56 -year -old star captain Bo Yaiping, recently, was transferred to the deputy commander of the Eastern theater of the Eastern Theater of the Eastern Theater.

According to Xinhua News Agency, on May 14th, Beijing time, Singapore Minister of Defense Huang Yonghong visited the Xiangtan Ship of the Chinese Navy in Singapore, Singapore.Bai Yaoping, deputy commander of the Eastern Theater Navy, praised the contribution of the new party to the event, and hoped to continue to deepen the exchanges and cooperation between the two sides.This is the first time that Bai Yaoping has appeared in public reports in a new identity.

Bai Yaoping is known as the compound military commander of the heavenly capable driver and the sea capacity.He was born in Huainan, Anhui in November 1962. He chose the Air Force Airlines School when he graduated from high school in 1980. He graduated from the Air Force Flying Academy.

According to official reports, Bai Yaoping became one of the youngest supersonic pilots of the Navy Air Force at the age of 21. At the age of 33, he became a qualified ship for a full training ship and led a ship at the age of 34 to go abroad.

It is worth mentioning that Bai Yaoping is a student of the first pilot captain of the PLA.In 1987, 25 -year -old Bai Yaoping had flying through 4 models, 3 meteorological flight capabilities, and more than 600 flight hours.In the same year, the Central Military Commission decided to choose a group of comprehensive pilots from the Navy Air Force, and went to the Guangzhou Shipping Academy to study and study the car command major to train new maritime commanders who understand both air and navigation.At the time of enrollment, Bai Yaoping's grades were third in the class, and the total review scores of graduation became the first place.During the three -year study time, Bo Yaoping had digested at least six to seven years.

After graduating from the first captain of the pilot, Bai Yaoping came to the East China Sea Fleet in 1991. He successively worked at the Anqing Ship, Tongling Ship and a destroyer detachment, and led the team to complete the test voyage of the first 054 and 054A frigates.Bai Yaoping also revised and improved more than 40 combat deployment, and made explorations for the shortening of the new types of ships to shorten the combat effectiveness.

Bai Yaoping also performed a escort task and therefore absent from the major general.In August 2016, Bai Yaoping, as the 24th batch of Somali escort formations of the Navy, started from Qingdao to the Gulf and Somali waters from Qingdao, and returned to Qingdao in March 2017.The formation has visited Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE and Kuwait, and went to Pakistan to participate in the Heping-17th National Maritime joint exercises.

In January 2017, the Navy was promoted to the official rank in Beijing. The then deputy chief of staff of the Beihai Fleet, Bai Yao, was promoted to the rank of Major General.However, Bai Yaoping did not participate in the promotion ceremony because of his escort task.