The 27 -year -old prosecutor Xianzi went to the Hailidian District Court to attend the trial of the Zhu Jun's sexual harassment. Many supporters at the scene cheered her.(AFP)

▲ The sexual harassment case has caused a blow to Zhu Jun's image. Zhu Jun, who has hosted CCTV Spring Festival Gala 21 times, has left CCTV two years ago.(File photo)

(Beijing Comprehensive News) Zhu Jun, a well -known host of China CCTV, was accused of sexual harassment. Two years later, yesterday in the Beijing Haidian District Court opened for the first time.

Comprehensive Sohu Entertainment and Volkswagen reported that the 27 -year -old party Xianzi spoke to the media before the court, and many supporters came to help her.Most of them are women, holding home -made banners, saying that sexual harassment is shameful to break the black box and other slogans.Due to the large number of people at the scene, the court staff had to come out to guide. Later, the staff evacuated and transferred to the back door of the court, but more people were watching.

The woman named Xianzi accused Zhu Jun in 2014. When she was an intern at CCTV, she had sexually harassing her.Afterwards, she called the police with the encouragement of the teacher. The police also searched the evidence. She also transferred the surveillance video of the CCTV corridor, but ended without illness.

String posted on the WeChat circle of friends in July 2018, revealing that he had been molested by Zhu Jun, and the article was reposted by his friend Xu Chao (Weibo nicknamed Mai Zing classmate) to Weibo.Caused a sensation in Chinese social media.

Zhu Jun subsequently issued a lawyer's statement to deny the incident and stated that he would take legal means to pursue rumors. He also went to the court to sue Xianzi and Xu Chao to harm his reputation.String officially sued Zhu Jun in October 2018.

According to analysis, in China, such cases can officially enter the court's trial stage is quite rare, and the trial results of this case are expected to directly affect the future of the Chinese #Metoo Movement.

Yesterday's trial was not made public, but in an interview before the trial, Straits said in an interview with BBC that she would not regret it.

If I win, it will definitely encourage more women to stand up and tell my stories; if I lose, I will continue to appeal until they are justified.