According to the news on April 30, the official website of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, on April 28, 2020, the ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming accepted the senior host of the BBC (BBC) Senior Host, Stephen Middot; Sak's online interview to fight against the new crown pneumoniaThe epidemic clarifies its position, clarifies the facts, and turbidity.The BBC Domestic News (BBC News) and the International TV Channel International News (BBC World News) will be broadcast 10 times in the UK and the world.The BBC domestic news station broadcast interviews on the golden time news program, and reported the extension of the BBC website and the new media platform.The actual record of the interview is as follows:

Moderator: Ambassador Liu Xiaoming, welcome to the sharp dialogue.

Ambassador Liu: Thank you!Really happy to see you again.

Moderator: I am glad that you can accept our interviews during this difficult period.First ask a simple and direct question: Do you agree that the new coronary pneumonia virus originated from China?

Ambassador Liu: The first discovery of the virus in Wuhan did not mean in Wuhan.According to various information, including BBC reports, the virus may come from any place, and can be found in the aircraft carrier or submarine. It can also be found in some countries that are rarely connected with China.EssenceSo we can't say that it comes from China.

Moderator: This answer confuses me a little.Obviously this is a new virus that originated in a certain place.According to immunologists and viruses, the virus spreads to humans by animals.There is no doubt that the first case happened in China.You just said that the virus spread to all parts of the world, and some people who have never been to China have also been infected. Obviously, the virus has caused great epidemic diseases in the world, but the important question is, where did it first come from?

Ambassador Liu: I think this question should be answered by scientists.As far as I know, the first case of China was reported by Dr. Zhang Jixian on December 27, 2019 to the Chinese local health authority.I also saw the report saying that some cases outside China were even far as earlier.Yesterday, a British newspaper reported that British scientists and medical experts had warned the government earlier last year that there may be an unknown virus.Therefore, I can only say that the case of China's first report occurred in Wuhan on December 27, 2019.

Moderator: What I think is unquestionable is that the experts were convinced that the first confirmed case was found in Wuhan and its surrounding areas.Do you also think that we have to figure out what happened in the early stages of outbreaks, and which places to do wrong and which steps to go wrong to lead to the evolution of the virus into global popularity?

Ambassador Liu: I think this is still discussing, and we have to admit that there are different views.The virus was first discovered in Wuhan, China, but it cannot be said that it originated in Wuhan.I think this problem should be left to scientists.

Moderator: Ambassador Liu, the virus does first appear in Wuhan, and concentrates the outbreak.What I want to ask is that it is not important to conduct in -depth independent investigations and understand the facts of what has happened?We can use this information to avoid tragedy again.

Ambassador Liu: Let me introduce you to the timetable for China.Dr. Zhang Jixian first reported the case of unknown pneumonia on December 27, 2019.Four days later, the Chinese health department and the Center for the Centers for Disease Control, that is, December 31, notified the World Health Organization and shared information with other countries at the shortest time.China also shared the pathogenesis with WHO for the first time, and shared the virus gene sequence with WHO and other countries as soon as possible.

Moderator: Mr. Ambassador, let me interrupt, you ignore a very important point.On December 30, doctor Li Wenliang, a doctor of Wuhan, told his doctor colleagues in WeChat group that there was a very worrying new disease in Wuhan. It is suggested that his colleagues must wear protective clothes to avoid being infected.A few days later, he was summoned by the Public Security Bureau and forced to recognize false information and seriously interfere with social order.From then until January, the Chinese government has been trying to cover the truth.

Ambassador Liu: Now I understand why some people advocate the so -called independent investigation. In fact, I try to criticize China to cover up the truth.But the fact is that Dr. Li Wenliang is not a whistle. As I said just now, Dr. Zhang Jixian reported to the health department three days earlier than Dr. Li, and the Wuhan Health Department immediately reported to the central government.Four days later, one day after Dr. Li issued WeChat information, the Chinese government and WHO and other countries shared the information.There is no so -called covering facts at all.

Moderator: Mr. Ambassador, in fact, the information shared by China is very limited.According to the internal information obtained by the Washington Post and the Associated Press, Ma Xiaowei, director of the China National Health and Health Commission, made a very serious assessment of the situation at the internal meeting on January 14, 2020.People.However, the next day, the China Disease Prevention and Control Center said that the risk of continuing people was very low, and the epidemic was preventable and controllable.Therefore, I once again believe that there is sufficient evidence that China has not told the truth in several weeks.

Ambassador Liu: You have not given me enough time to answer questions. I have not answered questions about Li Wenliang.The so -called covering facts does not exist.Dr. Zhang reported to the health department through normal channels, but Li Wenliang spread relevant information in the circle of friends.In any country, if there is extremely dangerous unknown virus, it may cause panic.I think the police summoned Dr. Li and asked him to ask him to stop online dissemination. This cannot be called concealment.The epidemic has been reported through regular channels, and in this case, try to avoid panic.At present, the British government is also cracking down on fake news to create panic to achieve personal purposes.There is already a conclusion about Dr. Li Wenliang. After receiving the report, the Chinese central government sent an investigation team to Wuhan, and the Wuhan Public Security Bureau decided to revoke the training of Dr. Li.Dr. Li was recognized as a martyr and awarded high honors.

Moderator: When Dr. Li died, he was indeed regarded by the Chinese people as a hero.

Ambassador Liu: Not only the Chinese people, the same is true of the Chinese government.

Moderator: I think the Chinese people are very clear that the government is not frank with them and other countries in the world.On January 14, the internal documents of the China Health and Health Commission stated that there were evidence of rumor and clustered infection.How do you explain this?

Ambassador Liu: I think all your information comes from the Washington Post. You are too dependent on the American media.I sincerely hope that you can adopt the information of the WHO.We shared all information with WHO.I read an exclusive interview with David Nabarro, the new crown of WHO, and China always insisted on disclosure and transparentness and shared information with WHO as soon as possible.On the one hand, in China, we must maintain high vigilance and take the strictest prevention and control measures. At that time, we did not know much about this virus.On the other hand, we shared information with WHO and other countries and our awareness of the virus.

Moderator: Ambassador Liu, you are a senior diplomat. You should understand that many people in the world do not believe in the story of China.A few hours ago, Trump said that he was not satisfied with China's position and said that China could control the epidemic at the source. He also said that the United States was conducting a comprehensive investigation.US Vice President Pence also listed a series of reasons to prove that China has not told the truth to the world. It is responsible for the spread of the epidemic in the world and caused large -scale death and economic losses. China is now facing huge problems.

Ambassador Liu: I don't agree with this statement.This is a saying in some Western countries.After the epidemic, China cooperated with WHO and other countries for the first time. We sent technical assistance and medical expert groups, and provided medical supplies to more than 150 countries to be highly evaluated by these countries.In my opinion, the United States cannot represent the world. Even many Western countries, including the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, have expressed their appreciation to China.You quoted President Trump's statement, and I also wanted to quote a few words about his statement about China.January 24, in ChinaAbout 1 month after reporting the epidemic, President Trump said that the United States highly appreciated China's efforts and transparency.6 days later, he said he was working closely with China.In early February, he also said that President Xi Jinping had an excellent work and the epidemic was dealt with well.

Moderator: Since the end of January, the situation has changed a lot.China said that we have done a lot of good things and provide medical supplies to countries around the world, but in the eyes of the outside world, China has set off a fake news and promotional offensive in the world in recent weeks.You mention that China has a good relationship with France, but the French government has just summoned the Chinese ambassador to France, accusing the Chinese embassy in France to spread false news. The embassy website said that the French elderly people were abandoned in the nursing home, suffered pain, and died lonely.Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials scattered conspiracy theories on social media, saying that American soldiers stole the virus to China.Why should China promote such fake news?

Ambassador Liu: I think you have selected the wrong goal.It is not the news of Chinese dissemination of fake information. If the statement of Chinese leaders, Chinese diplomats and Chinese ambassadors compares American leaders, US diplomats and American ambassadors, you will find who is spreading fake news.

Moderator: Do you agree with Zhao Lijian's statement about the American soldier stole the new crown virus to China?Do you believe?

Ambassador Liu: Zhao is reported to some media reports.I do n’t understand why you caught a certain person in China, but the fake news released by the national leaders and senior officials, especially the highest levels of the United States, especially the highest levels of the United States, and the Secretary of State?As long as he talks about China, there is no good word; China has reached a helping hand in the fight against the United States, but it has become a wicked.I can't understand.

Moderator: Do you think how serious is the various accusations caused by the epidemic to bring a diplomatic crisis in China and the United States?

Ambassador Liu: Of course, China hopes to maintain a good relationship with the United States.I used to stay in the United States twice, and I always believe that China and the United States and the United States are hurting both. We have sufficient reasons to maintain a good relationship with the United States.Need to do it.Since the epidemic, President Xi Jinping and President Trump have maintained close communication, passing two telephones to discuss international anti -epidemic cooperation.I want to emphasize that China is not an enemy of the United States, the enemy of the United States is a new crown virus, and the United States should find the right goal.

Moderator: You sent very important information.So, for the requirements of the United States, Australia, Britain and many countries, should be permanently than temporarily closed for wet markets in wild animal transactions. Will China make some positive attitudes to improve the relationship with these countries?

Ambassador Liu: First of all, I disagree with your sayings about the relationship between China and many countries. There are more friends in China, there are fewer opponents, and fewer enemies.As I said, a few Western countries cannot represent the entire world.China has good foreign relations and is actively promoting international anti -epidemic cooperation.As President Xi Jinping said, unity and cooperation is the most powerful weapon for the international community to defeat the epidemic.

Moderator: We do n’t have much time, Ambassador Liu, can you give a specific and clear answer to the wet market question?Is the market closed or not?

Ambassador Liu: In fact, there is no so -called wet goods market in China. This statement is strange to many Chinese people. It is the West and Foreign Statement.It is often said that the farmers' market and live poultry seafood markets mainly sell fresh vegetables, seafood and other agricultural and sideline products, and there are also very few markets to sell live poultry.What you are talking about should be the market for illegal sales of wild animals and has been completely banned.The National People's Congress of China has passed the decision to comprehensively ban illegal wildlife transactions.

Moderator: Does this mean that the Chinese government has realized the danger of these wild animal markets, that is, they do cause viruses to pass from animals to humans?

Ambassador Liu: We finally reached an agreement.Please note that the illegal wild animal market is completely banned. It is illegal to hunt, trading, and edible wildlife in China.

Moderator: If China can issue a ban earlier before the spread of new crown pneumonia virus, it will not cause such great harm to the world.Will China apologize for this?

Ambassador Liu: You return to the problem at the beginning of the interview.I want to say that it is wrong to blame China because the epidemic is found in China.China has discovered the epidemic, and the epidemic has also been discovered in many places that have no connection with China.It cannot be accused of China because of the Chinese outbreak.China is a virus victim, China is not a virus manufacturer, nor the source of viruses in China.For this, it must be clear.

Moderator: However, some British politicians said that China should be responsible for the epidemic. For example, the chairman of the Foreign Committee of the Parliament's House of Representatives stated that the Chinese government implements the former Soviet Union -style and harmful system. This system harms the health and well -being of the Chinese people., Betrayed the Chinese people and betrayed the world.They call on the United Kingdom, the United States, and other countries to cut off their close economic connections with China.In the UK, the core of this issue is that Huawei should not be allowed to participate in the construction of the British 5G network.As a Chinese ambassador to the UK, are you worried about the decoupling of the economy of China?

Ambassador Liu: Both worry and not worried.The political leader you talked about, his point of view cannot represent the official position of the British government.I believe that under the leadership of Prime Minister Johnson, the British government is still committed to developing strong Sino -British relations.In the two phone calls with President Xi, Prime Minister Johnson reiterated that he would be committed to promoting the golden age of Sino -British relations.During the epidemic, in addition to close communication, China and Britain also actively cooperated.I have been a Chinese ambassador to the United Kingdom for 10 years. I have never seen the leaders of the two countries that have maintained such a close contact. In addition to the two calls of President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Johnson two times, Yang Jiechi, director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, and Wang Yi, a State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi,The British Prime Minister's national security affairs consultant Serderville and the Foreign Minister Labo maintained close communication. I also with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Health Han Cock, the Minister of Commerce, Energy and Industry Strategy, Sherma, kept in close contact. Sino -British relations were veryStrong.As for you mention that someone compares China to the former Soviet Union, this is completely Cold War.We have lived in the third decade of the 21st century, and these people still stay in the Cold War in the past.China is not the former Soviet Union.The common interests between China and Britain are far greater than the differences, and I am confident in Sino -British relations.

Moderator: Ambassador Liu, we are about to end the interview.I thank you again for your sharp dialogue during the difficult period.

Ambassador Liu: You don't have to be polite.(End)