On January 24, 2019, the website of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Baiyin City, Gansu Province, released a notice that Wan Guofeng, Director of the Working Committee of the Baiyin CPPCC Member, was double-opened.

The bulletin was more than 1,100 words in length, which is relatively rare compared to previous bulletins from fallen officials.The full text is as follows: A few days ago, the Baiyin Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee has completed the review and investigation of the serious violation of discipline and law by Wan Guofeng, director of the CPPCC Working Committee approved by the Baiyin Municipal Committee.

It has been found out that during his tenure as the deputy director and director of the Baiyin City Land and Resources Bureau, Wan Guofeng violated political discipline, transferred and concealed illegal income, evaded organizational review and investigation; investigated the case in violation of regulations, colluded with others to give false testimony, and entered into an offensive and defensive alliance.Against organizational censorship investigations.

Violating the spirit of the Eight Central Regulations, repeatedly accepting banquets and tourism activities that may affect the fair execution of official duties in violation of regulations; repeatedly accepting high-end tobacco, alcohol, gifts, and gifts from private business owners and subordinates that may affect the fair execution of official duties; frequent visits in violation of regulationsPrivate clubs.Violating organizational discipline, undermining organizational principles, violating cadre selection and appointment regulations, using power and position influence to seek benefits for relatives and others in cadre recruitment and job promotion.

Violating integrity and discipline, wantonly accepting gifts and gift money, and taking advantage of festivals, weddings and weddings to make money.Violation of work discipline, illegal intervention and meddling in market economic activities.Violating life discipline and maintaining improper sexual relations with others for a long time.

Suspected of duty-related crimes, he has repeatedly accepted huge bribes.As a party member and leading cadre, Wan Guofeng deviated from his original intention and purpose, lacked party spirit, disregarded party discipline and rules, and wantonly trampled on national laws and regulations.Disregarding the party's political discipline, talking about integrity on stage, and expanding greed offstage, under the circumstances that the central government, provincial and municipal party committees are constantly increasing their efforts to punish corruption, and continue to release their strong determination to eliminate discipline and discipline, they still wantonly break discipline and violate regulations;Take up an important leadership position, do not know awe, do not think about serving the country and the people, and make every effort to prepare for illegal and criminal acts;

Trying every means to transfer and hide illegal income, after learning about the organization's investigation, he was lucky and did not know how to repent, carefully organized and established an offensive and defensive alliance, racked his brains to resist the organization's review and investigation, and the whole family participated in the concealment of stolen money and stolen goods, trying to hide the truth, disloyal and dishonest to the party, yesA typical two-faced person; ignoring the central government's prohibition, willing to be hunted, keen on the extravagant life of sensuality, like to eat, please eat, family tradition is corrupt, advocating that one person wins the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, the whole family accepts travel arrangements from the businessman boss, door-to-door gifts, all comers will not be rejected, which runs counter to the spirit of the eight central regulations; despise organizational discipline, violate organizational principles and cadre selection and appointment regulations, and use power and position influence to seek benefits for relatives and others;

Seriously distorted values, accepting gifts and money during the holidays, taking advantage of weddings and weddings to amass money crazily, all items used are arranged for the boss to pay the bills, and all electrical appliances and furniture used in the house are purchased by businessmen.Lose everything and maintain an improper sexual relationship with others for a long time;

Alienation of power, collusion with unscrupulous businessmen, long-term power rent-seeking and benefit transfer, and accepting huge bribes is not enough. Depending on the city's land and land system, such as Wan's Company, he is in the background to direct projects, and arranges for family members and relatives to share profits in partnership at the front desk.Abuse of power for profit can be described as extreme.

Since Wan Guofeng served as the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources, for more than ten years, he has gradually abandoned party spirit, violated the purpose, indulged himself, broke through the red line, and corrupted the image of party members.If you don't stop, the circumstances are extremely serious, the nature is extremely bad, and the impact is extremely bad.

In accordance with the Communist Party of China Disciplinary Sanction Regulations and other relevant regulations, after deliberation at the Standing Committee Meeting of the Baiyin Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Administrative Meeting of the Municipal Supervisory Committee and reporting to the Standing Committee Meeting of the Baiyin Municipal Party Committee for approval, it was decided to expel Wan Guofeng from the Party and be dismissed from public office;The suspected crime was transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution according to law.Zhengshi noticed that in this 1,100-word bulletin, it was mentioned six times that his family members and relatives were involved in violating discipline.

According to the report, Wan Guofeng used his power and position influence to seek benefits for relatives and others in the recruitment and promotion of cadres; the whole family participated in the concealment of stolen money and stolen goods, trying to hide the truth;The whole family frankly accepts travel arrangements from the businessman’s boss, door-to-door gifts, and never refuses anyone who comes; they use their power and position influence to seek benefits for relatives and others;

In addition, he also took advantage of weddings and weddings to amass money crazily.While relatives and family members were involved in corruption, Wan Guofeng also maintained improper sexual relationships with others for a long time.According to the public resume, Wan Guofeng was born in October 1962. He is a local cadre. His official career has been in Baiyin. He was dismissed in August 2018.

In 1981, at the age of 19, Wan Guofeng joined the Jingyuan County Party Committee in his hometown, became a cadre of the Propaganda Department, and later served as the deputy director of the County Party Committee Office.In July 1991, he was transferred to the Land Bureau of Baiyin City. Since then, he has worked in the bureau for 27 years, and gradually rose from an office staff member to secretary of the party committee and director of the bureau.In August 2002, at the age of 40, Wan Guofeng served as a member of the party group and deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources. This became the starting point for him to abandon party spirit and indulge himself.In January 2010, he was promoted to the secretary of the party group of the bureau, and the director of the bureau the following year. He became the land lord of Baiyin and was in charge of the bureau for 8 years.In April 2018, Wan Guofeng left the Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources and was transferred to be the director of the CPPCC Working Committee. He was investigated four months later.