Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan met with former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in Ziguangge, Zhongnanhai on the 10th.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Wang Qishan said that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States nearly 40 years ago, the relationship between the two countries has gone through ups and downs, but the relationship between the two countries has generally moved forward, bringing huge benefits to the people of the two countries and promoting world peace, stability and prosperity.The revelation of history is that mutual respect, consultation on an equal footing, and mutually beneficial cooperation are the only correct choices for bilateral relations.China and the United States should follow the trend, continuously deepen mutual understanding, promote exchanges and cooperation in various fields, properly manage differences, explore ways for the two countries to get along with each other under the new situation, and promote greater development of Sino-US relations in the next 40 years.I appreciate Dr. Kissinger's contribution to Sino-US friendship.

Kissinger said that the common interests of the US and China outweigh their differences.Agree to resolve the current issues between the two countries through equal dialogue and consultation, and reach a consensus on the future development of US-China relations, and are willing to make efforts for this. Wang Qishan: China is willing to negotiate with the United States to reach a mutually acceptable economic and trade plan

As the Sino-US trade war continues to escalate, Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan emphasized in Singapore this morning that China firmly believes that cooperation between China and the United States will benefit both, and confrontation will hurt both. The above also directly affects global development and stability.He pointed out that in the healthy and stable development of Sino-US relations, economic and trade cooperation is still the ballast and propeller, and its essence is mutual benefit and win-win.

Speaking at the first Bloomberg Innovation Economy Forum held at the Capella Hotel in Sentosa this morning, Wang Qishan pointed out that the major issues facing the world today require close cooperation between China and the United States.Regarding China's role, Wang Qishan said that China will continue to remain calm and sober, insist on expanding opening up, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

He also said that both China and the United States have good wishes to expand economic and trade cooperation.China is willing to conduct consultations with the US on issues of mutual concern, and push for a mutually acceptable solution on economic and trade issues.

Wang Qishan also mentioned in his speech that the first CIIE opened in Shanghai yesterday, and the leader of the Chinese President delivered an important speech entitled Jointly Building an Innovative and Inclusive Open World Economy.China will continue to maintain the basic national policy of opening up, unleash the charm of the market, and create more development opportunities for the world.

On the other hand, Wang Qishan twice expressed the importance of keeping a cool head in his speech today. Kissinger is optimistic about whether the United States and China can avoid broader conflict

Former US Secretary of State Kissinger expressed in Singapore yesterday (November 6) that he is quite optimistic about whether the US and China can avoid a broader conflict that could destroy the current world order.

However, 95-year-old Henry Kissinger (Henry Kissinger) also warned yesterday morning at the inaugural Bloomberg Innovation Economy Forum held at the Capella Hotel in Sentosa: If the world order is determined by the continued conflict between the United States and ChinaBy definition, it risks getting out of control sooner or later.Here's the history of how World War I broke out.

Kissinger pointed out that if the two major powers, the United States and China, allow commercial issues to evolve into strategic conflicts, the world will be in a terrible shape (terrible shape).Some differences (with China) are inevitable, but the goal must be that both countries recognize that there is a fundamental conflict between them that will undermine expectations for the (current) world order, he said.

However, Kissinger said optimistically, I think this goal can be achieved, in fact I am quite optimistic that it will be achieved, and we (referring to both the United States and China) have great incentives to avoid disaster (high incentives).

As for the fundamental difference in thinking between the United States and China, Kissinger analyzed that when a problem arises, Americans believe that there is a short-term solution; the Chinese believe that the problem can never be completely solved, and each solution may bring new problems.

Kissinger stressed the importance of U.S.-China communication and said trade negotiators from both countries should avoid getting bogged down in details and start by explaining to each other what they are seeking to achieve and what concessions they can and cannot make.He said that both the United States and China must make adaptations.Americans should realize that not every crisis is caused by ill will, and that there is a difference between educating others and learning to work with them.

Kissinger believes that China has no experience in a balanced relationship because it has historically been the dominant country in the region.But the Chinese must realize that there is already a reality of a balance of power.Kissinger served as U.S. Secretary of State from 1973 to 1977.In the 1970s, he secretly facilitated the historic visit of US President Richard Nixon to the mainland of China, forming a pattern of international relations that united China and resisted the Soviet Union, and was hailed by the Chinese government as an old friend of the Chinese people.

Yesterday's forum was hosted by Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York and the founder of Bloomberg. 400 world political and business leaders attended the forum.