He Jiankui went to the University of Hong Kong to attend the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing and delivered a speech on November 28, and has not appeared since then.(AFP)

Chinese scholar He Jiankui's gene-edited baby incident caused a global uproar. He did not show up after attending an academic forum in Hong Kong on November 28, and his whereabouts remain a mystery.The New York Times recently disclosed that He Jiankui is currently living in the on-campus visitor dormitory of Southern University of Science and Technology, with more than a dozen security guards downstairs.

The New York Times reported on the 28th that it was discovered recently that He Jiankui is currently living in a dormitory for visiting scholars on the campus of Southern University of Science and Technology, and there are more than a dozen security guards downstairs.

According to reports, He Jiankui lives on the fourth floor of the dormitory building.A New York Times reporter discovered on Wednesday (26th) that He Jiankui was walking on the balcony on the fourth floor and had talked with a woman suspected to be his wife, who was holding a baby at the time.The two balconies of the room where he lived had anti-theft metal mesh.

The report also said that four plainclothes men were on duty outside He Jiankui's dormitory that night. On the 28th, more than a dozen security guards were stationed downstairs in He Jiankui's dormitory, and refused to disclose their identities.

The New York Times reported that He Jiankui was allowed to make phone calls and send emails.According to Chen Peng, the co-founder of the genetic testing company Vienomics, which he co-founded with He Jiankui, he had a conversation with He Jiankui about the company a few days ago. He is safe, but I do not know his exact whereabouts or the state he is in.