Tan Guoqing, the former party secretary and dean of the Guangxi Laibin City Intermediate People's Court, who had settled in August this year, had been expelled from the party.

According to the surging news report, Guangxi Discipline Inspection and Supervision Network issued a message yesterday (29th) that a few days ago, with the approval of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, the Autonomous Region Discipline Inspection Commission conducted disciplinary review of the former party secretary and dean of the Laibin City Intermediate People's Court Tan GuoqingAnd monitoring investigation and take kerny measures.

After investigation, Tan Guoqing, as a leading cadre of the judiciary, uses his powers to seek personal management, and provides help for others in terms of work and other aspects.The tool for personal self -interest and engage in power and money transactions with private business owners.

Tan Guoqing seriously violated the party's organizational discipline and integrity discipline, constituted duty violations and suspected bribery crimes, serious nature, and bad affected, and should be dealt with seriously.In accordance with relevant regulations such as the Communist Party of China Disciplinary Disciplinary Regulations, the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, etc., studied and reported to the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region for approval by the Party Committee of the Standing Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Autonomous Region, and decided to give Tan Guoqing to expel party membership and cancel its retirement treatment in accordance with regulations; collect their violations of discipline and law;The suspected crime was transferred to the procuratorial organs to review and prosecute in accordance with the law, and the property involved was transferred with the case.

Public information shows that Tan Guoqing, male, born in October 1950, Mao Nan, Guangxi Huanjiang, joined the work in December 1970, joined the Communist Party of China in October 1971, and college degree.Tan Guoqing was the secretary of the party group and dean of the Wuzhou Intermediate People's Court. In the second half of 2006, he served as the party secretary and dean of the Laibin Intermediate People's Court. He retired in October 2011.