On December 28, 2018, at the press conference of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Liu Changgen, executive deputy director of the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Supervision Office, commented on the dismissal of the Secretary of the Liaoyuan Municipal Party Committee of Jilin Province.

At the meeting, a reporter asked a question. The dismissal of Liaoyuan Municipal Party Secretary who had just served for 8 months was directly related to the ineffective pollution control in Liaohe River.What do you think about this?

After this typical case was made public, the Jilin Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government attached great importance to it. The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and the Governor immediately issued instructions, requiring the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to form a joint investigation team.According to the results of the investigation, the Jilin Provincial Party Committee decided to severely punish the comrades who were mainly in charge of the Liaoyuan Municipal Party Committee at the time.It should be said that this incident embodies Jilin Province's political awareness of resolutely practicing the thought of ecological civilization, and demonstrates the seriousness of the party and government in ecological and environmental protection.very important.We applaud the actions of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government.Liu Changgen said.

On November 27, according to the China Environment News: The reporter learned from the Organization Department of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection that Wang Liping, the former Secretary of the Liaoyuan Municipal Party Committee, was dismissed, which was directly related to the poor pollution control of the Xianren River.So far, the speculation of the outside world has finally been confirmed.

On November 23, Liaoyuan City held a city-wide meeting of leading cadres to convey the decision of the Provincial Party Committee on the adjustment of the main leadership positions of the Liaoyuan Municipal Party Committee: Wang Liping will no longer be the Secretary of the Liaoyuan Municipal Party Committee, and Chai Wei will be the Secretary of the Liaoyuan Municipal Party Committee.

Chai Wei, who succeeded Wang Liping, previously served as the director of the Jilin Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment.At the aforementioned press conference of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Liu Changgen also said: After the relevant issues were notified, the province decided decisively that the director of the Department of Ecology and Environment will serve as the secretary of the Liaoyuan Municipal Party Committee, and the local area is optimizing the rectification plan.

At the meeting of leading cadres in the city, Luo Mengyan, executive deputy director of the Organization Department of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee, demanded that we should persist in making reforms, and effectively increase the rectification of the problems reported by the central environmental protection inspector.

Wang Liping said that he firmly supports the decision of the provincial party committee and obeys the work arrangement.Chai Wei also said that he fully supports the decision of the Provincial Party Committee and resolutely obeys it.Wang Liping was transferred from Mayor of Liaoyuan to Party Secretary of Liaoyuan on March 1 this year, and it took only 8 months until he was dismissed in November.

Ten days before Wang Liping was dismissed, on November 14, the Central First Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspection Group, which was conducting an ecological and environmental protection inspection in Jilin, reported on the improvement of the black and odorous water body of the Xianren River, a first-level tributary of the Dongliao River.

According to the report, Liaoyuan City's ideological understanding is not in place, the source control and pollution interception are seriously lagging behind, and the actual effect is superficial.

In August 2017, the first round of central environmental protection inspections focused on the governance of the black and odorous water body of the Xianren River.The supervisor pointed out that the Xianren River pollution control project in Liaoyuan City has not been implemented for a long time, and the 9 million yuan subsidy from the central government was withdrawn after the deadline.For this reason, the rectification plan of Jilin Province requires that Liaoyuan City should complete the relocation of the Xianren River sewage interception main pipe by the end of December 2018, and eliminate the black and odorous water body of the Xianren River by the end of December 2019.

At that time, the mayor of Liaoyuan was Wang Liping.

The Central Environmental Protection Supervision Group pointed out that there are four major problems in the treatment of the black and odorous water body of the Xianren River: slow progress in source control and pollution interception, river regulation is only talk but not practice, perfunctory rectification problems are prominent, and work is procrastinated and ineffective.

The report pointed out that the relevant departments of Liaoyuan City have not implemented one post and two responsibilities for ecological and environmental protection, and have not acted or acted slowly.

One day after the Central First Ecological and Environmental Protection Supervision Team reported, Bayin Chaolu, Secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee, and Jing Junhai, Governor of Jilin Province, both issued instructions.

Bayinchaolu pointed out in his instructions that a joint investigation team led by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Provincial Supervision Committee immediately went to Liaoyuan City to investigate and verify.It is necessary to start from the investigation of political discipline and put forward handling opinions.

Jing Junhai pointed out that in accordance with the problems found by the central environmental protection inspector and the requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, we should comprehensively investigate and find out the problems of perfunctory coping and false rectification in Liaoyuan City's Liaohe River Basin governance, and draw inferences from one instance to other cases to prevent otherIn the case of similar situations in the region, we must implement the strictest requirements, the most down-to-earth style, and the most powerful measures to do a good job in environmental protection, strictly hold accountable those who violate discipline and law, and will never tolerate it.

Immediately, the Jilin Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Provincial Supervision Committee led the establishment of a joint investigation team in accordance with the requirements of the Provincial Party Committee, and went to Liaoyuan City to investigate.