On August 13, Ma Zhongyu, the former deputy secretary and deputy director of the National Information Center of the National Discipline Inspection Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, was suspected of disciplinary violations.According to the person handling staff, from 2017 to 2019, Ma Zhongyu violated the State Development and Reform Commission to leave Beijing for preparation, and left Beijing 18 times without approval, and did not report it in accordance with regulations afterwards.

From 2016 to 2018, the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission has issued three documents to regulate the reporting system of the departure from Beijing, which clearly stipulates that the responsible comrades at the bureau level must fill in the report form from Beijing, and cannot leave Beijing without approval.

Ma Zhongyu left Beijing 18 times, of which 11 times were separated from Beijing, mainly participating in relevant meetings, forums and other activities; he left Beijing 7 times, mainly visiting relatives or vacations.

On August 3, Ma Zhongyu was doubled.In the report, it pointed out that it violated organizational discipline, and it was better to report personal matters in person and not to report personal whereabouts as required.

According to the public resume, Ma Zhongyu was born in May 1963. Ningxia concentric people have long worked in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region for a long time. In 2004, he served as deputy director of the Ningxia Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission for 8 years.In 2012, Ma Zhongyu served as Deputy Secretary -General of the Government of Ningxia Autonomous Region and the party group of the Party Group and Director of the Policy Research Office (Development Research Center) of the Autonomous Region Government.In 2014, Ma Zhongyu was transferred to the Deputy Director of the National Information Center (at the same level), and three years later he served as deputy secretary and deputy director of the National Information Center Party Committee.The official website shows that Ma Zhongyu is responsible for macroeconomic analysis, information and network security work, and in charge of the Ministry of Economic Forecast, Information and Network Security.

In November 2019, Ma Zhongyu was investigated.After investigation, Ma Zhongyu violated the spirit of the eight central regulations, accepted gifts and consumer cards in violation of regulations, accepted banquets that could affect fair execution of official duties, borrowed poor and public funds for public funds, and reimbursed personal expenses for personal funds.Personal related matters, do not report personal whereabouts as required; violate the discipline of integrity, borrow huge money for management and service targets, illegally hold non -listed companies shares and make profits;

Violation of work discipline, retain secret materials privately.Utilizing the convenience of employment for related companies and receiving huge amounts of property, suspected bribery crimes.

Ma Zhongyu's resume Ma Zhongyu, male, Hui, born in May 1963, Ningxia Autonomous Region Tongxin County, a doctoral degree, joined the Communist Party of China in June 1988, and joined the work in July 1984.

Former cadres of the Institute of Fine Arts Research, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ningxia Autonomous Region, an associate researcher at the Institute of Agricultural Natural Resources and Agricultural District Planning of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Environment of the People's University of China.In May 2004, he served as a member and deputy director of the Ningxia Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission.

In March 2012, he served as Deputy Secretary -General of the Ningxia Autonomous Region Government and the party group of the Party Group and Director of the Policy Research Office (Development Research Center) of the Autonomous Region Government.

In August 2014, he served as Deputy Director of the National Information Center (Zheng Di level) in April 2017 as the Deputy Secretary and Deputy Director of the Party Committee of the National Information Center.It was investigated in November 2019.