The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, July 22, Blue Win, Male, born in May 1963, joined the Communist Party of China in November 1985, former member and deputy director candidate of the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee of the Sanya Municipal People's Congress in Hainan ProvinceEssenceFormer party secretary and director of the Sanya Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau, deputy secretary -general of the municipal government, party secretary and director of the Municipal Garden Sanitation Administration, members of the municipal government party group, deputy mayor, etc.

In August 2019, Lanwen was all under the examination and investigation of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection due to serious violations of disciplinary violations, and was taken to take reserve measures.In March of this year, he was expelled from the party, was expelled from public office, and was transferred to the procuratorate to review and prosecute in accordance with the law.On June 18, the Second Intermediate People's Court of Hainan Province was sentenced to 11 years in prison for bribery and fined 1.8 million yuan.

When I stepped into the reserve room, I was panicked and my spirit was on the verge of collapse; my heart was broken, and my mood was sad.I know that my life is not to be zero, but negative. In the face of this cruel reality, I do n’t know hellip; hellip; August 16, 2019, Lanwen clearly remembers this day mdash; mdash;On the first day of the apartment.After this day, he finally understood that the always comes.How did Lanwen all slide from a young and promising party member and cadre to the abyss of violations of discipline and law?The trajectory of its fallen trajectory is thought -provoking, and its painful lesson is alert.

Lost MDASH; mdash; Mdash; Mdash; the direction is wrong.

In July 1984, the blue text of college graduated was arranged to work in Baisha County, and three years later, he was transferred to Sanya.Due to his outstanding work performance, he continued to be promoted and reused.In 2009, Lan Wenquan was promoted to the Sanya Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau as the party secretary and director, and for the first time as the leader of an important field.This is a new starting point for his career, but it has also become a starting point for its corruption and corruption.

In July 2010, Sanya began to implement a large -scale concentrated on the action of mdash; mdash; hammer operation, pointing directly to the city's illegal buildings with millions of square meters.At the beginning of the action, as the commander of the hammer action, Lan Wen was full of energy and actively charge against the front line.But slowly, he fluttered mdash; mdash;

In his own words, at that time, both the leaders and the ordinary people would find him. At that time, he could be regarded as lsquo; the celebrity rsquo;.

In this way, in the voices of compliments and the ocean, Lan Wen's whole thought changed, and stepped down to relax the requirements for himself.Especially in the process of contacting some bosses, when they see them spend their money and enjoy high -end consumption and services everywhere, the balance of ideas has happened, and the original intention is gradually forgotten.But what did you get?Lan Wenquan said that at that time, he forgot his promise to the party organization and remembered that he had done a net, and began to think that money was supreme.

I thought of deterioration, and one of the moves also diarrhea.He slowly began to greedy rewards and keen at enjoying fun.

On the one hand, (I) talks about integrity and self -discipline at the small meeting; on the other hand, use various opportunities to accept the red envelopes and money of others with all kinds of opportunities.Lan Wenquan said that he loves to play mahjong, and some of the illegal merchants who are seeking him will vote for him. He specifically selects a hidden place for his player to play mahjong.On the Mahjong table, he always won more.

The person who has helped himself, he gradually felt that eating and drinking was taken for granted.Therefore, he never avoided people with people eating and drinking, and collected the names of famous cigarettes, famous cigarettes, famous watches, and customized suits sent by others. The red envelope gifts will become a commonplace in the New Year's Day.After receiving the red envelope, I can't even remember who gave it.The investigators told reporters that after investigation, Lan Wenquan said that the red envelope gifts of the source were more than 4 million yuan.

Power is a double -edged sword. After using it, I can benefit the people and the society.Conversely, scourge, even disaster.At the point of place, Lan Wen reflects on the road to violations of laws and disciplines.

Captive in the box does not refuse MDASH; mdash; thinks that as long as you help, it is taken for granted that it is taken for granted

I have almost no heart of power, and even turn the power in my hand into a tool for interest exchange.Lanwen fully explained that most of the funds involved in the case were obtained by helping the enterprise or others using the power in the hand.

It is understood that in the field of demolition at that time, I wanted to contract the demolition project to find him, and I wanted to demolish violations as soon as possible to promote the construction and development project to find him.Sanya, Lanwen collected all the money to do the secret.

A company boss told the review investigator that the company has repeatedly applied to the Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau for demolition of the illegal construction of the company's project land.Sometimes it is clear that the brothers below are very hard. In fact, I don't know, he said that he just wanted the benefits and fees.

Soon after, the boss gave Lanwen a hard fee of 1.2 million yuan, but due to the mobilization of Lanwen's work, he no longer served as the director of the Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau, and eventually failed to organize the demolition, but the hard fee of 1.2 million yuan was a hard fee fee.But did not return it to the boss.

Lanwen collects all the money and has a relatively fixed place mdash; mdash; a tea art museum in the city.If you want to send money to Lan Wenquan, you have to queue up. After entering the box for a few words, you can clearly ask for the matter. Pay the money into the whole hand of Lanwen.People.A boss involved in the case said.

It is taken for granted that as long as you help it yourself, it is taken for granted to collect some benefits.Lan Wenquan said.Based on this error, he was polite to the boss who had helped.

Merchant Liu is one of the friends of Lanwen. Not only did he lose a lot of money to Lanwen on the brand desk, but even the usual dinner and entertainment blue texts were indispensable for Liu to pay.According to the survey, once, Liu was working in Haikou, and Lan Wenquan asked him to rush back from Haikou to Sanya to pay for him in one and a half hours.However, Liu's vocabulary is all in exchange for nearly 100 million yuan of demolition projects, making a lot of money.At the same time, he also did not forget to thank Lan Wenquan, and gave it to his benefits of more than 3 million yuan.

In the second half of 2012, Lanwen was fully transferred to the party secretary and director of the Sanya Garden Sanitation Administration; at the end of 2016, it was promoted to be members and deputy mayor of the Sanya Municipal Government.Although his position has changed, he did not converge and stop.

Eating mountains and water to eat water, Lan Wenquan is in different positions when you accept different positions.EssenceHe does not miss any opportunities to use his position to facilitate personal gain.Wang Zhichao, an investigator, told reporters.

When he served as the leader of the Municipal Garden Sanitation Administration, the greening project and cleaning project were the chips in his hands. During his time as the deputy mayor, the fields of land and gardens became his private territory.After investigation, Lanwen used the convenience of his position to help others in terms of demolition engineering, illegal construction, billboard approval, garden greening project, land allocation and other aspects.During the municipal deputy mayor, he still dared to receive millions of yuan at one time.

I have forgotten my hands behind me, and I want to look back without any way, saying a greedy word and a regret.Today, this is also the two most unforgettable words Mdash; mdash; he is greedy because of his selfishness, and he has ended his life because of greed.

Actively give up the opportunity to return to MDASH; mdash; my luck is getting stronger and farther on the road of corruption

In confession, Lanwen analyzed the reason why he was so good.Looking back at the past, he had a chance to turn back, but gave up again and again.

The leaders of the Sanya Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau are high -risk positions. In 2009 and 2015, Lan Wenquan's predecessor and later were investigated for corruption.At that time, Lan Wenquan was scared, and even returned some money he thought he thought.But soon after he thought that he had passed, he stretched out his greedy hand.

Not only that, during the period of the main leaders of several departments such as the Sanya Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau and the Municipal Garden Sanitation Administration, the organization had questioned him many times.Choose believes that those bosses and friends who usually call his brothers and brothers will guard like a bottle.Therefore, in the letter of inquiry, Lanwen tried to conceal the actual situation and eventually passed the level.Soon after, he was promoted to the deputy mayor of Sanya.My luck is getting stronger and farther and farther on the road of corruption.

In 2019, Lan Wen all heard the news and had an accident with a leader who had made him. Therefore, he couldn't help it all day, but he was still unhappy.

He cleverly watched the huge amount of involved in the name of the case lsquo; borrow RSquo; to a listed company owner.The Ruyi abacus he played was that if he had an accident, he could hide the income from discipline and law, and he could still make interest if he had nothing to do.Examiners told reporters.Not only that, he also hid 2 million yuan in cash in the water tank of his sister's house.When the comrades of the review and investigation team found the money, some cash had become moldy.Lan Wenquan said that his sister had been for him since he was a child. This 2 million yuan was originally intended to build a house for his sister's house to repay his sister's kindness.As everyone knows, love is not unknown, not only does he not repay his sister's kindness, but also puts him into pain.

I know that the best and most precious freedom in life will miss the longer time hellip; hellip; greedy, and regret it later. The reality makes the blue text fully understand.After all, you can't avoid the punishment of the discipline.

Analysis of the Method of Routers

In July 2019, the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection conducted a primary clue of the issues related to the issues of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the masses reflected.In August of the same year, with the consent of the main person in charge of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee had a case for investigation and investigation of Lanwen's suspected serious violations of discipline and violations, and took reserve measures on it.

After review and investigation, Lanwen has all the following violations of discipline and law and suspected criminal problems.

In violation of the party's discipline: Lanwen all violates the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee and accepts gifts in violation of regulations; it is better to explain the problem during the organizational letter in violation of organizational discipline;Activities; violate work discipline, intervene and intervene in engineering projects.The aforementioned behavior of Lanwen also constitutes a duty illegal.

In terms of suspected crimes: Lanwen uses full use of duties, and has made benefits for others in terms of engineering bidding, cracking down on illegal buildings, and billboard approval.

Lanwen is the leading cadre of party members, loses ideals and beliefs, deviates from his original mission, is unfaithful to the party, turns public power into a tool for personal gain. His behavior seriously violates the party's discipline, constitutes a job violation and is suspected of accepting bribery.Crimes, and after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, do not converge, do not stop, bad nature, and serious circumstances.In March 2020, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Communist Party of China Disciplinary Disciplinary Regulations, the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, after studying and reporting to the Provincial Party Committee for approval by the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, it was decided to give Lan Wenquan to the party membership.Disclosure; collection of disciplinary illegal income; transfer of suspected criminal issues to the procuratorate to review and prosecute in accordance with the law, and the property involved will be transferred with the case.

In April 2020, Lanwen was all suspected of bribery and was under the jurisdiction of the Hainan Provincial People's Procuratorate.The court found out that from 2009 to 2019, Lan Wen used the convenience of his position to help or promise to help others in terms of bidding, illegal building disposal, temporary construction permits, and billboard approval.And the benefits sent by individuals were 14.48 million yuan, HK $ 1 million, and 10,000 US dollars, equivalent to RMB 15.41 million.On June 18, the Second Intermediate People's Court of Hainan Province was sentenced to 11 years in prison for bribery and fined 1.8 million yuan.

Ji Law Basis:

Chinese Communist Party Disciplinary Regulations

Article 27 In the disciplinary review, the party organization found that party members have corruption, abuse of power, negligence, power search, benefit transmission, private fraud, waste of national and financial suspected criminal acts, etc.The party's duties, inspect the party, or expel party membership.

Article 88 of gifts, gifts, consumer cards and securities, equity, other financial products such as gifts, consumer cards and securities, equity, other financial products that may affect fair execution of official duties., Give the abolition of the party in the party or stay in the party to observe the punishment; if the circumstances are serious, they will be expelled from the party.

The ninth hellip; hellip; obtains a large amount of returns through financial activities such as private lending and affects the execution of official duties in fair implementation.

Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China

Article 45 The supervisory organs make the following disposal according to the results of the supervision and investigation:

(IV) For suspected crimes, the supervisory organs believe that the criminal facts are clear and the evidence is indeed and sufficient.span>

Article 46 The supervisory organs are investigated and shall be given to the property obtained from illegal obtained.Confisca, recovery or ordering for refund; the property obtained by suspected crimes shall be transferred to the People's Procuratorate with the case.

Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China

Article 385 The convenience of national staff uses the convenience of their positions to ask for the property of others, or illegally accept the property of others, and seek benefits for others.

In economic exchanges, national staff violates national regulations, receives various names and fees, and belongs to the person owned by individuals.

(Original entitled alarm bell | Analysis of Lan Wen, former member of the Standing Committee of the Sanya Municipal People's Congress of Hainan Province)