Anji was the company's chief executive.


Report mentioned that Zhao Xiaolan had planned to let her relatives participate in the official -style visit to China in November 2017, but this official visit was then canceled.This official visit includes a school that is supported by Zhao family.


Report also said that Zhao Xiaolan commissioned the person who appointed as a political appointment to get a foreign student with official US Ministry of Land and Security officials, and the student was the beneficiary of the Zhao family charity.

It is reported that the Office of the Supervisor's Office in December last year, a few weeks before President Trump's term ended, transferred their investigations to the Office of the Prosecutor's Office of the Columbia Special Administrative Region for criminal prosecution, but the Office of the Prosecutor's Office of the Columbia Special Administrative Region refused to start criminalInvestigation, the public integrity department of the Ministry of Justice also refused to do so.


Report mentioned that the prosecutor acknowledged that there may be moral or administrative issues that may be resolved, but there are no conditions for conducting criminal investigations.