The systemic corruption of the Ministry of Civil Affairs has always attracted much attention.So far, one minister (Li Liguo) and two deputy ministers (Dou Yupei and Qu Shuhui) have been held accountable for this.In addition, the three directors of the Welfare Lottery Center, Chen Chuanshu, Bao Xuequan, and Wang Suying, and two deputy directors, Wang Yunge and Feng Lizhi, were successively dismissed.

Dou Yupei and Li Liguo

In November 2016, Huang Shuxian, the former deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, was transferred to be the minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and Li Liguo was removed from the position of minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Since then, the investigation of systemic problems by the Ministry of Civil Affairs has lasted for two years.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection previously published an article disclosing that the systemic corruption of the Ministry of Civil Affairs is related to the Welfare Lottery Center.

On November 9, 2018, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection published an article on the official website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to restructure the credibility of Welfare Lottery by focusing on both symptoms and root causes. It notified: After nearly two years of hard work, we have basically completed the disposal of important issues and clues in the Welfare Lottery field, and found out relevant violations in the Welfare Lottery field.Significant progress has been made in the review and investigation of illegal facts.

The party group of the former Ministry of Civil Affairs failed to fulfill its political responsibilities for governing the party, especially the lack of supervision and management of the China Welfare Lottery Center.

The leadership of the China Welfare Lottery Center violated the lottery management regulations, collectively studied and agreed to the annual dividends of the China Lottery Online Company, and caused huge losses of state-owned assets. The 14 responsible personnel were severely held accountable, of which 12 were put on file for review, and 2 were admonished.After finding out the serious discipline violations of Bao Xuequan, the former director of China Welfare Lottery Center, and Wang Yunge, the former deputy director, they were given ls"double opening" punishment and transferred to the judiciary for handling.Lien measures were taken against Wang Suying, former director of China Welfare Lottery Center, and Feng Lizhi, former deputy director.

The above-mentioned official information shows that the leadership team of the Welfare Lottery Center once collectively studied and agreed to the annual dividends of the lottery online company in violation of regulations, resulting in huge losses of state-owned assets, and as many as 14 people were responsible for the case.

The above news confirms the previous media reports that the systemic corruption of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Welfare Lottery Center are related to Lottery Online.Zhongfu Online is the exclusive operator of Zhongfu Online, one of the important types of welfare lottery tickets.Welfare Lottery Center is the largest shareholder of Zhongcai Online Company.

In 2015, the Economic Information Daily published a report that Zhongcai Online Company had quietly transformed from a nominally state-owned holding company into a personal wealth empire controlled by executives.The transfer of benefits to each other involves billions of yuan.

According to the Integrity Outlook report, from 2002 to 2014, the total sales of Zhongfu Online exceeded 130 billion yuan.He Wen is suspected of making illegal profits of at least 2.7 billion yuan.Bao Xuequan and He Wen have huge economic exchanges.According to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the discipline inspection team stationed at the Ministry of Civil Affairs encountered resistance in the process of investigating and dealing with systemic corruption in the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Inspection Team and the National Supervisory Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection have successively handed over dozens of clues to problems involving bureau-level officials of the Ministry of Civil Affairs to the Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Team stationed in the Ministry of Civil Affairs.These clues involve a wide range of people and are highly sensitive.

In this regard, Huang Shuxian, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, made a clear request that leading cadres at all levels must resolutely shoulder their main responsibilities, must not be a good person, must not engage in ostrich policies, and strictly hold accountable for inaction, failure to take responsibility, and serious consequences.accountability.

However, according to Zhong Jianguo, deputy head of the Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Team stationed in the Ministry of Civil Affairs, under the long-term loose and soft environment, some party members and cadres have a weak sense of discipline and rules, and comrades who make mistakes generally have a fluke mentality.The discipline inspection and supervision team initially talked to the people involved to verify the situation, but most of them refused to admit it, and the work fell into a stalemate for a while.

Take Wang Suying as an example. Before the investigation was announced on September 12 this year, the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the Ministry of Civil Affairs had talks with her 14 times. The leaders of the Ministry of Civil Affairs also patiently and meticulously did her ideological and political work.But she doesn't believe in the organization or policies, she listens to the advice of so-called close friends, and even enters into offensive and defensive alliances with relevant personnel, transfers stolen money and goods, and resists organizational censorship.After placing her in custody, she quickly explained her problem, saying that she "repented all my intestines".

There is also Feng Lizhi. Before he accepted the review and investigation, the party group of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the Ministry of Civil Affairs had been giving him a chance.But from Bao Xuequan, Wang Yunge to Wang Suying's investigation, he has been indifferent and has no intention of repentance.After being detained, he confessed his violation of discipline and law in only half a day.

What to do?How to break the deadlock?

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection introduced in the article: On the one hand, it is to increase the intensity of preliminary verification, carry out basic work in an orderly manner, and speak with hard facts and evidence.On the other hand, make full use of the power of the policy and widely publicize the "four forms" of supervision and discipline enforcement.The Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Team stationed in the Ministry of Civil Affairs focused on the construction of the system and regulations lsquo;software rsquo;, formulated and improved 35 systems in three aspects: daily management, supervision and accountability, and cadre team building, and strengthened the internal control mechanism;Hardware rsquo; construction, completed the construction of the interview place with high standards, including 2 review and investigation interview rooms, 2 interview rooms, and supporting the construction of a command room, a monitoring room, and a storage room for money and property involved in the case.

Building a standard talking place is a deterrent in itself.Xiao Dengfeng, deputy head of the Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Team stationed in the Ministry of Civil Affairs, said that at the beginning of the construction of the talk room, officials said that it seemed that the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team was serious.

At the same time, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has successively held more than 30 party group meetings, ministerial work meetings, and ministerial special meetings to study and deploy the rectification work in the welfare lottery field, and pay close attention to implementation. At present, the China Welfare Lottery Center has realized effective control of the lottery online company, and has taken back the China Welfare Lottery.The management of distribution and sales data of lottery tickets issued by Fu Online video, the management of award redemption, and the management of fund collection have made substantial progress in the equity rectification of Zhongcai Online Company.