An Mingming (data map)

Original title: An Mingming and other 5 executives suspected of embezzlement of nearly 70 million yuan in corruption investigation documentary

Occupied 526 sets of employee housing, repeatedly moved, and transferred huge amounts of state assets to private enterprises... An Mingming, former deputy director of the Forestry Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and general manager of Guangxi Guofa Forestry and Paper Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Guofa Company),Five defendants, including deputy general manager Xian Huiying, deputy financial managers Guo Qihui, Tao Zhimei, and manager assistant Mo Haofeng, used corporate restructuring, transfer, and demolition to illegally embezzle state-owned assets.Fees and other methods, suspected of embezzlement of nearly 70 million yuan.On April 25, the Liuzhou Intermediate Court ruled in the first instance that each of the five defendants constituted a crime of corruption and were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment and fined.The corruption case of state-owned enterprise executives finally came to light.

Young and promising to reach the pinnacle of career

The young commander of a state-owned enterprise is bold and powerful.This is the first impression left by An Mingming, former director of the state-owned Guangxi Forestry Paper Mill (hereinafter referred to as Forestry Paper Mill), to many people.Once, An Mingming once said to his driver Li: If I stretch out my hand, half of Guangxi will be dark.He is not lying, even if the procuratorate's task force investigates his suspected corruption case, during the period when he himself was taken compulsory measures, he was able to know what happened outside the window-knowing that a member of the task force had recently failed to compete for a job.

An Mingming's accident was due to the restructuring of the forestry and paper mill. Hundreds of employees reported and complained to the superior authorities through various channels about illegally taking non-production and operating assets such as staff dormitories as their own and embezzling huge compensation for demolition.reflect.

Therefore, in the public prosecution opinion of the Liuzhou City Procuratorate, there is such a description: We must thank these employees who persevere and persist in petitioning. It is their persistence that finally promoted the investigation of this major corruption case and restored the truth to the world.before.

Many people who know An Mingming said that if there were no violations of laws and disciplines, he would have a better future and create more wealth for the country and the collective.

The predecessor of Forest Paper Mill was Luorong Pulp Mill in Liuzhou area located in Luorong Town, Luzhai County (now the division is adjusted to Liudong New District of Liuzhou City). It was established in 1971 and changed its name to Forest Paper Mill in 1989. It is a state-owned enterprise directly under the autonomous region, and the competent unitIt is the forestry department of the autonomous region.In 1995, the Forestry Paper Mill, the State Development and Investment Corporation (hereinafter referred to as SDIC) and the Autonomous Region Forest Chemical Industry Company jointly established Guofa Corporation.

The development of the forest paper mill from a small local factory to a large state-owned enterprise is inseparable from An Mingming's good management.The reporter interviewed many factory workers, and they expressed such views.

In 1984, An Mingming served as the deputy director of the forest paper mill, presiding over the overall work.When he became a regular in 1987, he was only 33 years old.

After An Mingming presided over the overall work, the factory developed rapidly.In 1992, the Forestry Paper Mill ranked among the top 50 industrial enterprises in Guangxi, and was also well-known in the national forestry system.

In April 1992, after studying in the United States to study advanced management experience, An Mingming wrote down 10 pages of inspiration and gains from the study tour in the United States.

The harvest of An Mingming's visit to the United States led to the establishment of a modern enterprise system in the factory, which was also appreciated by his superiors.In 1993, the Ministry of Forestry and the Forestry Department of the autonomous region borrowed more than 40 million yuan to the forest paper mill, which later became the share capital of Guofa Corporation.

Due to his outstanding performance, An Mingming was appointed as a member of the party group and deputy director of the Forestry Department of the Autonomous Region in 1993 and concurrently as the director of the forestry and paper mill.At this time, he was only 39 years old, but he had reached the peak of his career.

In March 2005, due to the state's regulations that civil servants cannot concurrently serve as business leaders, the party committee of the autonomous region decided to agree to An Mingming's resignation as a civil servant, and no longer retain the deputy department level.

The occupation of the staff dormitory became the fuse of the case

In 2006, An Mingming, senior executive Guo Qihui and others privately changed the property rights of 12 state-owned properties that were not included in the evaluation of the forestry and paper mill's restructuring - 12 state-owned properties - into a private enterprise where An Mingming was the legal representative.;mdash;Luzhai Guolin Company (hereinafter referred to as Guolin Company) property rights.

In 2009, for the construction of Liuzhou Automobile City in Guangxi, some buildings of the former forest and paper mill (including 190 sets of state-owned properties that were not included in the evaluation of state-owned assets in 2002) had to be demolished.After investigation by the task force, the procuratorate accused Guolin of defrauding more than 30 million yuan in demolition compensation, of which 20 million was used for the company's business expenses.

The employees of the original forest and paper mill believed that the factory leaders embezzled 12 state-owned properties and violated the interests of the state, the collective, and the employees. Therefore, since 2010, the employees of the original forest and paper mill have continued to go to Beijing to petition in an organized way, causing Liuzhou Automobile City LiudongThe Boulevard Extension was delayed until late 2016.

On June 22, 2011, more than 300 employees of the factory reported to the Liuzhou Procuratorate.On April 15, 2012, the procuratorial organ set up a special case team and stationed in Liudong New District.This is also the fourth task force stationed in the investigation when the three task forces failed to find out the crimes committed by An Mingming and others.

The special case team of 7 people borrowed an office in the office of Liudong New District, and opened the curtain of investigation.

The task force convened employee representatives for several discussions, received 478 visitors, produced more than 500 transcripts, and made several trips to Beijing, Shanghai, Nanning and other places, and retrieved more than 3,000 pages of materials and more than 10,000 documents and files.The clues of An Mingming and others' alleged crimes gradually became clear.

In Guofa Company, Forestry Paper Mill holds 25% of the shares.In March 2003, the forest paper mill was restructured into a private joint-stock enterprise, Guolin Company. During the three changes, An Mingming was the legal representative.

The task force retrieved a large stack of account books.Among them, 7 unusual books attracted the attention of investigators.Among the seven ledgers, none of the original documents could be found, and all of them were copies.

Through further investigation, the task force found an even more bizarre detail: a 1996 account book, made by Li Qingfeng, who entered the factory in 1998, but traveled back to 1996 and served as the book maker.In fact, from 1996 to June 2002, the forest paper mill had no production and operation activities.

Then, the investigators made another major discovery: Tao Zhimei and Mo Haofeng, the financial personnel, transferred the interest expenses that should be borne by Guofa Company to the forest paper mill on a request for instructions.The general manager Xi Huiying signed and forwarded it to General Manager An for instructions, and An Mingming signed the request for instructions.This evidence preliminarily shows that An Mingming and others made false accounts to inflate costs to achieve the purpose of reducing the net assets of the forestry and paper mill.In this regard, the task force decided to request the Liuzhou Audit Bureau to enter and conduct a comprehensive audit of the situation before and after the restructuring of the forestry paper mill.

The task force found that after using false accounts to reduce the net assets of the forestry and paper mill, on February 26, 2003, An Mingming ordered the financial personnel to misappropriate 2.58 million yuan from the forestry and paper mill as a registration capital verification for An Mingming and other 10 shareholders to invest in the private Guolin company.The funds are verified.Afterwards, Guolin Company paid a small amount of money to complete the restructuring of the forestry paper mill and become a private joint-stock enterprise with An Mingming as the major shareholder.

From this, the task force found out that during the restructuring process of the forest paper mill, An Mingming ordered others to forge 7 fake accounts with no originals but only copies within 20 days.This has also become strong evidence for the procuratorate to accuse An Mingming and others of embezzling state assets.

Assessment price difference of 230 million Noton national assets

Two assessment reports, one assessed at 9million, and the other was assessed as negative 140 million yuan.Reports with negative assets are used to buy factories, and reports with positive assets are used to sell factories.With the release of the audit report of the Liuzhou Audit Bureau, this yin and yang evaluation conclusion was caught by the audit department. When Guofa Company was transferred as a whole, there was a huge difference between the two asset evaluations, and the difference in the company's net assets was as high asMore than 235 million yuan.

It turned out that after the forestry and paper mill was restructured into Guofa Company, An Mingming served as the legal representative and the general manager of Guofa Company, which is 25% owned by the privately-owned Guolin Company.In May and September 2006, Guolin Company purchased all the shares of Guofalin Company held by SDIC in two installments.

In September 2006, Guolin Company used the advance payment of 20 million yuan from Indonesia Jinguang Company to acquire the 61.25% shares of Guofa Company held by SDIC, and at the same time transferred all the shares of Guofa Company to Indonesia Jinguang Company.

During the process of acquisition and transfer, An Mingming hired two evaluation agencies to evaluate the same asset at the same point in time for Guofa Company.Guofa Company was appraised by Guangxi Qiyuan United Accounting Firm, with a net asset value of more than 231 million yuan and an appraised value of more than 90 million yuan.According to the evaluation by Beijing Tianjian Xingye Assets Appraisal Company, the net assets are negative 140 million yuan.This report is used for equity and debt listings.

The audit report also shows that on February 28, 2003, after friendly negotiation, the Forest Paper Mill Service Development Company (hereinafter referred to as the Service Company), Guolin Company, and Luzhai County Sanxin Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Sanxin Company),An agreement was signed, stipulating that the service company would transfer assets of more than 22.73 million yuan, together with the company's liabilities and annual profits, to Sanxin Company.

According to the audit and investigation, the signing of this agreement was not approved by any department, and the private Guolin Company had not yet been established at that time, and the transferred assets had not been evaluated or negotiated.An Mingming is the legal representative of these three companies, the service company is a collective enterprise, and Guolin Company and Sanxin Company are private enterprises.

In fact, this paper agreement was signed by An Mingming's left hand and right hand, and more than 7.69 million yuan of it was disposed of from state-owned enterprises to collective enterprises.After all these moves, collective assets become private property.

These assets include 5 operating properties and supporting facilities, 4 non-operating properties, 6 vehicles, 1 pig farm, and 1 Yanghe six wharf (including 10 acres of land).

Underpayment of restructuring costs and misappropriation of escrow assets

Further investigation by the task force found that the value-added part of the evaluation agency's evaluation of Guofa Company of more than 10 million yuan was concealed, and it did not participate in the asset evaluation of the forestry and paper mill's restructuring.Together with others, An Mingming transferred the above-mentioned huge concealed funds to Guolin Company by delaying the time of entering the account and skipping the time of restructuring.The court of first instance found that Guolin Company, which was held by 5 people including An Mingming, underpaid more than 1.4 million yuan for the purchase of the restructured forestry paper mill.

In 2009, Liuzhou City implemented the Liudong Avenue Extension Project, which required the demolition of many dormitory buildings in the forestry and paper mill.In January 2010, An Mingming concealed the facts, signed a compensation agreement with the demolition party in private with Guolin Company as the subject of the property rights of the above-mentioned non-operating state-owned assets, and asked the demolition party to transfer more than 30 million yuan of compensation for the demolition to An MingmingThe account of the private Sanxin Industry and Trade Company controlled by the company.He spent 20 million yuan, and the remaining 10 million yuan was seized by the judiciary.

After An Mingming received the compensation for the demolition, he ordered the employees to move within a time limit.At this time, the workers found that the house they had lived in for decades had suddenly become An Mingming's private property. After that, they petitioned and defended their rights for more than three years, and the related issues in the factory's restructuring were finally kicked out.

The court of first instance found that An Mingming, the legal representative of Guolin Company, organized and implemented the registration of the property rights of the relevant state-owned houses (former forestry and paper factory staff dormitories) entrusted by the District Forestry Department under the name of the company, and illegally occupied the entrusted state-owned property.Assets, worth more than 12.44 million yuan.

Five people arrested by the special case team were arrested

After difficult investigation and evidence collection, after New Year's Day in 2013, the task force had sufficient evidence.Before the suspect was taken compulsory measures, they had a positive contact with An Mingming.

At that time, the task force deliberately told An Mingming that the case would be closed soon.Based on the failure of the previous three investigations, An Ting was very happy. He pointed to the good wine in the office and said that after the case was closed, he would use these wines to entertain the special case team.

On January 15, 2013, the task force took compulsory measures against An Mingming and other five suspects in accordance with the law.An Mingming just woke up like a dream, and expressed his dissatisfaction with the person in charge of the special case team: You are not kind, and you want to "make people" without saying anything in advance.

On the same day, when An Mingming's right-hand man Xian Huiying was taken coercive measures together, he also behaved quite calmly.She and An Mingming said that they would be back in three days.When Xian Huiying went to the interrogation room, she also wrote a three-day work schedule and entrusted the case-handling staff to hand it over.

An Mingming and other five people refused to confess when they were interrogated.In the end, Mo Haofeng was frightened by the majesty of the law, and on the second day after being taken compulsory measures, he began to explain the ins and outs of the matter.Afterwards, except for An Mingming's zero confession, the others all confessed to the criminal facts involved together under the instruction of An Mingming.

Besides the case, the police are still involved in the investigation

The task force also found that An Mingming and others transferred Guolin Company to Indonesia's Jinguang Group by using the yin and yang appraisal report on medium and high assets.After the purchase, Jinguang Group has been repaying the company's debts, and paid more than 800 million yuan for this acquisition.Among them, An Mingming and others personally borrowed millions of yuan, and there are also bank loans whose purpose is not clear.

In addition, the task force also discovered that a consulting fee of more than 5 million yuan was transferred from the account of the National Development Corporation to the account of a private company, and then the staff sent by the Jinguang Group withdrew it in cash.It is understood that the public security organs have received a report and are intervening in the preliminary investigation.