The Huawei Exchange Platform Mercy Community issued an email issued by the president issued by the founder Ren Zhengfei yesterday (22nd). The content is based on people who do not understand strategic retreats. They will not strategically offensive as the theme. It is pointed out that each industry will become the world's number one industry.Essence

This email was originally a speech during a work report on the 17th of last month.The email also mentioned that when the file is issued, the United States has entered the entity list management.But we have the confidence to continue to move forward and strive for victory.Hong Kong 01 and WeChat public accounts in Chang'an Street pointed out that Ren Zhengfei was ready to suppress the suppression from the US government as early as a month ago.

The full text is as follows:

First, do a good job in the division of labor and combination of the industry, and strengthen the ICT industry.

After several years of hard work, the company has already had a clear set of rules for the industry. Next, you have to control the life and death of the industry, especially the death.

First, for the ICT business, I hope to be stronger instead of being bigger, so don't open the speaker mouth too much to avoid weakening attack power.When choosing an opportunity, only the market size is large and technically difficult to establish a threshold.Without a threshold, we are struggling in the Red Sea.Moreover, we must first have leaders to make products, rather than find the supervisor if the product is settled.

Otherwise, this is the biggest mistake. People who do not understand have all the structural systems, and it will be difficult to change.For leaders, we need to select and cultivate early.

In my opinion, the life cycle of the industry will become shorter and shorter, and the threshold will become higher and higher. This may be a good thing for us. As soon as the people behind them catch up, they have been eliminated.We need to consider how to speed up the rhythm of the 5G industry and take this world to run, don't wait.Customer demand is a philosophical problem, a problem that is rough and essential, from this, and the other. It is not a problem that the customer expresses. We must focus on the needs of the final customer and the nature of business. We must dare to pull the customers who are willing to run.Value comes.

We want to gather some doctoral and PhD in math and physics, hello; hellip;, plus our engineer, operate in the form of the Google Legion, combing the end -to -end system research on the 5G network, use these groups to overcome the difficulties, let 5G fully fulfill allThe system is more scientific, faster, wider, and cheaper. At the same time, the research results will be inspected on the 5G commercial network.

Second, do something and do not do something. You cannot lead the leading products in the world. I think I should withdraw from the life cycle.The strategic exit of the industry must be exited in an orderly manner.

In the failure of the industry, the leaders and the chiefs must bear the main responsibility, but employees engaged in these industries are the valuable wealth of our company. Their experience is also useful for other businesses. It can be transferred to new businesses to make new contributions.Some time ago, we recognized the telecommunications software team to reflect this strategic idea. Although the telecommunications software business was unsuccessful, its R & D personnel rushed to other businesses to make new contributions and achieved victory. We admit that he is a hero.

Therefore, these non -standard and chaotic people are also valuable wealth, and let him go into the standard field.

Third, we will continue to strengthen investment in basic theory and basic technological innovation, lead the direction of industrial development, and contribute to human society and industry.It can further improve the investment decision -making process of research and innovation, but consider the characteristics of research and innovation, and give the research team to trial and error space.

In my opinion, the operator's business should focus on connectivity, and make connections to the world's best, lowest cost, and always safe and reliable.Don't put too many things to avoid running.Don't blindly pursue bigger, strengthening is the first priority.Aiming at the future structure of the world, leading the industry and customers to move forward.Reduce customization so that you will not drag the progress of the big team.

A strategic research department should be established. This strategic research department is different from the 2012 laboratory. It specializes in strategic forward -looking needs, and implements pre -research, just like the staff around Lin Biao, do not look at it.When I walked in front of my eyes, I found out for another two years.How big is this agency?It's hard to say now, but there must be such a strategic agency.

Second, dare to break through yourself and lead the development of the industry.

First, in the next five years, we will invest $ 100 billion in R & D expenses to solve credible problems through network architecture reconstruction.This 100 billion US dollars is not only to reconstruct the network, but to make the company's annual sales revenue (including terminals) of $ 250 billion, while improving while moving forward.We must open our arms, absorb talents, further enhance software capabilities, architecture design, chip design capabilities, etc., and build the world's strongest and most credible ICT industry.

Software engineering should be renovated stronger, and some international advanced examination companies should be introduced. Software personnel are examined first, and then post -post.The software department wants to learn Li Jianguo's talent management model.

We have 50,000 software personnel, and we have 60,000 outsourcing. Such a large team, qualification certification is a step of success.Otherwise we will lose opportunities on the cloud.

Second, the core network strategic highland, controlled the strategic highland, controlled the black land.We need a strategic highland. The top of Mount Everest may not be able to accommodate a lot of output value, but there are profits, and few people are progressing.The organization of the industry has been sorted out clearly, and the organization of the cloud industry will be adjusted next year.Ping An City, Terminal, and GTS allow a small piece of self -retained land, but must grow on the big black land of cloud.

In vertical perspective, we must do some expansion to the parts we serve and we need, and master the design and production process.However, we have mastered the most advanced productivity and do not necessarily produce. We still have to find component manufacturers to produce and purchase.

Looking horizontally, connected, artificial intelligence, and marginal computing are our three major breakthroughs in the future.The engineers adjusted by the industry are allowed to pick these business to pick people. They have practical experience. They are young and strong in the age of 30 or forty. The key is the teacher and understanding people. This teacher may not have long beard.

The Internet of Vehicles can set up commercial organizations to increase investment.In the face of the connection, vehicle computing, and autonomous driving of smart cars are important directions of the Internet of Vehicle, we must be resolutely invested as a strategic. Lidar should focus on the direction of ICT core technology.Resolutely not allowed to make batteries. The production method of batteries is very complicated, and artificial consumption is large. We still have to focus on algorithms and mathematics -related directions. Chemical and physical things should be cautious.

Artificial intelligence, we are still backward world, we must invest more.It can be divided into two pieces, one is a service improvement service for internal production management, and the other is to serve the product. These two artificial intelligence can complement each other.The first piece can be drawn out, centered on intelligent manufacturing, and solve the problem of supply chain and finance together.Don't think that artificial intelligence is all doctors, and some business personnel must be given to him. Doctors understand mathematics, but if you do n’t understand business, you still do n’t do artificial intelligence.

Edge calculation, we only do basic platforms.There are different marginal computing in response to different businesses. In the future, dozens of marginal computing will occur.The edge calculation should be many forms, and the software in these forms is actually not a complete operating system. It is a streamlined embedded software. Although there are many forms, it is as many as possible.Large management costs.

3. R & D should strengthen metabolism and strengthen personnel flow.

Recently, I talked about the talent structure in CNBG: change the arrangement of the line queue to form the LSquo; warhead+theater support+strategic resource RSQUO; formation.Let lsquo; General rsquo; at the forefront of the customer, implement the structure of LSquo; General+Jingbing RSQUO; to enhance the project decision -making ability and contract closure ability in front; allow experience, ability, good at lsquo;The backbone of the middle and low -ranking grades entered the theater to support; let leaders and low -level young and strong factions enter strategic resources and cadre reserve teams.

I thinkThe warhead should be the general to bring a group of experienced people to the battlefield. In the regional part, it should be experienced young and middle -aged. When the strategic resource part should be the highest elite, the three -layer legion is formed.Why don't you let the general where the war is to fight? What is the use of the general hiding in the office?

For the sales, business management and services of mature products and mature technologies, it is necessary to gradually localize and draw Chinese employees into the field army, and the cost will be reduced.

The recruits must learn to shoot in order to go to the battlefield, to promote the training, and to screen the excellent personnel and go to the battlefield to assess with the veterans through the exam.Exam+assessment is a training method for the U.S. military. If the exam is good, you can have the opportunity to go to the battlefield. If the assessment is good, there will be progress in the level, otherwise it will be eliminated.Some people have a good assessment, but the exams are not qualified. These people stay as Huang Jiguang. They are not suitable for General Qin Jiwei; if the exams are good and the assessment is not good, they will be dismissed;Okay, that's good seedlings.

R & D must strengthen metabolism and promote the flow of talents in the company.There should be a large number of people who can move towards the market and GTS. In the future, the market and GTS should not directly recruit fresh graduates. Instead, what can they communicate with customers if they do not understand technology?For those with product development experience, research and development can supplement fresh blood, and vitality can inspire.We attached great importance to the use of doctors during this time, and the situation changed a lot.

Internal research and development must also strengthen personnel flow, especially the movement between the 2012 laboratory and product lines. From 2012 laboratory to product development, large -scale flow should be formed.In the 2012 laboratory research and hatching new technologies, and then handed over to the product line to product development, the people of the product line cannot be re -understood before starting development. Instead, a large number of people who are familiar with these technologies and products and a batchNewcomers jointly developed together.

R & D should flow to the market and serve hellip; hellip; large -scale talent flow.People move and the tree moves to death.

Fourth, gathering talents in the world, every industry becomes the number one in the world.

I hope everyone understands that we must be the first in the world, and the second in the world may not survive.However, to be the world's first, there must be breakthroughs in theory.Therefore, when there is confusion in the world and the adjustment of large companies, we have to absorb outstanding talents and let the world's talents use it for me, and unswervingly laid the theoretical foundation and technical foundation in recent years.Each country has different characteristics, and we must give full play to local advantages.

Huawei's industrial combination should be balanced.There must be a short cycle intelligent terminal, but also the intermediate cycle high -stick connection and computing business. At the same time, we must also have a relatively long -term car networking business, but in general, we must focus on the core technology of ICT built in Huawei for 30 years.Layout, we must focus on strengthening industries, not in a wide range of industries.

The ICT industry is the base of Huawei's overall industrial portfolio, and it is the basis for Huawei to continue to develop.The ICT industry is full of opportunities. The ICT team must seize the opportunities for industrial changes brought by new technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, and cloud.Contributions to the development of human society.

When the file is issued, the United States has entered the entity list management.But we have the confidence to continue to move forward and strive for victory.The adjustment of individual places does not affect the large pattern, and the employees who adjust the adjustment must be protected.