Original Title: Zhejiang University's Rape Sin Students' Transcript Someone exposed that they had forced the school girl to have a relationship

The incident of rape students of Zhejiang University has occupied the major hot search and popular list in the past two days. Zhejiang University has also been pushed to the cusp of the wind, but the behavior of Zhejiang University so far has made everyone very disappointed and angry. I did not expect a university to cover it.Such a rapist is simply unbelievable.And the rapist himself has not received sanctions so far. Recently, some people have exposed the transcripts of rapist students. Let's take a look together!

Incident: Crime of committing rape, school will stay in the school to see the punishment

Recently, Zhejiang University has attracted attention to Nu Moumou, a student of rape.A person familiar with the matter revealed to the cover journalist that Nu Moumou was the norm. A transcript showed 128 people in the whole major, and he ranked 126th.It was rumored that Nu Mou had a doctor's girlfriend circle. The person familiar with the matter confirmed that it was true, but when he was playing the game, he was still lsquo;

On the evening of July 20, a decision to give Nu Moumou's decision to observe the punishment, which aroused the attention of netizens.The content of the decision shows that Nu Moumou was sentenced to rape by the People's Court of the West Lake District of Hangzhou, sentenced to one year and six months in prison, and one year and six months in probation.The school gives Nudou to stay in school for a sanction, with a deadline for 12 months. From the date of the decision of the punishment, it can be applied for termination.

A explanation of the Internet shows that Nudou's college held a joint party and government meeting on May 25 to discuss the opinions of the student's disciplinary punishment.After the discussion, it was believed that Nu Moumou had a first offenders, and had a strong regret, and asked for the opportunity to get correction. Because Numou came from poor areas and was a graduate, he asked the school to discrete the violation of the students as appropriate.This situation also shows that it is also determined by netizens as the basis for Numou to stay in school.

Someone exposed that they had forced a school girl to have a relationship

A criminal judgment of the People's Court of Xihu District, Hangzhou City, showed that Nu Moumou kissed the victim and touched the victim's pussy while the victim was drunk, intending to have sex with it.The victim resisted and claimed to call the police, and Numou suspended because of fear.After reporting the case, the public prosecution believed that Nudou's crime was suspended and had the first circumstances. It was convicted during the investigation stage. It was recommended that the sentence was sentenced to one year and six months, and the probation could be applied.On the afternoon of July 21, the cover reporter contacted the West Lake District People's Court many times, but no one answered.

On July 21, some netizens broke the news that before April 19, 2019, she met Nu Moumou on a dating app, because Nu Moumou said that she was photography, and the two had WeChat.On April 19, 2019, Numou met the netizen to see the school and met him.That night, the two arrived in Yiqing.

The netizen said that he had a good amount of drinking and had never been to a bar nightclub before, so he agreed.What happened after drinking, she was unconscious.The netizen suspected that she was prescribed.It stated that when he woke up that day, he was already in a hotel, and he did the same thing as that girl in the notification.

In addition, according to netizens, Nu Moumou had forced elementary school girls to have a relationship before. Numou went to the bar some times, and the opening was a few thousand. The classmate spoiled more than 20 girls.

At 2 pm on July 21, cover news reporters called Zhejiang University.A staff member said that the school leaders have been re -research on the meeting of Nu Moumou, and now his department has not received feedback from the results of the research.The school's standard and basis for punishment, the staff member said it was unclear.

Its love photography is often hung, and the junior rents a house from a junior

On July 21, the cover journalist contacted a person familiar with the matter.The insider said that Nu Moumou liked to play photography and often bought photography equipment.When I first entered the school, Nu Moumou had received the subsidy of the school.Because hanging science schools will suspend subsidies, it is not clear that Nu Moumou has received subsidies.The insider said that Nu Moumou was the norm.

His results are about 110 in the whole major, and we have more than 120 people in our professional.The person familiar with the matter provides a Cover journalist with a transcript of Numou, the 2016 Civil Engineering 2019 MDASH; MDASH; the main data of the students in the autumn of the 2020 school year., 128 people, at this time, his credits were 114 points.The average level of the class has reached more than 140 points.

It wasn't until July 20 that after the netizens issued the school's punishment decision, the person familiar with the matter knew that Nu Moumou had committed a crime of rape.Because on April 17, after the People's Court of the West Lake District of Hangzhou, Nu Moumou often showed his girlfriend, graduation design, food and other content in the circle of friends.

The circle of friends who showed doctoral girlfriends on the Internet confirmed that the person familiar with the matter was true. I knew that he had a girlfriend before, but when he was playing the game, he was still lsquo; sister RSquo;.

At 5:15 pm on July 21, Zhejiang University issued a notification.

The report briefly described the incident. On April 17, 2020, the People's Court of the West Lake District of Hangzhou was sentenced to one year and six months in prison for one year, and the suspended sentence was one year and six months.Subsequently, the college where the student was located conducted an investigation in accordance with the relevant requirements of the disciplinary treatment measures of Zhejiang University and reported the survey results to the student reward and punishment committee of the school.

At the same time, the basis for the inspection and punishment of Nu Moumou: On June 8, according to Article 17, paragraph 3, paragraph 3, paragraph 3, (1) of Zhejiang University Student Student Students' Disciplinary Handling Measures, was sentenced to prison for probationIn view of the school inspection or expel of school status, in view of the judicial department's identification of Nudou and a certain department, the crime was suspended and had a self -primary circumstances, the school student reward and punishment committee meeting decided to give Numoumou to school for inspection.

In addition, the report also responded to the further reflection of netizens to respond to mdash; mdash; for the relevant situation of the online reflection, the school attached great importance to the school and immediately launched a follow -up investigation.The school is based on educating people, and is committed to creating a clean campus environment. Based on facts, it will definitely deal with all behaviors that violate the school's discipline and school rules.

Lawyers believe that Zhejiang University's handling is obviously improper, rape is not violation of discipline, criminal

Numou's incident also attracted attention in the legal circle.

Lawyers of the Law Firm from Beijing Ceremony believe that in accordance with the provisions of the criminal law of 236 of the criminal law, women who rape women with violence, coercion or other means shall be imprisoned for three years and ten years.Jests in prison, life imprisonment or death sentence.At the same time, if the Supreme People's Court rapes women who rape women's sentencing guidance on common crimes, the starting point of prison can be determined within three to six years.Numou is rare in the statutory punishment and probability.

Judging from the current public information, Numou may have quantified below the legal punishment due to the suspension of these two statutory quantitative criminal festivals.The law stipulates that in the process of crime, the crime is suspended to automatically abandon crimes or prevent the results of the crime.If there is no damage to the suspension of the offender, the punishment shall be exempted; if the damage shall be caused, the punishment shall be reduced.After the crime, the case is automatically submitted to the crime truthfully.For surrender criminals, punishment can be lighter or reduced.Where crimes are relatively minor may be exempted from punishment.

In the Supreme People's Court's sentencing guidance on common crimes, it was mentioned that according to the facts, nature, plot, and the degree of harm to society, the punishment was decided.Seting torture must consider the severity of the defendant's crime, but also considering the size of the defendant's criminal liability, to adapt to the criminal and punishment, and to achieve the purpose of punishment and prevention of crime.

Lian Dafa lawyer said that it was obviously inappropriate to punish Numou in accordance with the disciplinary measures of Zhejiang University students. The crime of rape was obviously not disciplinary, but a criminal act.The degree of harm to society is obviously different.