(Guangzhou Comprehensive News) A preliminary investigation by the Guangdong Provincial Government shows that He Jiankui, a former associate professor at Shenzhen Southern University of Science and Technology, cultivated the world's first pair of gene-edited babies in pursuit of personal fame and fortune.

China's official news agency Xinhua News Agency reported yesterday that He Jiankui's behavior seriously violated ethics and scientific research integrity, seriously violated China's relevant national regulations, and caused negative consequences at home and abroad.

The Guangdong Provincial Gene-Edited Baby Incident Investigation Team initially found that He Jiankui privately organized a project team including overseas personnel starting in June 2016, deliberately evaded supervision, and used technology whose safety and effectiveness were uncertain.

He Jiankui recruited eight volunteer couples to participate in the experiment through forged ethical review documents.In the end, a total of two volunteers became pregnant, one of whom had given birth to twin girls and the other was still pregnant.

According to the report, Guangdong Province will work with relevant parties to carry out medical observation and follow-up work for born babies and pregnant volunteers under the guidance of relevant national departments.

The relevant person in charge of the investigation team stated: He Jiankui and the persons and institutions involved will be dealt with seriously in accordance with the law and regulations, and those suspected of committing crimes will be transferred to the public security organs for processing.

The Ministry of Science and Technology of China also stated yesterday that due to the bad nature of the incident, the scientific and technological activities of relevant personnel have been completely suspended.We will work with relevant departments to improve relevant laws and regulations, and improve the scientific research ethics review system including life sciences.

Has been dismissed from Southern University of Science and Technology

Southern University of Science and Technology, where He Jiankui previously worked, also issued an announcement yesterday, announcing the termination of its labor contract with He Jiankui and the termination of all teaching and research activities on campus.

He Jiankui explained at an international summit in November last year that he used CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technology (commonly known as genetic scissors) to cut out one of the genes (CCR5) before the embryo is formed, so that the child will be immune to AIDS after birth.

He insisted he was proud of the experiment.But immediately after the summit, he was taken back to Shenzhen Southern University of Science and Technology and placed under house arrest on campus. Expert: The best way to deal with the He Jiankui incident is to keep the baby involved from knowing

Two months after the incident involving He Jiankui's gene-edited baby girl, officials announced how they would deal with born babies and pregnant volunteers, saying that Guangdong Province would work with relevant parties to carry out medical observation and follow-up work under the guidance of relevant national departments..Experts say that for a baby girl who has already been born, the best way to deal with it is to never let the two children know.

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: It is difficult to find legal basis without precedent

Shao Feng, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the field of life science research, was quoted as saying that the investigation process is very complicated and needs to investigate whether the school and hospital knew about it, why He Jiankui was allowed to conduct experiments, and whether the two gene-edited baby girls who have been born were physically harmed, etc., There are no precedents to follow, and the corresponding legal basis must be found.

Said that two baby girls are not enough to affect the gene pool

As for the birth of two gene-edited baby girls, Shao Feng said that this is very, very difficult.The industry has discussed that a sum of money will be paid to allow the parents of the two children to live again in a place that no one knows, and the relevant departments will track them.

The gene-edited baby girl may have health problems in the future, and even if not, will the two girls be able to get married in the future?If you want to get married, you will inherit it (edited genes) if you have children. This question has not yet been answered.Shao Feng said that if I want to deal with this matter, I will never tell them that they are genetically edited and allow them to live like normal people.I think this is the most appropriate and best choice.

The academic community believes that gene editing may affect human population genes, but Shao Feng believes that this individual case is only a small impact. A small drop of water is not enough to change the entire pool. If you put it into the entire gene pool, it will be diluted immediately.