The story of the capital market is not short of superstar falls.

In 1994, when Li Jingwei, 55, was sitting in the most prosperous Empire Building in the world and witnessed the establishment of the North American headquarters in Jianlibao to welcome the highlights of his life, he would definitely not think that in less than ten years later, in less than ten years,How will you step by step in your own hands.

After all, in the view of Li Jingwei at that time, Coca -Cola and Pepsi were their true opponents.At that time, he also confidently said to American reporters: In China, Coca -Cola and Pepsi were sold out without me.

Anyone who is familiar with Li Jingwei knows that his story is very sad as the founder of the Eastern Demon Water.


In the 1980s, Li Jingwei, who was still running a small winery. When he was on a business trip in Guangzhou, he accidentally drank a cola, so he was born with the idea of making soft drinks.Subsequently, he finalized cooperation with a professor who was developing similar drinks and named Jianlibao the new product.

The way to become famous in Jianlibao is very magical.

No Chinese will not remember the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984. Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal in the Chinese Olympic Games and sealed God in one game.

The Chinese Olympic athletes returned from their reputation. They obviously have not yet paved too much in the country. They actually rely on the identity of the Chinese delegation's preferred drink to popularize the streets and alleys.

In the second year, Jianlibao's sales had risen from 3.45 million in the previous year to 16.5 million, and the next year was nearly ten times more than 130 million.By 1990, Jianlibao's brand value had exceeded 6 billion.

In 1997, Jianlibao's annual sales exceeded 5 billion yuan, and Li Jingwei and Jianlibao ushered in their peak moment.

However, people will not be satisfied with the status quo. Li Jingwei's goal is not just to be the first in China, but also wants to go to the global market. The first step of Jianlibao Globalization is: change to a slightly internationalized base area, Move the headquarters from Sanshui to Guangzhou.

To this end, Li Jingwei invested 1 billion and established a 38 -story Jianlibao Building in Guangzhou. Like all the peaks and inflection points, Li Jingwei's glory is about to end with the large investment of this big hand.

In a word, summarize the tragedy of Jianlibao: destroy it without getting it.

From the perspective of geographical location, Sanshui is more remote than Guangzhou, which is really not conducive to further internationalization of Jianlibao. However, from the perspective of the Sanshui government, Jianlibao's headquarters moved away, which is tantamount to sending away the local god of wealth.of.

However, under the persistence of Li Jingwei, the Guangzhou headquarters was still completed, and the Sanshui Municipal Government began to be dissatisfied with Li Jingwei.

Also in 1997, Jianlibao's listing of Jianlibao on the Hong Kong Joint Exchange is about to pass. The listing plan includes the equity distribution of the operating level.However, Sanshui refused to approve for the Li Jingwei team without a temporary residence permit in Hong Kong, and was not allowed to purchase original H -shares stocks.

In the anger, Li Jingwei gave up listing, and the contradictions between the two sides were open.

In 1999, Li Jingwei once again proposed a reform plan that intended to implement the share cooperation system. The management of 450 million yuan was bought by the management of 450 million yuan, which is the shares held by the Sanshui government.

No surprise, the plan was rejected again, the reason was that the origin of the business was unknown.

Under extremely contradictory, Jianlibao's revenue also began to decline. From 5 billion in the peak of 1997 to 3 billion in 2001, the transfer of taxes and taxes dropped from hundreds of millions of yuan to 20 million yuan in the past.Coupled with the affected by the Asian financial crisis, Jianlibao was in a dilemma of the bank's on -site debt -to -debt and employee wages.

For Sanshui, which was owed to even the salary of civil servants at the time, selling Jianlibao was undoubtedly the first choice.

But it is ridiculous that at the co -meeting conference held by Sanshui City at that time, because 90%of people advocated selling Jianlibao, they could not be sold to the Li Jingwei team, so Jianlibao was decided to sell it to Singaporean companies at a price of 380 million.Essence

Li Jingwei did not intend to compromise, so he ordered the company to not allow the company to hand over relevant business information, and at the same time, he also released news to the media that Jianlibao was sold cheaply and aroused the patriotic emotions of the people.

Under the pressure of public opinion, this transaction announced abortion.

But this does not mean that Li Jingwei can then take care of Jianlibao as expected.After that, he faced the mayor of Sanshui and asked him why Jianlibao could not be sold to himself.At that time, the mayor promised that within a week, Li Huiwei contributed 450 million to buy all the shares held by the Sanshui government to buy Jianlibao.

However, in less than a week, Jianlibao was sold to a young capitalist Zhang Hai, who has been known as the prodigy, who has been known as the prodigy.According to the agreement, Zhang Hai will pay 338 million yuan in three times, and for the first time to pay 100 million yuan.

When the transaction was finalized, Li Jingwei was still raising money to keep Jianlibao.

On January 15, 2002, the era of Li Jingwei and Jianlibao ended.At the signing ceremony of the day, the Sanshui government transferred 75%of the shares held by Jianlibao to Zhang Hai, Zhejiang Sinister.

Li Jingwei sat alone in the corner of the lobby with tears and silence. Why did he eventually bid herself, but he failed to buy the empire he was created in one hand. At that time, he may not want to answer the answer.

Nine days later, he had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and he could no longer walk down after surgery.

Jianlibao, under the blind push of new products, investment, and layoffs of the new owner, there was a capital crisis under the layoffs.

A generation of beverage empire Jianlibao, once called the Ban Global Beverage Giant, eventually fell into the hands of his family. Such a sad ending is really sighing.

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Author | Chengzhou