China Network circulated today a suspected Global Times Deputy President Duan Jingtao reported to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the editor -in -chief of Hu Xijin with an illegitimate child.Hu Xijin subsequently responded on Weibo that Duan Jingtao had long lost his normal ability to perform his duties, saying that she might have a personalized association and once admitted that she was nonsense.

However, Hu Xijin did not deny that the screenshot of the report was false.

Multiple WeChat accounts posted the above news today and attached multiple screenshots. In addition to displaying the reporter Duan Jingtao, it also includes her ID number, address and contact information.As for the information of the reporter, it is his boss Hu Xijin.

Multiple WeChat accounts in China circulated the screenshot of Hu Xijin, the editor -in -chief of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission of the Global Times Deputy President Duan Jingtao.(Internet)

The content of the screenshot shows that Hu Xijin was accused of violating life discipline and involving unfair sexual relationships:

As a leading cadre, Hu Xijin lost his ideals and beliefs, and seriously violated the party's discipline and national laws. He had long maintained improper relationship with the former employee of the Global Times Zhang Nanyi and the current employee Gao Ying.As the person in charge of the party newspaper, well -known media people on the public opinion line, on the surface, diligently and shouted patriotism.

These screenshot information did not show when Jing Jingtao reported Hu Xijin.

Network screenshot content shows that Hu Xijin was accused of violating life discipline and involving improper sexual relationships.(Internet)

Facing the deputy report and the illegitimate children, Hu Xijin released a long article response on his personal Weibo this afternoon.

He first said that after learning about the above news, he had talked to the two named Global Times employees and former employees, and apologized to them who were in trouble.

He went on to say that about three or four years ago, Duan Jingtao went to the Communist Party of China for a period of time. She probably had a personalized association, because she said that Hu Xijin would leave the Global Times, and she would take over as the editor -in -chief of the newspaper.Position.

Hu Xijin pointed out that at the time he had rumors and explained, but in order to avoid being unfavorable to Duan Jingtao, he did not expand the scope of refutation.

Hu Xijin wrote that Duan Jingtao went to the office to talk to him on October 27, and asked him to resign from the editor -in -chief of the Global Times, and she took over.

She said that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was investigating me and had conclusions, but I could use resignation to change peace.She told me that she was not asking me, but lsquo; negotiated rsquo;.But the next morning, she sent me a WeChat and apologized to me, saying that she was like evil, lsquo; nonsense rsquo; sorry for my lsquo; life -saving grace rsquo;.

As for what the life of life, Hu Xijin did not explain.

Faced with the deputy report and the two female subordinates, there were illegitimate children, and Hu Xijin released a long article on personal Weibo this afternoon.(Screenshot of Hu Xi into Weibo)

Hu Xijin also said that Duan Jingtao has not participated in the Global Times work for a long time, and is in a state of idleness, because she has lost her normal ability to perform her duties.

I persuaded her that I should resign and replace it by her, and it was her madness, hoping that she could wake up.

Hu Xijin also mentioned that if it wasn't for such a big trouble, he would never be publicly clarified on the Internet.To be honest, I am even more worried that this clarification will adversely affect Duan Jingtao.He also said that after the Global Times has a conclusion, he will further notice everyone.