At 4:30 pm on May 9, 2019, according to the website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Qin Guangrong, former secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and actively committed the case. He is currently undergoing discipline review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

This is also the first time after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the first retired provincial party committee secretary surrendered.

Qin Guangrong was born in 1950.According to the public resume, after studying the Chinese Department of Hengyang Teachers College of Hunan in 1975, he started from the Cadres of Political Science and Technology of the Lingling Branch of Hunan Normal University.The director of the ministry and the secretary of the Lingling Di Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Secretary of the Lingling Land Committee of the Communist Party of China.

In 1993, Qin Rong left Lingling and was promoted to the Secretary of the Changsha Municipal Party Committee.At the age of 44 a year, he was elected to the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and entered the sequence of provincial and ministerial officials.In 1999, he was transferred to the Standing Committee of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. He has worked in Yunnan for 16 years since then.Bai Enpei served as the secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and no longer served in October 2014.

After serving as the secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, Qin Guangrong promised at a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee (expanded) that all the brands of my brand and my relatives and friends, who can do things in various localities, can not do everything even if they can do things.IntersectionPlease supervise me leaders, comrades and all sectors of society.

He warned leaders at all levels to keep their affection and humanity, and strict self -discipline.

I will always keep in mind lsquo; two must be rsquo; insist on the power for the people, the affection for the people, the benefit of the people, and insist on lsquo;Do officials and do things down.Qin Guangrong said: Those who cheated those brands that were under my brand will be severely investigated and dealt with.

After leaving Yunnan, Qin Guangrong went to the deputy chairman of the Judicial Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

According to a reporter from Yunnan, a local media who have been in contact with Qin Rong, Qin Guangrong, who graduated from the Chinese Department of Hengyang Teachers College in Hunan, has published many poetry works with Lingling Pen name during Yunnan.Waiting for the songwriter of the song.

Qin Lingrong once said in an interview with the media that Ling Ling was his pen name. His hometown was Yongzhou, Hunan, and was formerly known as Lingling. Ling Ling was the homophonic of Lingling.

According to media reports, in September 2013, at a public meeting in Kunming, Qin Guangrong rarely proposed to reflect on the construction of Kunming's urban planning and construction.Cultural vision and strategic vision.Qin Lingrong's speech lasted for more than an hour. After the secretary finished speaking, he was silent under the stage and reported.

It is worth noting that when Qin Guangrong Boom Kunming City was bombarded, the main administrative of Kunming was Zhang Tianxin, the former secretary of the Kunming Municipal Party Committee, which was relegated by the cliff -type Kunming Municipal Party Committee in July of that year.

According to public reports, Qin Lingrong had reported at the cadre conference before leaving.In 2014, he said at the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee Center that officials must be good at people, and they should not be reported because of their own interests.The seal is real.

This time Qin Lingrong surrendered, which also means that Yunnan's two consecutive provincial party secretaries have been dismissed.

Bai Enpei once partnered with Qin Rongrong to serve as the leader of the party and government of Yunnan.When Bai Enpei was transferred to the secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee in 2001, Qin Guangrong was serving as the member of the Standing Committee of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and the Minister of the Organization Department, and the deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and the executive deputy governor.In 2006, Qin Guangrong served as the governor. The two partnered for 5 years. In 2011, Qin Geori took over Bai Enpei as the secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee.

In October 2016, Bai Enpei had been sentenced to death for unknown bribery and huge source of property. He was sentenced to death for 2 years, deprived of political rights for life, and confiscated all personal property.After the imprisonment, life imprisonment shall not be reduced or parole.

Qin Georong Resume

Qin Guangrong, male, born in December 1950, Han nationality, Yongzhou, Hunan.He joined the Communist Party of China in January 1972 and joined the work in August 1975. He has a college degree and a master's degree in engineering. He is currently a member of the 17th Central Committee, Secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, director of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh People's Congress of Yunnan Province and secretary of the party group.

1973.09-1975.08 Study in Chinese Department of Hengyang Teachers College in Hunan

1975.08-1976.11 Hunan Normal University Lingling Branch Political Science and Industry and Youth League Committee

1976.11-1983.06 Director of Propaganda Department of the Lingling District Committee of Hunan Province

1983.06-1984.12 The Secretary of the Lingling Earth Committee of the Hunan Province of the Communist Youth League, a member of the Lingling Land Committee

1984.12-1987.02 The Deputy Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group, and Chairman of the Provincial Youth Federation

1987.02-1988.08 Deputy Commissioner of Lingling District Office of Hunan Province

1988.08-1990.03 Deputy Secretary of the Lingling District Committee of Hunan Province and Secretary of the Lengshui Beach Municipal Party Committee

1990.03-1993.06 Secretary of the Lingling Land Committee of Hunan Province (during the period: 1992.03-1992.07 studying in the Central Party School)

1993.06-1994.12 Secretary of the Changsha Municipal Party Committee of Hunan Province

1994.12-1998.02 Hunan Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee and Secretary of the Changsha Municipal Party Committee

(1993.03-1995.12 Study on the in-service graduate course in management science and engineering in Central South China University of Technology, a master's degree in engineering)

1998.02-1999.01 Standing Committee Member of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee

1999.01-2001.03 The Standing Committee of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee

2001.03-2003.01 Standing Committee Member of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department

2003.01-2003.02 Director of the Standing Committee of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and the Organization Department, Executive Vice Governor of the Provincial People's Government

2003.02-2003.04 The Standing Committee of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and Executive Deputy Governor of the Provincial People's Government

2003.04-2006.11 Deputy Secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and Executive Deputy Governor of the Provincial People's Government

2006.11-2007.01 Deputy Secretary of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, Executive Deputy Governor of the Provincial People's Government, Acting Governor, Party Secretary of the Party Group

2007.01-2011.08 Deputy Secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, Governor of the Provincial People's Government, Secretary of the Party Group

2011.08-2012.02 Secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Group of the Standing Committee of the 11th People's Congress of Yunnan Province

2012.02-2014.10 Secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, Director of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh People's Congress of Yunnan Province and Secretary of the Party Group

2014.11-Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Standing Committee.

The 15th and 16th Central Alternate members, the 17th and 18th Central Committee of the Central Committee