He is a deputy ministerial leader who writes well in prose. He resigned today amid the applause of more than 400 NPC deputies.

On the afternoon of January 20, 2019, the seventh session of the Sixth Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress held its third plenary session.The meeting passed a decision on accepting Qiu Hai's request to resign as director of the Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee due to retirement at age.

According to news released by Shenzhen, the new director of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress will be elected on the morning of January 22.

Qiu Hai was born in January 1956 in Fengshun, Guangdong. He is 63 years old this year.Graduated from the Political Education Department of South China Normal University, majoring in politics, with an on-the-job university degree and a master's degree in law.

Qiu Hai once served as deputy secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of the Provincial Editorial Office. In July 2012, he went to work in Shenzhen and served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission. In June 2015, at the first meeting of the Sixth Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress, Qiu Hai was elected ShenzhenChairman of the Standing Committee of the Sixth Municipal People's Congress.

This time, he resigned due to his age. More than 400 Municipal People's Congress representatives present at the meeting expressed their respect for Qiu Hai's contribution to the development of Shenzhen with warm applause.The conference spoke highly of Qiu Hai in the summary--

Comrade Qiu Hai has a firm political stance, a strong awareness of the overall situation, and consciously maintains a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee, and the Municipal Party Committee in terms of thoughts and actions.Comrade Qiu Hai is fair and upright, has a pragmatic style, and promotes democracy. He has high prestige among the Municipal People's Congress and the city's cadres. He has personally taught leaders and employees of the agency three times.During his work at the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress, Comrade Qiu Hai firmly grasped the correct direction of the Shenzhen People's Congress, united and led the People's Congress to give full play to the role of local power organs, conscientiously performed its statutory duties, and fully supported the work of the municipal party committee and government, which reflected a strong political awareness, overall situation awareness, legal awareness and responsibility awareness.The National People's Congress's legislative, supervisory and representative working mechanisms have been continuously improved, and a number of breakthrough laws and regulations have been formulated in the economic, social and other fields, which have effectively promoted the transformation of Shenzhen's economic development model and social construction in the new era.Carry out supervision work in a solid and effective manner, strive to promote the implementation of laws, regulations and major decisions, and promote judicial justice and improvement of people's livelihood.Continuously innovating representative work and giving full play to the main role of representatives has created a new situation for the construction of democratic politics in Shenzhen.

To perform their duties, deputies to the National People's Congress must be both high-minded and down-to-earth.Regarding the work of the National People's Congress, Qiu Hai proposed to make the work of the Shenzhen People's Congress more down-to-earth.

Qiu Hai said that in addition to paying attention to major events such as the development of the country, the province, and the city, the National People's Congress should also focus on local economic development, improvement of people's livelihood, and social progress. In particular, it should consider more about people's livelihood and micro practical matters that are closely related to people's lives, and effectively helpTo solve real problems for the common people, deputies must be both high-minded and down-to-earth in performing their duties. They must constantly improve their ability and quality to perform their duties and truly play their role as deputies to the people's congress for the people.

Don’t dare to forward complaint letters to the court again

In January 2016, during the group deliberations of the Shenzhen delegation of the Guangdong Provincial Two Sessions, Qiu Hai mentioned the issue of National People’s Congress supervision and said that he was confused and did not dare to forward the complaint letter to the judicial authorities for fear of being suspected of interfering with judicial trials.He believes that it should be clear how the National People's Congress supervises the judicial organs.

At that time, Qiu Hai had only been serving as director of the Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee for half a year.He said that in the past six months, he had received 200 letters related to the visit. Because he was worried about being suspected of interfering with the judiciary, he only approved one letter and not the others to the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court.

He said that the forwarded letter came from an old couple whose son was killed more than ten years ago. The court ordered hundreds of thousands in civil compensation, but only ten or twenty thousand was executed.

This involves the issue of old-age care for two elderly people. I am not afraid of any criticism.Qiu Hai said he forwarded the letter to the president of the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court.As for other letters from visitors, he said that he did not dare to approve them for fear of being suspected of interfering with the judiciary.

How to prevent leading cadres from interfering in the judiciary while allowing the National Congress to fully supervise the judicial organs.Qiu Hai said that he has always been confused and hopes it can be solved.

Investigating 2 billion village officials, saying that little flies can turn into big tigers no matter what. In July 2012, after taking office as secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, Qiu Hai, who has decades of experience in age inspections, was unequivocal and quickly set off an anti-corruption hurricane in Shenzhen..

Shortly after he took office, Han Jiang, then deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Ye Qian, then deputy director of the Shenzhen Municipal Construction and Public Works Department, and Jiang Hanping, then director of the Shenzhen Municipal Health and Human Resources Commission, were investigated.

After taking up his duties in Shenzhen, Qiu Hai went to various districts, streets, state-owned enterprises and joint-stock companies to conduct research almost every week.In Qiu Hai's view, the main purpose of anti-corruption is to ensure the healthy development of the economy and society, especially for the economically developed Shenzhen.Therefore, to do a good job in anti-corruption work, we must have a deep understanding of Shenzhen’s economic situation.

After investigation, Qiu Hai realized that Shenzhen's anti-corruption work can use the grassroots as a breakthrough.He once said that the situation in Shenzhen is very special. The GDP of some streets can be as high as that of cities in the mainland. Without effective monitoring, corruption is inevitable.

Since 2013, the Shenzhen Municipal Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Bureau has successively investigated and dealt with a number of former or current street leaders suspected of violating discipline and law.In less than two years, 12 street party working committee secretaries were sacked due to corruption.Shenzhen

The practice and experience of killing flies have also attracted the attention of CCTV's focus interview column.In addition to cracking down on corruption of grassroots officials, the Shenzhen Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection has also extended its tentacles of case investigation to community joint-stock companies.Previously made a big deal by the media

The case of 2 billion village official Zhou Weisi was directly investigated by the Shenzhen Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Qiu Hai believes that sometimes a small village official can become a master in investigating and handling corruption cases, and can lead to higher-level corrupt officials.Flies can also turn into tigers if left unchecked, he points out.

Solid professional theory

Qiu Hai also has a rich theoretical foundation for anti-corruption work.During his work in the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, he edited Deng Xiaoping Theory and the practice of building a clean and honest government in Guangdong.

In 2008, Qiu Hai, then secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, wrote an article in Nanfang Daily that relying on systems to punish and prevent corruption is the only way to fight corruption and promote integrity.

He pointed out in the article that the key areas of reform are often corruption-prone areas. We should focus on the reform of cadre and personnel systems, the reform of the judicial system, the reform of the administrative approval system and the reform of the financial management system to strengthen system construction and strive to solve deep-seated corruption.question.

He proposed that we should continue to promote the second innovation of relevant systems such as construction project bidding, land auctions, property rights transactions and government procurement, so as to truly curb the occurrence of corruption cases from the source.It is necessary to expand the trial implementation of the competitive allocation reform of special funds, continuously improve the government purchase service system, improve the decision-making mechanism for government investment projects, and establish an expert review and demonstration, publicity and accountability system for major projects.

Low-key, rigorous, and accomplished in literature

It is worth mentioning that there is very little information about Qiu Hai in public reports, and he is more well known for his literary attainments.His reportage work "Saving the Yellow Earth" won the first prize of the second Guangdong Provincial Periodical Outstanding Work, and his prose work "The Communist Complex of the Hometown People" won the

He won the first prize of the China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Newspaper Call for Papers. He has also published essays and essay collections.

In the eyes of his subordinates, Qiu Hai is a low-key and rigorous person. Although he doesn't talk much, he has principles and methods in his work.According to the Shenzhen Evening News, Qiu Hai is very approachable in the eyes of his colleagues.A staff member of the Shenzhen Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection once said that when Qiu Hai meets his colleagues in the corridor, he will take the initiative to nod and say hello.

The staff member also said that Qiu Hai was vigorous and resolute when doing things, but in lifeVery concerned about the situation of colleagues.The deepest impression that Qiu Hai left on him was that everything was done out of public interest and there was no personal emotion involved in his work.