Wang Yang, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (on the 16th), met with representatives of the Taiwan Enterprise Federation in Beijing. He told Taiwanese businessmen that the Sino -US trade war must have an impact on GDP in mainland China, but at most 1 percentage point, the United States also in the United States.It will kill a thousand enemies and damage 800, and the two countries may just pull a wrench.However, he emphasized that the fundamentals of the steady development of the mainland will not be overturned.

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According to ETTODAY News Cloud, the National Taiwan Investment Enterprise Association (Taiwan Enterprise Federation) nationwideCanton, take over the president of the New Taiwan Enterprise Federation, and more than 300 members of the Taiwan Enterprise Federation attended the ceremony in the Great Hall of the People this morning and met with Wang Yang.

In response to promoting the development of Taiwanese businessmen on the mainland and enhancing cross -strait economic and trade exchanges, Wang Yang pointed out that the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China ... The 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Taiwan Enterprise Federation had issued a congratulatory letter, hoping to adhere to a China principle and contribute to maintaining the peaceful development of cross -strait relations on the peaceful development of cross -strait relations.Essence

Therefore, Wang Yang emphasized that it is hoped that the Taiwan Enterprise Federation can play an important role of adhering to the 1992 consensus, opposing Taiwan independence, striving to promote cross -strait economic exchanges and cooperation, promote the peaceful development of cross -strait relations, and recognize that the motherland will be peaceful and unified.Historical trend.

He said that since the reform and opening up of mainland China, the strength of cross -strait strength has undergone fundamental changes. In the early 1990s, Taiwan GDP was equivalent to 45%of the mainland, but it was only 4.3 last year.

Therefore, despite the current impact of the Sino -US trade war, Wang Yang reiterated ... said that the mainland's economy is like the sea, and the wild wind and rain cannot be overturned.

Wang Yang said that China has also made the most pessimistic and severe prediction. After the trade war is fought, it will definitely affect the GDP of the mainland, but at most it is about 1 percentage point.Eight hundred self -damaging, this may be to pull a wrist.

He continued to shout for Taiwanese businessmen, saying that in the past forty years of reform and opening up, the outside world has continuously speculated that the mainland economy must collapse, the economy will hardly land, and now there are trade war, but they all underestimate the toughness and learning ability of the Chinese nation.

Wang Yang said that the mainland will be willing to listen to everyone's suggestions, continue to deepen 31 Huitai, and encourage the development of Taiwanese businessmen. Welcome the majority of Taiwanese businessmen and Taiwan compatriots to invest in the mainland and chase their dreams.The members of the board of supervisors can play a role in this. Wang Yang: If the trade war starts the GDP of China, or a percentage point is reduced

In response to the upgrading of the Sino -US trade war, Wang Yang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said in Beijing yesterday to meet with the new cadres of the National Taiwan Enterprise Federation in Beijing that after the trade war played, it will definitely affect the domestic GDP in mainland China.It is about a percentage point, and the United States may also kill the enemy a thousand and damage 800, and the two countries may have to have a wrist.

Comprehensive joint newspaper Free Times and other reports, Wang Yang said that although the Sino -US trade war may bring some shocks, violent storms can overturn the small pond, but it will not turn the sea, and the fundamental aspect of the stable economic development of the mainland has not changed.According to reports, this is the first time that the Communist Party of China has a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo, which specifically responds to the possible losses of the mainland in the trade war.

Wang Yang said that they all underestimated the toughness and learning ability of the Chinese nation. In the process of being singing and declining again and again, China not only did not collapse, but also improved again and again.

In response to Taiwan -US relations, Wang Yang said that some people in Taiwan have detained treasures on foreign forces. This is an unrealistic fantasy.Everyone knows that the United States just treats Taiwan as a pawn, and it is difficult to imagine that the United States will fight against Taiwan for Taiwan.

He emphasized that although the DPP currently opposes the 1992 consensus, it is even more disagree