Original title: The younger brother of the billionaire water official was sentenced to 13 years in prison, and these corrupt brothers were also sacked

The case of Ma Chaoqun, a 100 million yuan water official in Hebei Province, has once again returned to the field of public opinion.This time it was because his younger brother Ma Zhongqun was sentenced in the first instance for allegedly accepting bribes and illegally operating a similar business.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the People's Court of Shanhaiguan District, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, on December 21 sentenced Ma Zhongqun, the former deputy general manager of Qinhuangdao Capital Water Co., Ltd. and manager of Qinhuangdao Capital Municipal Installation Engineering Co., Ltd., for accepting bribes and illegally operating similar businesses.The defendant Ma Zhongqun was sentenced to 13 years in prison and fined 2.5 million yuan.

After the public trial of the court, it was found that after the defendant Ma Zhongqun was appointed as the deputy general manager of Qinhuangdao Capital Water Co., Ltd. in December 2010, he took advantage of his position as the manager of Qinhuangdao Capital Municipal Installation Engineering Co., Ltd. to make an oral agreement with the construction party Gao XX.Ma Zhongqun contracted the water project and handed it over to Gao XX for construction, and the two parties shared the project profits according to the ratio of Ma Zhongqun 4 and Gao XX 6.Defendant Ma Zhongqun successively undertook 26 water works projects for Gao, with a total profit of 12.3699 million yuan. Defendant Ma Zhongqun could obtain benefits of 4.9479 million yuan in the form of profit sharing according to the agreement.

Yang Moumou, who used to be the driver of the defendant Ma Zhongqun and the deputy manager of Qinhuangdao Capital Municipal Installation Engineering Co., Ltd. (handled in another case), relied on his close relationship with Ma Zhongqun to sign a contract with Qinhuangdao Capital Municipal Installation Engineering Co., Ltd. by way of an affiliation with a construction companySubcontract for construction.The defendant, Ma Zhongqun, after learning that Yang Moumou had received the project profits and knowing that Yang Moumou had only 300,000 yuan in custody for him, asked Yang Moumou to report to Gu Moumou, a specific related person of Ma Zhongqun (handled in a separate case)) bank account transfer of 800,000 yuan.Later, due to the incident, the defendant Ma Zhongqun failed to take away 800,000 yuan, and the money was seized by the public security organs.

From 2010 to before the incident, the defendant Ma Zhongqun took advantage of his position to aggressively undertake the same kind of water engineering business as the company he worked for.According to the audit, the amount of the projects involved in the case contracted by the defendant Ma Zhongqun totaled RMB 83.3005 million, and the total amount of illegal profits he could obtain was RMB 23.8032 million.

The People's Court of Shanhaiguan District, Qinhuangdao City held that the defendant Ma Zhongqun, as a state employee, took advantage of his position to illegally accept and extort other people's property and seek benefits for others., and fined 1 million yuan.The defendant, Ma Zhongqun, as the manager of a state-owned company, took advantage of his position to operate the same kind of business as the company he worked for, and obtained illegal profits, the amount of which was extremely huge.A fine of 1.5 million yuan was imposed.He was punished for several crimes and decided to implement a fixed-term imprisonment of 13 years and a fine of 2.5 million yuan.

The Paper reporter noted that this is not the first time that the cases of Ma Chaoqun and Ma Zhongqun have attracted the attention of Xinhua News Agency.

On November 12, 2014, Xinhua News Agency published a draft titled Hebei’s Strong Punishment of Corruption: 14,808 Cases Filed in 10 Months and 238 Officials at the County and Division Levels and Above were Investigated.According to the report at the Feedback Conference, over 100 million yuan in cash, 37 kilograms of gold, and 68 sets of real estate procedures were found in the home of an official suspected of accepting bribes, embezzlement, and embezzlement of public funds.

The Hebei Provincial Procuratorate confirmed that the official was Ma Chaoqun, deputy researcher (deputy division level) of Qinhuangdao Urban Management Bureau and general manager of Beidaihe Water Supply Corporation.Ma Zhongqun is the younger brother of Ma Chaoqun, who also works in the water supply system of Qinhuangdao, Hebei.

According to a previous report by the WeChat public account Dabai News of the Law and Life magazine, after the Ma Zhongqun case entered the public prosecution process in 2014, the trial has been postponed several times.The report mentioned that on the morning of September 21, 2017, the case of Ma Chaoqun, the younger brother of the former general manager of Beidaihe Water Supply Corporation, Ma Zhongqun's bribery and illegal business operation was held in the People's Court of Shanhaiguan District, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province.The prosecution accused Ma Zhongqun of being involved in bribery and illegal business operations. The defendant Ma Zhongqun expressed his objection in court, saying that he had not committed any crime.The first trial in this case lasted for two days.At about 19:30 on September 22, 2017, the trial ended.The court will pronounce a sentence at an optional date.

In fact, there have been many cases of corrupt brothers like Ma Chaoqun and Ma Zhongqun being investigated and dealt with in recent years.Banyuetan.com concluded in an article in August 2014 that the phenomenon of brother corruption is becoming more and more common. Generally, some of the brothers are officials and some are in business. Such a different division of labor is conducive to power rent-seeking.The method of corruption is often to provide convenience for officials to use their power to take over projects for business brothers.

The three brothers Wang Baoan, Wang Hongjing, and Wang Hongxi who fell successively are also typical of corrupt brothers.

Wang Baoan, the former party secretary and director of the National Bureau of Statistics, was investigated in January 2016.In March of the same year, the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Jiaozuo City in Henan Province decided to remove Wang Baoan's younger brother Wang Hongjing from the position of Deputy Mayor of Jiaozuo City.In November, the Procuratorate of Zhoukou City, Henan Province filed a case for investigation of Wang Hongjing's suspected bribery crime and took compulsory measures.Shortly after Wang Baoan's fall, his third brother Wang Hongxi, who was then Party Secretary of Zhanhe District, Pingdingshan City, was also taken away for investigation.In June 2017, the Shanzhou District Court of Sanmenxia City pronounced the first-instance judgment on the bribery case of Wang Hongxi, the former secretary of the Zhanhe District Party Committee of Pingdingshan City. Wang Hongxi was guilty of accepting bribes and was sentenced to four years in prison and a fine of 300,000 yuan.turned over to the treasury.