Yang Anze said that international students who contribute to the US economy have the right to a sense of belonging.China and the United States should cooperate for win-win results and face some global issues together.

It has been more than eight months since Yang Anze, a Chinese-American presidential candidate, took the cover of the weekend edition of The New York Times on February 10, 2018, and announced to the masses for the first time that he would represent the Democratic Party in the 2020 US presidential election.The appearance of this minority presidential candidate who is three years younger than Obama was not as amazing as others, but he wanted to be the first Chinese American president.

He said in an exclusive interview at the Bailu Forum held in New York recently, even if the election fails, I believe that I have other ways to build the United States better together. It’s just that being a president can do more things and have a bigger goal.Influence, I am willing to work hard to build a better America.

Trump Terminator

Yang Anze, who wanted to run for the US president since Trump came to power, said that one of the most urgent issues in the US is the minimum wage.Andrew Yang said that since Trump took office, the minimum wage has not been increased, but the cost of living, medical care, and education have increased.

If you carefully analyze the voter data of the last election, you will find that Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are particularly supportive of Trump. In other words, if a region has a higher concentration of robots and automation in manufacturing, TrumpThe higher the approval rating of Trump, Yang Anze said.

However, he believes that due to the popularization of autonomous driving and artificial intelligence, the manufacturing industry in the central United States is about to face a major earthquake, or 4 million job opportunities will be lost. Truck drivers may become the first group to be affected, followed by retail workers., call center service personnel, fast food restaurant clerks, etc. may also be irradiated.A society cannot be stable if its citizens cannot live and work in peace and contentment.

So Yang Anze made the supremacy of human nature his campaign slogan.He proposed the concept of universal basic income, which is to provide a basic living allowance of US$1,000 per month to all Americans aged 18 to 64 to protect their basic living expenses.This fee will be sourced from the business.For example, enterprises will gain a lot of profits by liberating manpower and improving efficiency in the process of automation, so it is reasonable to ask them to pay more value-added tax to pay for this cost.

Worried about the increase in the short-term unemployment rate, Yang Anze hopes that the US government can pay more attention to the changes brought about by automation and artificial intelligence. He said that the current US government has not paid any attention to the impact of these two on society, and has not responded.measure.

The country's resources should help every individual become stronger as much as possible. We also need to improve the health of citizens, the rate of higher education, the level of business, and the opportunity for more people to go back to school, he said.

He joked that he had heard the label of Trump terminator that the media had labeled him.I feel like I'm that guy, and I'm here to figure things out.

The American dream that keeps pace with the times

Andrew Yang was born in a quiet small city in upstate New York and grew up in an immigrant family of Chinese intellectuals.He attended Columbia Law School after completing a BA in economics at Brown University, where he received his J.D.

After graduation, Yang Anze successfully became a corporate lawyer, responsible for mergers and acquisitions and banking.But he left the job after only six months.The first is because I don’t want to be a lawyer all the time, and the second is that once I become a lawyer, it will be difficult to escape from the stressful life.For me, this is a process of stopping losses in time.

At the age of 25, Yang Anze devoted himself to the tide of Internet entrepreneurship, but was buried in the Internet bubble.Shortly after his first venture failed, he joined Manhattan Training Company, and later served as CEO, and successfully sold the company to the educational institution Kaplan, so he realized the charm of business.

After the company was sold, he founded Venture for America, a non-profit organization, to help young people who have just entered the society and want to start a business.The project mainly recruits graduates from prestigious schools, and they are arranged to Pittsburgh, Detroit, New Orleans and other midwestern and southern cities hit hard by the financial crisis, and undergo two-year on-the-job training in local start-up companies.

The budget for the first year of the project did not exceed 200,000 US dollars, and only 40 people were recruited. However, by 2017, the project budget had exceeded 6 million US dollars, and more than 500 graduates had been trained.They have founded nearly 30 companies and created thousands of job opportunities.

He said that people are always discussing the American dream. The American dream in the 1940s and 1950s was to live a better life than the previous generation, but by the 1980s and 1990s, about 50% of Americans believed that their children would not live a better life.Must be better off than them.He proposed that the United States must implement economic development into people's daily life, which is easier said than done. The core issue here is how the United States should make itself more developed.

Yang Anze proposed to issue a green card to every international student studying in the United States.I don't think international students have taken away job opportunities for American citizens. On the contrary, a large number of international students flocking to the United States to work and study can bring vitality to the American economy.Furthermore, I think the advantage of the United States is that it can attract a large number of international talents.

I want to thank you for coming to learn!Unfortunately, Trump is destroying this advantage, and Americans should use their own power to have more promising career development and a better life.

Yang 2020

Andrew Yang never thought that his Chinese-American label was an obstacle to his campaign. He confidently believed that it was one of his greatest strengths.

He once said, I think Americans want to see a leader with a non-political background, a young and powerful leader, a person who recognizes the problems in the United States and then solves them. I am this person.Moreover, in addition to the presidential campaign, I hope that I can break the shackles of race and lead everyone to care about the United States.

Andrew Yang believes that the biggest difference between himself and Trump is that he hopes to let more American citizens truly feel that they are the masters of the country, so that American citizens can be more confident, and at the same time let international students who come to study and work in the United States have a certain understanding of the United States.Belonging.International students are entitled to a share of the contributions they make to the U.S. economy, he said.

Referring to China's policy, Andrew Yang said that in the wave of globalization and internationalization, there are bound to be winners and losers, but at present many Americans do not think that the United States is the winner.The United States and China are the world's largest and second largest economies, and China is ahead of the United States in some fields. This does not mean that China's development will necessarily pose a threat to the United States.

China and the United States should cooperate for win-win results, and the two countries should jointly face some issues, such as climate change and the development of artificial intelligence.

Yang Anze still faces many difficulties in running for the president of the United States.Lack of political background and political experience made him encounter greater resistance in expanding his popularity and raising funds.

He said that in the campaign, he will make full use of the easy-to-spread attributes of social media, so that more people can learn about his efforts for the campaign and what he is currently doing through social media.Before formally participating in the U.S. presidential election, Andrew Yang still needs to first register as a presidential candidate in New York State, and then legally compete for votes in the state's referendum to qualify as a presidential candidate.

On October 10, 2018, the former mayor of New York City and founder of BloombergMichael bull; Bloomberg announced through social media that he is registering as a member of the Democratic Party of the United States and is officially considering participating in the 2020 US presidential election.

Previously, Bloomberg had donated generously to the Democratic Party to help the party regain control of the U.S. House of Representatives.And this time Bloomberg is officially considering joining the presidential battle, which will not only make Yang Anze face more challenges in running for the Democratic Party, but also add an interesting topic to the 2020 US presidential election.

(Note: The author is a financial reporter, based in New York, graduated from the Columbia University School of Journalism, and is a freelance writer. The author’s WeChat official account: Sirui _Threeshow. Responsible editor’s email: [email protected])