On January 23, local time in Davos, Switzerland, Vice President Wang Qishan was invited to attend the 2019 Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum and delivered a speech.I sorted out the top ten golden sentences in this speech:

1. Many foreign friends ask me, why has China achieved such great development and progress?How will a developed and stronger China get along with the world?I always tell them that historical, cultural and philosophical considerations are a key.Yesterday, today, and tomorrow are closely connected. To understand China's reality, we must understand China's history in order to foresee China's future.

2. When Western industrial civilization and blue civilization emerged, the Chinese dynasty adopted a closed-door policy, and China fell behind.If you fall behind, you will be beaten.

3. Chinese culture believes in promoting oneself and others, and the world is for the common good. It emphasizes treating others with courtesy and win-win cooperation, and opposes bullying and self-centeredness.

4. The achievements of the past 70 years did not fall from the sky, nor were they given by others. They were achieved by the hard work and sweat, wisdom and courage, reform and innovation of the Chinese people!

5. China has moved step by step from the low end of the global industrial chain to the mid-to-high end. The nearly 1.4 billion people who are gradually getting richer are constantly releasing the purchasing power needs, and the huge market potential shows extraordinary charm.

6. We can only seek better ways to cut the cake in the process of making it bigger, and we must never stop and have endless disputes about how to cut the cake.Blaming others will not help solve the problem.

7. In the face of problems, China’s choice is to unswervingly do its own thing well.

8. Comprehensively and strictly govern the party to strengthen the ruling Communist Party of China and achieve an overwhelming victory in the fight against corruption.

9. We must take into account the interests of all countries, especially emerging market countries and developing countries, in a balanced way. We cannot only rely on the security and standards of developed countries and individual countries to demand the world.

10. We must respect the sovereignty of all countries, refrain from pursuing technological hegemony, interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, and refrain from engaging in, condoning, or protecting technological activities that endanger the security of other countries.

The full text of the speech is as follows:

Strengthen confidence, move forward hand in hand, and create a better future - Speech at the World Economic Forum 2019 Annual Meeting (January 23, 2019, Wang Qishan, Davos, Switzerland)

Dear Chairman Schwab, ladies and gentlemen, friends: It is a pleasure to attend the 2019 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting.

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of relations between China and the forum.Over the past 40 years, the small town of Davos, with its unique charm, has become an important platform for China to observe the world, exchange ideas, elaborate on ideas and seek consensus.

This year is also the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.Over the past 70 years, China's development has made great achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. Social productivity and comprehensive national strength have achieved historic leaps. People's lives have ushered in a great leap from insufficient food and clothing to an all-round moderately prosperous society. Its international status and influence have increased unprecedentedly.China has increasingly become an important force in safeguarding world peace and promoting common development.

Many foreign friends ask me, why has China achieved such great development and progress?How will a developed and stronger China get along with the world?I always tell them that historical, cultural and philosophical considerations are a key.Yesterday, today, and tomorrow are closely connected. To understand China's reality, we must understand China's history in order to foresee China's future.

Chinese civilization has lasted for more than 5,000 years.The Chinese nation has gone through hardships and forged brilliance.When Western industrial civilization and blue civilization emerged, the Chinese dynasty adopted a closed-door policy, and China fell behind.If you fall behind, you will be beaten.Since modern times in China, the country and the nation have suffered from foreign humiliation and internal troubles, frequent wars, and the people have suffered humiliation and suffering.The Chinese people have always been indomitable and have fought one after another. In the dark exploration of a century, they have always dreamed of realizing the prosperity of the country, the well-being of the people, and the rejuvenation of the nation.

70 years ago, the Communist Party of China led the Chinese people to establish New China on the basis of a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society through arduous struggle and achieved national independence and people's liberation.Since then, the Chinese nation has been reborn from the ashes, and the phoenix has entered a new era of development.

We remain true to our original aspirations and always adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the fundamental socialist political and economic system, and the people-centered development philosophy.From the establishment of political power and the construction of New China to the promotion of reform and opening up, with economic construction as the center; from revolution to reform; from planned economy to market economy; from isolation to comprehensive opening; we gradually get rid of superstition, overcome idealism and dogmatism,Persist in emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and constantly integrating the basic principles of Marxism with China's reality.

The fourth and fifth generations of Chinese people have gone through a difficult and tortuous road of exploration, paid a high price in right and wrong, experience and lessons, and achieved brilliant achievements, opening up the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.After 70 years of hard work and 70 years of great momentum, a poor and weak agricultural country with a very backward level of productivity has developed into the world's second largest economy, the largest industrial country, and the largest trader of goods, ushering in the greatness of the Chinese nation.Bright prospects for revival.

The inspiration that history gives us is:

-- Throughout the history of the world, the Chinese nation has been at the forefront of human civilization for a long time and has made unique and wonderful contributions to the development and progress of mankind.The profound historical and cultural heritage of Chinese civilization exists in the genes of the Chinese people. The dream of the Chinese people is to stand tall again among the nations of the world and realize the great rejuvenation of the nation.

--Many nationalities have continuously merged in the long history to form the present Chinese nation.We are a peace-loving, open and inclusive nation that keeps pace with the times.We inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, respect different civilizations and values, and strive to absorb the outstanding achievements of human civilization.We adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and respect the paths and systems independently chosen by the people of other countries.

——Chinese culture believes in self-improvement, the world is for the public, it emphasizes treating people with courtesy, win-win cooperation, and opposes bullying and self-importance.Today, China's interests and destiny are closely related to the interests and destiny of the world. China hopes to seek common development with other countries while seeking its own development, and to build a community with a shared future for mankind with the international community.

The achievements of the past 70 years did not fall from the sky, nor were they bestowed by others, but were made by the Chinese people with hard work and sweat, wisdom and courage, reform and innovation!Only by constantly satisfying the people's yearning for a better life can we gain the support and support of the people.The Chinese people are united and capable of dealing with various risks and challenges.

--Over 9.6 million square kilometers, nearly 1.4 billion people, and more than 5,000 years of civilization history are our most basic national conditions and the source of China's path, theory, system, and cultural confidence.We have embarked on a correct path that conforms to China's national conditions and meets the requirements of the times, and we will continue to improve and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in the process of reform and opening up. We are full of confidence and unswerving in this regard.

ladies and gentlemen!

In recent years, the lack of new momentum in the global economy has intensified the problems of unbalanced development and income distribution. New challenges brought about by new technologies, new industries, and new business formats have become prominent. The policies of various countries tend to be inward-looking. Barriers to international trade and investment have continued to increase.Today, global unilateralism, protectionism, and populism are gradually spreading and fermenting, and the international multilateral order is facing serious challenges.Is economic globalization advancing or retreating?

Looking back at history, the economic globalization that emerged in the last century was initially only the economic globalization of Western developed countries, or the Mediterranean civilization.In the late last century and since the beginning of this century, technological progress has greatly reduced the geographical distance and communication barriers between countries and accelerated the process of economic globalization. The rise of the BRICS countries, Vietnam, Indonesia and other emerging economies has led to the emergence of the current economy.globalization.

Western multinational corporations and financial institutions are the main drivers of economic globalization, and they are completely subordinate to and serve interestsIn accordance with the principle of maximization, the industrial chain layout is carried out globally, and resources are allocated to countries and regions with low factor costs and good business environment.In this process, China has gradually moved from the low-end of the global industrial chain to the mid-to-high end. The purchasing power needs of nearly 1.4 billion people who have gradually become rich are constantly released, and the huge market potential shows extraordinary charm.

Countries around the world complement each other with their advantages, and there is huge potential for economic integration and development. Economic globalization is a historical necessity.Regarding the current problems and challenges, the international community should not only attach great importance to them and think deeply, but also follow the trend, act proactively, and work together to deal with them.

Under the condition of market economy, highlighting efficiency and fairness will always be affected.Problems always have internal and external causes, and internal causes play a major role.To solve the problems arising in the process of economic globalization, we must prescribe the right medicine, and the unbalanced development must be resolved through development.The state should actively carry out structural reforms, grasp the relationship between fairness and efficiency, adopt effective policies and measures to avoid exacerbating the imbalance of income distribution, and deal with the impact of new technologies and market competition on some regions and industries, so that the people can continue to develop.generally benefited.

We can only seek better ways to cut the cake in the process of making the cake bigger, and we must not stop and have endless disputes about the way to cut the cake.Blaming others will not help solve the problem.

In the face of problems, China's choice is to unswervingly do its own thing well.At present, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era.The problem of unbalanced development also exists in China. The main contradiction in Chinese society is the contradiction between the people's ever-growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development.We insist that development is the top priority, coordinate and promote the five-in-one construction of economy, politics, culture, society, and ecological civilization, and continue to move towards building a well-off society in an all-round way!

China persisted in comprehensively deepening reforms, cracked many tough nuts, and surmounted many rapids and shoals.Supply-side structural reforms have been advanced in depth, emerging industries such as the digital economy have flourished, and fruitful achievements have been made in building an innovative country.Decisive progress has been made in the fight against poverty. Since 2013, the number of rural poor has dropped by more than 80 million.The governance of the ecological environment has been significantly strengthened, and the environmental situation has been improved.Strictly governing the party in an all-round way has made the ruling Chinese Communist Party stronger, and the fight against corruption has won an overwhelming victory.

China insists on promoting all-round opening up, promoting international cooperation along the Belt and Road, and building a higher-level open world economy. Based on the concept of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, China will build a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice, and win-win cooperation.China has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of international order.

ladies and gentlemen!

New technologies are opportunities as well as risks and challenges.Every major breakthrough in scientific discovery and technological innovation has promoted the development and progress of human society, and will also bring about the restructuring of value chains, industrial chains, and supply chains, breaking the existing balance among economies, societies, countries, and regions, to challenge the old rules and order.Corresponding adjustments should be made to domestic economic and social management and global economic governance.

The theme of this annual conference is Globalization 4.0: Building a Global Architecture in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and it is timely.The fourth industrial revolution that is currently taking place is a process of globalization with far-reaching influence, with such a fast speed, such a large scale, such a complex system, and such profound changes in human society.With the vision and foresight of a common destiny for all mankind, we must jointly build a global architecture in the era of the fourth industrial revolution.

It is necessary to keep the bottom line of the safety of all mankind, gradually explore and establish relevant rules and standards, and at the same time leave a broad space for scientific discovery and technological innovation, promotion and utilization.It is necessary to take care of the interests of all countries, especially emerging market countries and developing countries in a balanced way, and we cannot only demand the safety and standards of developed countries or individual countries from the whole world.

We must respect the sovereignty of all countries, refrain from engaging in technological hegemony, do not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, and do not engage in, condone, or protect technological activities that endanger the security of other countries.Respect the technology management model independently chosen by each country, public policy and the right to participate in the global technology governance system on an equal footing.

We must adhere to multilateralism, conduct extensive dialogue and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and mutual trust, and build a peaceful, secure, democratic, transparent, inclusive and inclusive technical rule system and a new framework for international cooperation, so that all mankind can benefit from technological innovation.

It is necessary to maintain social fairness and justice, ensure that technological innovation operates on the basis of the rule of law and recognized international norms, is led by human beings, serves human beings, and conforms to human values.Prevent new technologies from becoming a means of terrorism, a hotbed of crimes, and a way of violating individual rights.

It is necessary to improve the policy environment and promote social prosperity and stability.It not only respects and safeguards the rights and interests of innovation subjects, but also provides corresponding education and training for the public to adapt to the rapid technological progress, so that technological progress can be combined with the life and employment of ordinary people, combined with the maintenance of the environment and ecology, and the long-term development of human beings.interests combined.

ladies and gentlemen!

The world is changing, and progress is like climbing a mountain. Faith, faith, and confidence support human beings to move forward.In the era of in-depth economic globalization, the interests of all mankind are intertwined and the destiny is shared.A Swiss proverb says that the torches will light each other, let us illuminate each other's way forward, go forward hand in hand, climb the peak bravely, and create a better future for mankind together!