According to the Beijing News, the Supreme People's Court issued a briefing tonight on the Weibo account Cui Yongyuan's blog post this afternoon (29th), stating that the investigation process has been launched, and that Professor Cui Yongyuan and other insiders are welcome to report to the Supreme People's Court.provide information.

The original text of the notification is as follows:

At 13:32 on December 29, 2018, Weibo account Cui Yongyuan posted a blog post with four pictures attached.After verification, the contents of two of the pictures are the same as those in the (2011) Min Yi Zhong Zi No. 81 case supplementary file currently stored in the archives of the Supreme People's Court (the other two are screenshots of media reports).

We have launched the investigation process, and we welcome Professor Cui Yongyuan and other insiders to provide us with information.If it is found that the staff of our court violated the judicial discipline, they will be dealt with seriously in accordance with discipline and law.

Cui Yongyuan questioned the loss of the 100 billion mineral rights case file in Northern Shaanxi in the Weibo earlier: Is it lost or not?Was it stolen by an outsider?Or do it yourself?

After the Supreme Court issued a notification, Cui Yongyuan responded on Weibo: How wonderful, from identifying it as a rumor to launching an investigation, this is progress.I am willing to cooperate and participate in the investigation, so that we can get closer to the truth together.

Cui Yongyuan bombarded the Supreme Court late last night on Weibo: Are there thieves among you?

"Can thieves get in there?"Not even a mouse could get in."In the middle of the night on December 26, Cui Yongyuan posted on Weibo saying that the file of "100 billion mineral rights case in northern Shaanxi" was stolen for two years and has not been found. The farmer Zhao Faqi was lucky enough to buy a prospecting right to explore the coal mine.The elders colluded together and used all kinds of tricks to deprive people of a benefit from the eight generations of their ancestors, and posted @足球人民法院, which aroused great concern in public opinion.

According to China Business News, Zhao Faqi is the legal representative of Yulin Kaiqilai Energy Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Kaiqilai");;), because it involved the ownership of 100 billion mining rights, it was called "the 100 billion mining rights case in northern Shaanxi" by public opinion.

The "100 Billion Mining Rights Case in Northern Shaanxi" started with a contract of more than 2,000 words: In 2003, Ketchley and the Western Exploration Institute signed a cooperative exploration agreement, and Ketchley found that the pineapple minefield had 1.56 billion tons of coal reservesLater, without proposing to terminate the contract, the Western Exploration Institute signed a cooperative exploration agreement with Hong Kong Yiye (full name "Hong Kong Yiye Investment (Group) Co., Ltd.") on the same target in 2006, resulting in "a female"Two marriages".

The reporter noticed that there are several key time points in this 12-year dispute:

On October 19, 2006, the Shaanxi Provincial Higher Court made the first-instance judgment and ruled that Keqilai won the lawsuit: the contract of cooperative exploration between the plaintiff and the defendant on August 25, 2003 was valid, and both parties continued to perform it.The Xikan Court refused to accept the judgment and appealed to the Supreme People's Court.On November 4, 2009, the Supreme People's Court remanded the case for retrial on the grounds that the facts found in the first-instance judgment were unclear.In March 2011, the Shaanxi Provincial Higher Court overturned the original first-instance judgment, affirming that the contract signed by the plaintiff and the defendant violated the spirit of the 21st executive meeting minutes of the provincial government, and the implementation of the act would damage the interests of the state and should be an invalid contract.On December 21, 2017, the Supreme People's Court pronounced a verdict on the 100 billion mineral rights case, affirming that the contract between Kaiqilai and the Western Exploration Institute was valid and continued to be performed.At the beginning of December 2018, CCTV reported that the 100 billion mineral rights case had been implemented by the Shaanxi Provincial High Court for nearly a year without any progress.

According to the China Business Daily, several people familiar with the matter told the newspaper reporter that the file was indeed lost: In late November 2016, the year before the judgment was made, all the files of the second trial of the case were lost at one time, and the place where the incident occurred wasThe relevant unit that heard the case.More than 20 days before his disappearance, Zhao Faqi publicly reported that the main leaders of Shaanxi Province intervened in the case with his real name, and accused the previous judges of perverting the law.

The second trial of the 100 billion mining rights case in northern Shaanxi has lasted for more than 6 years: In March 2011, the Shaanxi Provincial High Court overturned the original judgment of the first instance, affirming that the contract signed by the plaintiff and the defendant violated the spirit of the 21 executive meeting minutes of the provincial government, and the implementation of the act would damage theThe national interest should be an invalid contract; on December 21, 2017, the Supreme People's Court pronounced a verdict on the 100 billion mining rights case, and the private enterprise Kaiqilai, which had been defending its rights for 12 years, "won the lawsuit" middot; Zongxiang journalists learned that the second trial was conducted by the Supreme People's Court, and the file loss incident also occurred in the Supreme People's Court.

China Business Daily reported that after the trial unit discovered that the file was lost, it searched in many ways, and found that the monitoring was black when the incident happened, and then reported it to the main person in charge of the court.However, in the past two years, the relevant units have not reported the matter, nor have they launched an internal investigation, let alone investigated and dealt with anyone, and the files have not been found yet.

Cui Yongyuan questioned the inaction of the Supreme Court on Weibo. He said, can thieves enter your place?Not even a mouse could get in.Can the Supreme Court throw away files?And only the case was lost, and only the most important one was lost, and the monitoring was broken when it was lost, and you want to make another one.

China Business Daily reported that in 2010, the media exposed that the Shaanxi provincial government had sent a secret letter to the trial authorities to intervene in the case.The reporter verified that this intervention was actually a letter sent by the Shaanxi Provincial Government upon invitation.