The picture shows He Jian during the review and investigation period.Photo by Cheng Dongyun

Mo Dao Sangyu is late, and the sky is still full of clouds.As a party member and leading cadre, after retirement, he can use his spare energy to do something within his capacity for the cause of the party, or enjoy his old age and enjoy the family happiness of his children and grandchildren.However, some people are reluctant to give up the power they once had, and have a lot of desires for the organization. Before retirement, they want to go further.facts in order to achieve their ulterior political goals.The person who sent himself into the abyss of crime in the live newspaper drama directed by himself is He Jian, former member of the Standing Committee of the Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Yunnan Province.

What kind of person is He Jian?Why is he still clinging to power before and after his retirement?What revelations and lessons can be drawn from his case?

The political quality is corrupted-dash;mdash;

Because of dissatisfaction with some leading cadres, they used other people's identity information to buy phone cards, sent dozens of anonymous text messages, and created, spread, and spread political rumors among leading cadres

Inner-party unity is the source of the party's life, strength and motivation.Every party member and every party member leading cadre has a responsibility and an obligation to maintain unity within the party, and resolutely refrain from saying anything that is not conducive to unity within the party, and resolutely refrain from doing things that are not conducive to unity within the party.But Hejian completely forgot about this political discipline and rules, and went further and further on the road of undermining the unity within the party.

From October 2017 to May 2018, because He Jian was dissatisfied with some leading cadres in Honghe Prefecture, he used other people's identity information to buy two mobile phone cards, sent dozens of anonymous text messages, and created, disseminated, and disseminated among leading cadresPolitical rumors.

He Jian confessed in the review that the content of the text message was fabricated by his hearsay and personal analysis without verification. The purpose of sending the text message was to destroy the trust and unity among leaders, make them suspicious of each other and cause conflicts, and even be dealt with by the organization.

Not only that, He Jian pointed the finger at the main leaders of the Honghe State Committee with a strong purpose.

In August 2018, Hejian took advantage of the dissatisfaction of Ma Moumou, the former principal of a certain middle school, with the organization's adjustment of his position, took it out of context, and linked the issue of rectification of inappropriate slogans on the campus by the superior department with Ma Moumou's normal job adjustment, and instigated and instigated Ma MouA certain person wrote a report letter to report false information to the leaders of the central government and the provincial party committee, and added to the content of his appeal that he requested the organization to severely punish the bureaucrat Yao Moumou, etc.

On September 24, 2018, He Jian successively sent an open letter signed by him about questioning Yao's achievements to the central leadership, the main leaders of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government, the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission and the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department, and some leading cadres in Honghe Prefecture, and uploaded to the national network reporting platform.After verification by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the contents reflected in the open letter are not true.

All of this stems from He Jian's belief that he has hard work and no credit, and that he should be paid at the departmental level before retiring.In May 2015, after He Jian reached out to the organization to ask for the remuneration at the department level before retirement, he subjectively believed that the main leader of the state party committee did not help him, and that he did not respect and disrespect him enough since the main leader of the state party committee was transferred.Listening to his relevant work opinions and thought reports, not approving his going abroad to visit his daughter who immigrated to Australia, etc. as an excuse, wrote an open letter and sent text messages, and forcibly attributed Honghe State's established decision-making deployment and mass incidents to Honghe StateThe main leadership of the committee.

What Hejian did was actually transforming the unsatisfied personal interests into dissatisfaction with the organization and resentment towards the main leaders of the Honghe State Committee.His behavior has caused serious adverse effects on the political ecology, development environment, and unity of Honghe Prefecture, and has seriously disrupted the work order of the Honghe Prefecture Party Committee and the state government. He is a typical example of the seven.

Domineering style mdash;mdash;

I can't tolerate other people's objections, I can't listen to other people's opinions, I can do whatever I want, one person has the final say, if others don't listen to him, or don't like him, he will scold people, slap the table, throw the cup

Most of the leadership positions that Hejian has experienced are top leaders—director of the Commercial Bureau of Gejiu City, director of the Honghe Prefecture Trade Bureau, director of the Honghe Prefecture Foreign Trade Bureau, secretary of the Maitreya County Party Committee, member of the Standing Committee of the Honghe Prefecture Party Committee, and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.In just 13 years, He Jian was promoted from the chief section level to the deputy department level leading cadre, and his journey has been smooth.

However, He Jian not only did not cherish the training and education of the organization, on the contrary, in the process of serving as the leader for a long time, he gradually developed an arrogance of being one-sided and domineering.He has a strong and domineering style, does not tolerate opposition from others, does not listen to other people's opinions, and does whatever he wants. He has the final say, and if others do not listen to him or do not like him, he will curse and shootTables, throwing cups.He likes the feeling of being superior and the feeling of his subordinates being submissive in front of him.This is the evaluation of him by most comrades during the survey.

Especially after He Jian became the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Honghe Prefecture Committee, he used his privileges and authority, and his domineering and flamboyant personality developed to the extreme.When conducting research at the grassroots level, police cars must clear the way, and flowers must be placed during meetings. If the main local leaders do not accompany the investigation and meals, they will get angry.Regardless of time, place, or occasion, it is common to curse someone when you are unhappy.In Honghe Prefecture, there are many people who have been scolded by He Jian, ranging from the head of a county to ordinary staff members.Once, when He Jian went on a business trip to Shiping County, the secretary of the county political and legal committee was a minute or two late to greet him at the exit of the expressway.

He is the only one who is supreme, his desire for power is inflated, and he will retaliate for his anger, just like I am the best in the world.

In 2014, Yu Moumou, the former secretary of the National Security Bureau of Honghe Prefecture, reported to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the inspection team of the Party Committee of the Ministry of State Security the relevant problems of Yang Moumou, then director of the National Security Bureau of Honghe Prefecture. During the review and investigation, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection found thatHejian was suspected of misappropriating special funds and purchasing vehicles illegally. In March 2015, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection gave Hejian a warning.After Hejian learned that it was reported by Yu Moumou, on March 10, 2015, in the name of the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Honghe Prefecture Party Committee, he sent several letters to the Party Committee and members of the Party Committee of the State Security Department of Yunnan Province about severely punishing the scum of the country.So-and-so’s opinion, in the name of the Political and Legal Committee of the Honghe State Party Committee, reported the important situation in writing to the former secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, reported and reflected the unverified situation, and attempted to retaliate against Yu Moumou through organizational review and investigation.

Received 500,000 yuan in cash from Zhang XX, chairman of a real estate development group company; 480,000 yuan in cash from Liang XX, a former researcher of a tobacco company; sold a villa to a real estate developer at a price significantly higher than the market priceThe actual controller of the company, Yang Moumou, made a profit of 873,000 yuan from it... While He Jian was bossy and domineering, he did not forget to bulge his pockets.

However, such a person with a domineering style, excessive greed, and private use of public power appears completely different in the special democratic life meeting.In 2009, He Jian, then secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Honghe State Party Committee, talked about his achievements in five aspects at the special democratic life meeting: first, earnest study, second, hard work, third, caring for the masses, and fourth, styleDemocracy, five is honesty and self-discipline.

Criticism and self-criticism are either understatement, or avoiding the important and neglecting the important. They either pass through a few sieves, or are coated with a layer of sugar, full of falsehoods, and hypocrisy throughout.Among the opinions put forward by the members of the Political and Legal Committee, there are many who dare to act, dare to grasp and manage, and are able to grasp and manage.Complimentary words.

Inner-party political life is not serious, democratic life meeting, organizational life meeting, three meetingsThe class was in vain, making He Jian like a kite with its strings cut off. His life direction was lost, his work focus was deviated, and his style became more domineering.

Abuse of power for personal gain—mdash;mdash;

Because the suspect's wife and his wife work in the same unit, they broke the rules and challenged the solemn and sacred procuratorial power, demanding that the procuratorate handle the case properly

Power is given by the people and should be used by the people.But here in Hejian, power has become a tool to interfere in judicial activities and interfere with case investigation.

In May 2008, when the Jianshui County People's Procuratorate was investigating the suspected bribery case of Wang, the former deputy director of the county's transportation bureau, He Jian proposed to Yu Moumou, then chief procurator of the Jianshui County People's Procuratorate, that Wang's lover Zhao Mou and his wifeMy lover Zhao worked in the same unit and asked Yu to handle Wang’s case properly.In order to exert pressure, He Jian also used the opportunity of visiting Jianshui County to investigate and hold a meeting of members of the public security and legal team to criticize the county's procuratorate's case handling safety work without naming names.

Just because the suspect's wife and his own wife work in the same unit, he violated the rules and challenged the solemn and sacred procuratorial power.

Hejian builds personal relationships within the party, cultivates personal influence, colludes with each other for the benefit of himself and small groups, engages in relatives and estrangements, trains and reuses the staff around him, and turns the relationship between superiors and subordinates into personal dependence through the exchange of interests.A group of staff around him and his subordinates who he thought were obedient were recommended to be promoted to work in areas and important units with more developed economies and richer resources, while those who he thought were disobedient were excluded and attacked.

Among them, Zhang Junpeng, former deputy secretary of the Mengzi Municipal Party Committee (handled in another case), took up an important position under the cover of the big tree of Hejian.Xi Zhihu (handled in a separate case) was originally an ordinary worker. He Jian used his power and influence to help him resolve his status as a civil servant in September 2004, and later became the party secretary of Miyang Town, Mile City.

Hidden behind nepotism and promoting the staff around you are huge financial interests.From 2003 to 2018, Hejian successively accepted 2.083 million yuan in bribes.

Taking advantage of the convenience of being in charge of the Public Security Bureau, investigating anyone who doesn't like him, and retaliating against colleagues who have conflicts with him and subordinates who don't agree with him are Hejian's usual tactics.When he was the secretary of the Mile County Party Committee, in order to deal with the then Magistrate of Mile County, he arranged for Zou Moumou, the chief prosecutor of the Mile County Procuratorate, to collect so-called evidence of disciplinary violations by the county magistrate. After Zou Moumou refused, saying that it was not within his jurisdiction, he was attacked by He Jian.revenge.

He Jian served as secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Honghe Prefecture Committee for nearly 10 years, exercising power and doing whatever he wanted.Major decisions, arrangements for major projects, and the use of large amounts of funds are basically controlled by one person. He truly makes decisions with one word, selects and employs people with one sentence, makes financial expenditures with one pen, and grasps both major and minor matters.

On October 15, 2018, Hejian was placed under investigation by the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection for violating political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, and work discipline, and was suspected of accepting bribes.

We must pay great attention to the behavior of frustrated officials using residual political influence to form groups and fight against organizations.It is necessary to strengthen the education and management of frustrated officials.If allowed to develop, it will inevitably affect the party's ruling foundation.Feng Zhili, member of the Standing Committee of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Acting Director of the Provincial Supervisory Commission, clearly pointed out the profound significance of investigating and solving serious disciplinary and illegal cases.(Our reporter Cao Weihai and He Yongkun)