Recently, the 29 -year -old female governor had been reported by the deputy county head of the county, which caused widespread controversy from all walks of life.Yang Qin, the president of Jiujiang Bank, who was born in 1990, began to work in the deputy county chief in April this year.

It should be said that the 29 -year -old deputy county mayor is not particularly unusual from the age.A few years ago, the news of the county as the county was paid attention to the public opinion. Most of them were about 30 years old.

However, it is not unreasonable to question people.


For such a phenomenon, questioning is mainly in the following aspects.

First, the 29 -year -old deputy county chief, although there are other parts of the country, are definitely the best in civil servants, such as graduating from famous universities, high education, excellent past political achievements, and outstanding professional skills.So, does Yang Qin have sufficient performance to prove that he is the outstanding of his peers?Simple government information does not persuade most people.

After all, Yang Qin's resumes are all in the bank, and it is not a long time to serve as the president of the branch. It is difficult to prove that she is suitable for the position of deputy county chief.

Second, although there is no education theory, for young people, the academic degree is a standard for whether a person's excellence is measured in the current system.Judging from the information disclosed, Yang Qin's first degree is a college diploma obtained through a 3+2 model (3 years and two years of college), and the undergraduate diploma is obtained through correspondence after work.

In the officialdom that had already entered into the exam, Yang Qin, who was not eligible to apply for the civil servant examination, had surpassed most of his peers overnight as the deputy county chief. It was natural for the crowd to have a sense of unfairness.

Third, people always ask for the appointment of cadres who are a little beyond the usual meaning: Is there a tape?It has been confirmed that Yang Qin's father has indeed served in the local financial system for a long time, which has something to do with Yang Qin's work unit.Whether Father Yang plays a role in it is what the public cares about.

These points need to be judged and concluded by relevant local official agencies.At present, the Organization Department of the local municipal party committee said that she is not a civil servant, and I do n’t know if the meaning of the words is not the management of the organization.Father's financial system influence.


In fact, every news of similar news in the news field of the news, as long as the rocket promotes four words, will always make people have the desire to watch.

Why?One of the reasons is definitely that the promotion of grassroots cadres is very difficult and very difficult.

China's grass -roots political system is a typical pyramid structure.Some Duan Zi couldn't say that Beijing did not know that his official was small, and casually smashing a brick may be cadres at or above the level; however, in China, a more magnificent grassroots, that is, the county level of the county, the promotion space of civil servants is actually quite limited.

From the survey of Uncle Island, taking a medium -sized county (500,000 population) as an example, the county party committee member at the top of the pyramid is about 11; outside the Standing Committee, the four sets of teams of the party committee, the government, the People's Congress, and the CPPCC have increased.The county -level cadres are about 30 people.

In such a county, in general, there are about 200 cadres at the section level, about 400 in the deputy department level, but there will be about 1,800 cadres, about 2,500 civil servants, and fiscal support staff reached 10,000 or 20,000.

In other words, even if all the county-level cadres (usually 3-4 people) in this county are selected from science-level cadres, the probability of promotion is about 1%.Coupled with age restrictions, the age window for each grass -roots cadre to promote is just a few years.

This means that most cadres 'careers can only work in ordinary civil servants' positions.Even the leading cadres who can serve as the deputy section level are successful; as a scientific -level leading cadre, they are satisfied with; when the deputy county chief and even enter the Standing Committee, that is the winner of life.

From the staff to the county chief, there are only four levels of deputy subjects, Zhengke, Deputy Division and level four.According to the Civil Service Law, it can be promoted around 10.However, in actual operations, there are many invisible steps in promotion, such as the promotion of ordinary staff to the sub -subjects, and can only work that are not very important, such as townships and township ministers or deputy mayor;Deputy Secretary.

In most places, the position of deputy county chief has to be at least two leaders (two township secretaries, or a town and an important bureau to run the leader).From the general deputy county chief to the county magistrate, you have to go through the important hurdle of the Standing Committee; after serving as the general member of the Standing Committee, you are eligible to serve as the executive deputy county chief or deputy secretary mdash; mdash; these two positions are almost the county magistrate’sonly way.

Therefore, at the grassroots level, according to the general statement in the system, the sub -section level of the 30s, the 35 -year -old Zhengke level, the 40 -year -old deputy county level, and the 45 -year -old Zhengxian level is a real young leading cadre.

When this kind of grassroots promotion is generally difficult to feel, young people who encounter fast -promoting speed, especially young people who seem to have a little relationship, must have a strong contrast.

Of course, here is the difficulty of promoting the promotion of real -time deputy counties, and the job is not exactly the same.When a somewhere was investigated, Uncle Island got a data. In the past few years, the county introduced 17 high -education cadres from enterprises and universities, but only 4 were left in the end.The resume of the work experience of the foundation layer back to the original unit was promoted.But in any case, for the career, hanging up is an important resume, and it is likely to play a role in future promotion.


Then again, does a father who is an official in the grass -roots power structure must mean corruption?

It is not necessarily a very serious issue. It must be determined by the relevant agency and cannot be concluded casually.

However, similar families consciously cultivate their children and walk up on stuck in accordance with various conditions and stepping on a stuck. This is possible and common.It is common for many people to arrange and pave the way for children. In some areas of underdeveloped market economy and small room for self -employment, people generally think that the job treatment in the system is better and more stable and good.More common.

In the survey, we have seen that in some places, if the children of the health bureau officials are studying, most of them study medicine early and enter the hospital; some northern cities in the northern cities have the hidden rules of their parents' retirement and children's succession.In terms of institutional, these people may also be recruited and examined publicly; but on the condition settings, age windows or other bar, there is room for people to operate.Organize procedures and rules.

my country's cadre management system is basically a system of lower -level management. The management authority of the deputy department level and cadres at the level at the level is in the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee.This means that in the category of county politics, civil servants flow is relatively small.

This phenomenon of forming a relatively stable power network at the local grassroots is particularly prominent in the 1980s and 1990s.At that time, the Civil Service Law had not yet been implemented, and there were relatively few college graduates. The source of grassroots cadres was more diverse, including professional soldiers, excellent village cadres, workers, teachers, etc., but all of them were local cadres.ofTie.

According to our survey, after the implementation of the civil service law, the entrance of civil servants has strictly controlled it. Foreign cadres have poured into all parts of the country, which has greatly changed the local power network.Features; after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the effect of strictly governing the party gradually appeared, and the phenomenon of being broken by the cadre circle was also very common.Many grass -roots leading cadres bluntly said to Uncle Island, and they are now impossible and dare not stand in line.

At present, the organizational departments in various places are very careful about the cultivation, selection and appointment of young cadres.Everyone in the world feels that it is difficult to promote civil servants at the grassroots level; but from the perspective of organizational work, the phenomenon of unpopular universal people in the grassroots level in recent years is an indisputable fact.

From the end of the last century to the beginning of this century, county and township institutions in many places were swollen and bloated by digestive institutions.To this day, the structure of the cadres in many places is still unreasonable. The post -60s are the main force.Nowadays, the post -80s generation is also close to 40 years old, and some are not young cadres; the post -90s appear on the historical stage, which is also reasonable.

However, it is because of the difficulty of the career and the promotion of promotion. The selection and employment mechanism must be particularly public, fair, and fair.Since grass -roots politics is a relative acquaintance society, it means that excellent cadres should be easier to be noticed.

During a county investigation, almost every cadre could say the name of the best young cadres in the county, and they all recognized that these people must not mention it, otherwise they would be unreasonable.If you ask carefully, you say that these cadres are really capable, humble, have achievements, and have a high comprehensive quality mdash; mdash; they have made achievements in their own posts, and they are visible and touched.score.

General Secretary Xi has long said that young cadres need to pocket seedlings, but they must be alert to the phenomenon of going to the grass -roots mixed resume, gold plating, and promoting the pier.From our perspective, if it is a truly excellent young cadre, we must applaud and welcome their responsibilities and give full play to their expertise; if not, we must stand the supervision and inspection of public opinion and outside.After all, it is the way of politics and the first employment. This not only affects the political ecology and the effectiveness of governance, but also pays close attention to social conditions and public opinion.

In any case, it is a test for the young people who have just played the new deputy county head, or for the local administrative department, this is a test, and it is also a reminder: in the sun, the shadow has nowherePutting the facts, not afraid of shadow crooked.