On the evening of January 31st, the CCTV News Channel News 1+1, the Deputy Secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and the secretary of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee Ma Guoqiang, interpreted the public concern of the public.

Bai Yansong asked, is Wuhan alert enough?

Ma Guoqiang said that there are several important time nodes. At the beginning, several patients were found. Ordinary antibiotics did not use it, which caused alert, and the health planning department began to report.On the 30th, No. 31 (December 2019), other hospitals have also found similar patients. We reported to the National Health and Health Commission to have the guidance group of the National Health and Health Commission and the expert group to guide us.By January 12th and 13th, it was an important time node. As cases increased, especially Thailand exposed the first person to travel from Wuhan. We took measures for temperature measurement and high -speed railway station temperature measurement.As the epidemic developed to the 20th, it was another time node. Premier Li Keqiang held a executive to define such new type of pneumonia as a class B infectious disease.

I am also thinking that if we can take measures earlier, the effect may be better. For example, on the 12th and 13th, the day of temperature measurement can be used to control aircraft, high -speed rail, car, and ferry travel.At that time, if measures were taken, the epidemic might be alleviated, so as not to be as a situation like it is now.

Bai Yansong: What do you have to do with this period of time?

Ma Guoqiang: During this time, I was guilty, guilt, and self -blame.I have been thinking that if I decide earlier, take strict control measures now, the result will be better than now, the impact on all over the country will be less, and it will also make the Party Central Committee and the State Council less worry.

The second mentality, I think it's nervous.I have never encountered such a major challenge.This challenge is a battle, which is an invisible battle of the enemy.In response to such campaigns, on the one hand, it is necessary to prevent and control, and on the other hand, treatment must be treated.At the same time, ensure the normal life of citizens and the normal operation of the city.This mentality, because our work was not done well, and did not make a decision, which caused the output of the epidemic to abroad and exported to the country.Second, I also want to be firm in confidence. There are strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, the cordial care of the general secretary and the prime minister, deploying, and hosting the meeting in person.As a powerful backing.At the same time, the people of the people across the country, leaders of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, especially Wuhan citizens understand and support. I believe that joint efforts will win the victory of sniper warfare.

Bai Yansong: As a decision maker, have you planned to make the worst?Ma Guoqiang: Now we will continue to expand our sick beds day by day and try to increase the ability to cure.It has never relaxed traffic control in the city, although it is inconvenient to travel to citizens.But it is actually more difficult to prepare.

In response to the problem of whether Wuhan's medical resources are scarce, Ma Guoqiang said that in the face of such a large (patient) figure, and it is still a high growth, we cannot say that all aspects we respond to.For example, the ward is trying to do everything possible, but this epidemic is a class B infectious disease. The requirements for the ward are very high. The speed of progress is not as fast as everyone thinks.For example, various supplies such as hospitals have eased, but such as protective clothing, goggles, and N95 masks are still tight.You need to schedule daily.For example, our medical staff, with the increase of patients, the lack of medical staff also appeared.After support from all over the country and the PLA, it has also been relieved to a certain extent.Such resources should deal with such an epidemic, and continue to expand resources every time every day. Only in this way can we deal with such a situation.

How much can answer the shortage of medical resources to answer the shortage of Huolian Mountain and Thor Mountain?At the time of the problem, Ma Guoqiang said that (Vulcan Mountain, Lei Shenshan Hospital) is a professional hospital, which can greatly alleviate the ability of our existing hospitals (treatment). We also have subsequent plans.Those who meet the three districts and two channels must also increase the transformation.

Bai Yansong: Can Wuhan charity respond to concerns, accept supervision and force their ability through press conferences and other methods?

Ma Guoqiang: As the secretary of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee, I can promise you now, and instructed our charity to publish the situation of receiving donations every three days and the whereabouts of donations.At the same time, they also asked them to announce the Internet on the Internet. Where we all distributed and widely accepted social supervision.I believe that the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government will also agree with this approach.

Bai Yansong: Hubei proposes to extend the Spring Festival holiday appropriately. How long is this appropriate?What kind of effect to achieve?

Ma Guoqiang: Hubei, especially Wuhan, is the most serious area of the epidemic.As far as our considerations, we are clear that before February 13th, our school does not start school. Some of our non -guaranteed cities and factories do not start. We think that with the next few days, our control over the spread of the epidemic spreadLooking at the changes in data, we consider how long it will be extended.

Bai Yansong: Will the psychology of Wuhan people be more fragile?How does the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government find a way to soothe the psychology of Wuhan people who are already very difficult?

Ma Guoqiang: Indeed, the people of Wuhan are not easy.As the secretary of the municipal party committee, I want to thank the general public.Over time, our citizens have some anxiety and some nervousness. We all know this and we can understand.Our current approach is to launch party organizations at all levels, especially our streets, communities, including our grid staff, to pass the care and care of the Party Central Committee to everyone, and to each household.At the same time, to start temporary volunteers and neighbors to help everyone feel that the people of Wuhan are a whole. Our neighbors are concerned about each other.I think the most important comfort is ... the General Secretary and the Party Central Committee, I have not forgotten the people of Wuhan, and always care about the people of Wuhan.