Liu He's file photo.(Reuters)

Wang Shouwen, deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce and deputy representative of international trade negotiations, revealed at the press conference that one week after the National Day, Liu He, deputy prime minister of the State Council of China, will lead the group to Washington to hold the 13th round of high -level Sino -US economic and trade consultations.

According to the Beijing News, the Fifth Press Conference was held on September 29th to celebrate the 70th anniversary of China.Wang Shouwen revealed the above news at the press conference.

Wang Shouwen said that in the thirteenth round of consultations, China and the United States can do each other on the basis of equality and mutual respect, take care of their respective concerns, solve differences through consultations, and find mutually beneficial and win -win methods. This is not only conducive to the people of the two countries., Also conducive to the world.

The economic and trade team of China and the United States held deputy ministerial consultations in Washington from September 19th to 20th.