(Hong Kong News) A netizen claiming to be Huang Wan, the daughter-in-law of Zhou Yongkang, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the fallen horse, recently complained on Twitter that she has been unable to visit the prison for two months and has not seen her husband Zhou Bin (the eldest son of Zhou Yongkang).Difficult road to rights protection.

According to Hong Kong media Apple Daily, Huang Wan tweeted twice on January 31, complaining that the Spring Festival will soon be a time for family reunion, but I can’t see my husband, is he safe?Is he still alive?I have no idea!

She also said that too many women cannot see their husbands, human rights activists, lawyers, businessmen, officials... She also apologized to all citizens who suffered unfair treatment when Zhou Yongkang was in charge of the Political and Legal Committee, and called on allServing officials think about it, only the soundness and enforcement of the legal system can protect the rights of all citizens.

Zhou Bin was sentenced to 18 years in prison in 2016 on three counts of accepting bribes, using his influence to accept bribes, and illegal business operations.

Chen Yixuan, who once served as Zhou Bin’s attorney, confirmed to Apple Daily that the above-mentioned Twitter user is indeed Huang Wan, the wife of Zhou Yongkang’s eldest son Zhou Bin.

According to the data, the above-mentioned account was registered in December 2017 and posted on November 25 last year. It also posted two photos of Zhou Yongkang holding what he believed to be his granddaughter last Christmas.