Recently, information appeared on the Internet about the retraction of many papers by Ye Xiaoxin, a doctoral student of our school in 2010, who was the first author.In April 2017, our school, together with the relevant departments of the school, severely dealt with Ye Xiaoxin's serious academic misconduct, revoked his doctorate, and held his supervisor accountable.The relevant investigation and handling are now explained as follows.

Ye Xiaoxin entered our college in 2010 to study for a doctorate in materials science and engineering. He graduated in July 2015 and received a doctorate from Tsinghua University. His supervisor is Professor Tang Guoyi from the Institute of Advanced Materials in our college.

In March 2016, after receiving a report about possible academic problems in the papers published by Ye Xiaoxin as the first author, Professor Tang Guoyi immediately organized a comprehensive inspection of 16 papers published by Ye Xiaoxin during his doctoral studies, and found that there were self-plagiarism, photoIssues such as repeated use and fabrication of experimental results, etc., immediately communicated with relevant publishing institutions many times, and proposed a request for all manuscripts to be withdrawn.

Through the verification of Ye Xiaoxin's doctoral dissertation, it was found that the above problems also existed.After further inspection by our hospital, it was preliminarily judged that Ye Xiaoxin had committed serious academic misconduct.

In January 2017, the school's academic committee set up a special working group to investigate and after discussion by the academic ethics subcommittee, it was determined that Ye Xiaoxin had committed serious academic misconduct, and his supervisor Tang Guoyi was responsible for guiding and managing it.On April 28, 2017, the school's academic degree evaluation committee held a plenary meeting and decided to revoke Ye Xiaoxin's doctoral degree, and the results of the processing were announced in the school.In June 2017, our institute stopped Professor Tang Guoyi from enrolling graduate students, revoked his positions as the head of the materials discipline and the deputy director of the Institute of New Materials, and he has already gone through the retirement procedures.

In September 2017, our school took this case as a typical warning case. Starting from the postgraduate entrance education, we strengthened the education link of cultivating a good style of study and correct academic behavior, and organized special learning and education activities for all postgraduate tutors.Focus on the serious performance of the tutor's duties, strengthen the daily education management of postgraduates, and further clarify the relevant work requirements.

Tsinghua University adheres to a zero-tolerance attitude towards academic misconduct, and will never condone and deal with it seriously once it is found out.We will deeply learn the lessons of this incident, further strengthen the academic integrity education for teachers and students, strictly control relevant management measures, create a good academic atmosphere, and strictly prevent such incidents from happening again.At the same time, all walks of life are welcome to continue to supervise the construction of the style of study in our school.

Tsinghua University Shenzhen Graduate School

October 21, 2018