According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on April 28, 2020, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Le Yucheng accepted an exclusive interview with Janis Mackey Frayer, a senior reporter of the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC).The following is a written record:

Le: I am glad to accept your interview. This is the first time I have been interviewed by foreign media after I was out of the new crown pneumonia.I have worked in New York, USA for nearly four years. I saw the Times Square, Broadway, and Fifth Avenue, which had been lively and hustle and bustle, and I was really sad.I would like to take this opportunity to express deep condolences to the American people, especially the New York people, to fight the epidemic.Early morning, I learned from the news that there are nearly 1 million new crown virus infections, which is sad.At the critical moment of the current anti -epidemic, China and the United States should shelve disputes and differences to deal with the common enemy MDash; MDash; new coronary virus.I believe that only by unity and cooperation can we win a win -win situation and change the world.

Ma: Then your opening remarks, my first question is, do you feel that the problem of epidemic is politicized now?

Le: Unfortunately, some politicians are now greatly politically politically politically politically. This is what we don't want to see.In the current situation, we should unite as one to resist the epidemic, and to overcome the time, not to blame each other to engage in political manipulation.

Ma: Now everyone is calling on all parties to improve transparency. Can it be introduced in detail the timeline of China at the beginning of the anti -epidemic?From the earliest case of Wuhan Disease Control Center, what were the measures of the Chinese government taken during the time when Wuhan was sealed?

Le: China's anti -epidemic measures are open, transparent, and responsible.China has no act of concealing the epidemic, nor does it delay.We have comprehensively announced the timeline of the epidemic report.I want to emphasize three time points: First, on January 3, 2020, China began to regularly notify the epidemic information to the World Health Organization and the United States and other countries.On the second day, the person in charge of the Disease Control and Prevention Center between China and the United States communicated.Second, on January 12, China promptly announced the world's whole genome sequence to the world, providing important prerequisite for confirmation, treatment and vaccine research and development of relevant countries.Third, on January 23, Wuhan's unprecedented city sealed city was unprecedented to seal a city with a population of more than 10 million.This is a shocking and well -known action.At that time, the US government should be very clear about the seriousness of the virus problem, otherwise how could we seal the city?

Regarding China's early epidemic response, we have invited the WHO expert group to visit China, including two American experts.They went to Beijing, Guangdong, Sichuan, and Hubei for field investigations and submitted a comprehensive report to highly evaluate China's response measures.President Trump highly affirmed the efforts and transparency of China's anti -epidemic when he talked with President Xi Jinping and in his Twitter, and believed that the data provided by China was very helpful to the United States.

Ma: The US intelligence department has repeatedly questioned the data reported by China.They said that China has adjusted the data of the confirmed cases and death cases several times.So is there a low data newspaper in China? Is there a basis for such suspicion?

Le: The American intelligence department you mentioned just now knows that their intelligence has repeatedly caused disasters to the world.At that time, they said that Iraq had a large -scale lethal weapon and had not been found until now.

The Chinese side announced that the data is open, transparent, frank, and authentic. It has always been able to withstand the test of history, responsibility to the people, and the responsibility of the deceased.There is no need to conceal it. Behind these data is the real person, which cannot be concealed anyway.On the contrary, some countries have described new coronary pneumonia as influenza, which is concealed.At present, China is fulfilling the resumption of work and re -production. Wuhan has unblocked. If the numbers are not true, do we dare to do this?We revised the data, which reflects the attitude of responsibility, which is also the usual usual practice.As far as I know, New York has also carried out data revision not long ago.The number of cases of diagnosis and death in China is a great disrespect for 1.4 billion Chinese people, especially millions of medical staff!These numbers just show that we respond properly, reflecting Chinese experience, not Chinese concealment.

Ma: So can the American people confident in 100%of the data published by China?

Le: It is completely possible.

Ma: There are some speculations about the origin of the virus, and there are various arguments. Does China allow an independent international investigation team to conduct field inspections in China to study the source of the virus?

Le: Some people say that humans have been fighting with viruses for thousands of years, but they have never really defeated the virus.The virus is cunning.The source of the virus is a serious and complex scientific issue, which needs to be studied by scientists and medical experts.But now there is a strange phenomenon that some politicians are economical or intelligent, but when they talk about the traceability of the virus, they are painted.Obviously, the real experts do not agree that the new crown virus originated from the laboratory, but some politicians stimulated that they also stated that the virus came from the laboratory of Wuhan. Isn't this ridiculous?The joint statement of authoritative experts published on the world's top medical magazine Liuye knife, pointing out that the new crown virus comes from nature, not artificial synthesis.We must believe in experts, not politicians.We should respect science, not to engage in conspiracy theories.

Regarding international surveys, we are frank and open, supporting scientific research exchanges between scientists, including summary experience and lessons.What we oppose is that without any evidence, we put China on the defendant's seat, conclude that it is guilty in advance, and then find evidence through the so -called international survey.We firmly oppose this kind of conventional international survey.I mentioned just now that the WHO's expert group has been inspected in Wuhan for the first time.The New Crown Virus Research Institute is also open, and has received scientists including countries including the United States since its establishment.A few days ago, the director of the New Crown Virus Research Institute also accepted an interview with foreign media. He said that the New Crown Virus Research Institute was neither willing nor the ability to make viruses.

Ma: Is it possible for China to agree to conduct investigations based on science and respond to the concerns of the outside world about China's transparency, and can such a survey also help other countries to respond to the epidemic more effectively?

Le: There is a basis for carrying out international surveys.Why is this survey only for China?What evidence shows that there are problems in China?Why not go to other countries to conduct investigations?If you want to reflect, from a scientific perspective, there are so many confirmed cases, death cases, and diffusion cases in some countries. Is there no problem?We oppose the politics of international investigations and stigma in China.

Ma: We hear media reports that the origin of the virus may be related to the US military.This statement is widely circulated on Chinese social media, including Chinese official social media accounts.Is this the official view of China?

Le: In China, whether it is official, people or individuals, they are angry with some American politicians who want to vilify China through epidemics, and can be said to be filled with indignation.They have the right to express their indignation through various ways, and ask questions and refute.Chinese entrepreneurs, customs personnel, diplomats, etc. are working hard every day and work overtime to try to prevent the production and raise medical supplies for the United States.What we hear and see is the abuse and slander of some US senior officials politicians.Think about it, what do we Chinese feel?What's more, in the internal campaign guidelines of the United States Republican Party, candidates directly attacked China when asked about the epidemic problem.This political manipulation has reached the point of naked, bottomless lines.The Chinese could not accept this, and of course expressed anger.

Ma: If this is the case, will the two countries fight for a war that spreads false information?Because the United States has said these unprecedented information about China, China also wants to fight back this information?Whether Chinese officials allow the media and the website of the Chinese embassies and consulates to goSowing or spreading such information?

Le: Do you think you should conduct international surveys on related leave news?The Chinese position is very clear.Because the virus is cunning, it should be solved by scientists and medical experts, not by politicians.

Ma: You just mentioned that you have worked in the United States for a while. How do you treat the way the United States treats the new crown pneumonia?

Le: I won't say anything about the United States in China.But now that you ask me, I want to give a suggestion to the US government, that is, the United States must find it in the future, who is the real enemy.At the end of 2017, the US National Security Strategy Report defined China as a strategic competitor. Some people regard China as an enemy accordingly, and open up the situation and deal with China all aspects.But now it is found that it is a virus that truly threatened the United States and has taken more than 56,000 in the United States so far, not China.China is a comrades and partners in the United States who fight against the epidemic.If the United States responds as the main enemy in 2017, the United States and the world may not be like today.

I think of a word of Chairman Mao Zedong: Who is our enemy and who is our friend, this is the first issue of the revolution.I hope that the United States will find real enemies in the future, and don't mistake his comrades as opponents.

Ma: Now many Americans are not just American politicians. They are thinking about whether China should spread to a certain degree of virus to a certain degree of responsibility for a certain extent?

Le: I must first correct that China does not cause the epidemic. The epidemic is a natural disaster. China is also a victim of the virus, not the same conspiracy of the virus.China is the contributor and partner of international anti -epidemic cooperation.The virus is hazy, and may appear anywhere.Personal and compensation from China is purely ridiculous political farce.First of all, there is no evidence in Fa.Internationally, there are no laws support to report the national accountability to the first statement of the epidemic. There is no such precedent in history.Secondly, it is not reasonable.China has been impacted by the first wave of epidemic. It pays a huge price and sacrifice the epidemic situation. It has won time for global resistance, accumulated valuable experience, and made great contributions. It should be treated fairly rather than blame.Since China compensation is neither unreasonable nor legal, what is the difference between extortion of extortion with illegal people?To compensate China is nothing more than wanting to pass on the responsibility of pomainive resistance to China. This kind of shaking the pot is unpopular and cannot be succeeded.

Ma: At present, during the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the United States has become increasingly negative.When President Trump was running, it seemed more and more difficult to blame China.In this context, how do you think of the prospects of US -China relations?

Le: There are indeed some negative arguments in China in the United States.At the same time, many people of insight are calling on China and the United States to strengthen cooperation and oppose decoupling and New Cold War.We always believe that we cannot use a election to define and handle such an important group of great countries, let alone shake the pot in the general election, destroy the cooperation between the two countries, and cause the people of the two countries to oppose it.This is extremely short -sighted and irresponsible.No matter how much contradictions between China and the United States are, the welfare of the people of the two countries and the pursuit of a better future.China and the United States can cooperate.The United States has proposed to make the United States great again. China wants to achieve the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. These two historical processes can be done in parallel. China and the United States can achieve each other and achieve common greatness.We have to have this wisdom and confidence.Do not be biased by extreme forces, bring the wrong rhythm, and burial the future and fate of the people of the two countries.

Regarding the development of Sino -US relations in the next step, I think that the two sides must first implement the consensus reached by the heads of state of the two countries and jointly promote Sino -US relations based on coordination, cooperation, and stability.Specifically, we must achieve three main points and three.First, we must maintain the frequent communication between leaders of the two countries and the dialogue and coordination of relevant departments of the two countries; second, we must deepen pragmatic cooperation between the two sides; and third, we must strengthen the international anti -epidemic cooperation between the two countries in the multilateral field.Third, do not just do stigma and politics in China; do not artificially destroy and interfere with the overall situation of cooperation between the two countries; do not use the epidemic to compete with zero and competition.

Ma: President Trump announced the suspension of funding support for the World Health Organization. This is largely because WHO and China have approached. How can China respond to this?

Le: The WHO fulfills its own responsibilities well, performing very professional, pragmatic, and efficient.It is not centered on any country, but is centered on human health and life, and has been widely praised and appreciated by the international community.Except for the United States, I haven't heard of any country's leaders or which international organizations are dissatisfied with WHO.The US suspension of supply to WHO is irrational.At the critical moment of the War of Resistance, the United States should concentrate on resistance, instead of aimed at the artillery fire against the WHO such as the WHO to coordinate the international resistance struggle.In fact, the US government does this, which is actually standing on the opposite of the world, and it will also cause severe interference and damage to the WHO coordinating the global anti -epidemic action and saving life, especially for anti -epidemic struggles such as Africa and other developing countries.I don't know what logic the United States follows.

Ma: In the context of the global spread of the epidemic, China is satisfied with the efforts of the country's resistance in the past few months?

Le: In the past few months, China has experienced a very difficult stage.We successfully curbed the epidemic and accumulated a lot of experience: First, people -oriented, life first.In order to save our lives, we do not consider economic losses regardless of cost, at the expense, and even consideration.Everyone is gone, what is the use of money?We always save our lives first.In Wuhan, we even saved more than 10 elderly people over 10 years old.

The second is to help each other. One side has difficulty, and the eight parties support.Wuhan is the epidemic of this epidemic. More than 40,000 medical staff gathered in Wuhan all over the country, and my hometown Jiangsu Province went to more than 2,800 medical staff.A hospital named Gan Ruyi in Wuhan.During her Spring Festival, she returned to her hometown 300 kilometers to visit relatives.When she learned that Wuhan Fengcheng needed medical staff, she rushed to Wuhan to participate in the battle.Because there was no transportation at the time, the 20 -year -old girl rode a bicycle and walked for more than 300 kilometers in 4 days and 3 nights.This story moved me to this day.

The third is to actively carry out international cooperation. We also support the world and also received international assistance.China provides the world with various astronomical protection supplies. Among them, there are more than 20 billion masks, and billions of protective clothing and goggles.

We have also learned a lot of experience from this epidemic prevention and control.In terms of medical care, we have adopted measures in the morning and four episodes, the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine, and joint prevention and control to effectively control the epidemic and save our lives. The cure rate reached 93.5%.Now we start to resume work and production, which should be said to be due to these effective measures.

Of course, this epidemic also exposed some of our shortcomings.For example, in the face of this unprecedented epidemic situation, our medical experts and supplies have insufficient strategic reserves, lagging infrastructure construction of grass -roots prevention and control institutions, weak research and development capabilities of some major disease treatment drugs, the popularization of public health education, and the awareness of people's prevention and control.Not strong enough and so on.Therefore, we must continue to improve our work, continuously improve the mechanism of preventing and control of major epidemic conditions, and improve the national public health emergency management system.

Human beings grow up in the struggle with various diseases and disasters.Smallpox, black death, Ebola, H1N1 flu, etc., every major epidemic disease leaves valuable experience and lessons for humans.

Ma: There is a criticism of criticism internationally that China has a slow response when responding to the epidemic, especially for whistle whistle, and the Chinese response after their voice is not timely.How can the international community believe that the international community has learned from the epidemic response?

Le: I think China ’s response is quite rapid than some countries, especially considering that we are the first wave of the epidemic.I can give an example. When the city was closed in Wuhan on January 23, there was only one case in the United States.When the United States announced on March 13 that when the United States entered the state emergency state, more than 1,600 cases were confirmed.There are many American experts in WHO, and the US government fully understands the epidemic situation.But this period is more than 50 days apart. Can this blame China slow?Where are you going?

Ma: The last topic, about the health of the North Korean labor party chairman Kim Jong -un.There are some reports in the media now. Considering that China and North Korea are very close. What do you respond to this?

Le: I have no news to provide.I don't know where the so -called news you said originated.In my opinion, the media should be cautious and serious in terms of reports involving the supreme leaders of a country.(End)