The 19th Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management Advisory Committee Meeting was held in Tsinghua University on October 12. This is also the fifth dean of Tsinghua Economics and Management Bai Chongen took over the post of dean from the fourth dean Qian Yingyi in late Augustafter the first advisory board meeting.

On the afternoon of October 12, Vice President Wang Qishan met with overseas members and Chinese entrepreneur members of the Advisory Committee of the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University (hereinafter referred to as the Advisory Committee).Zhu Rongji, the former premier of the State Council and the first dean of the School of Economics and Management, also met with the committee members who came to Beijing this year.

The advisory board has two new members this year, Yi Gang, who became the governor of the People's Bank of China in March, and Larry Fink, chairman and chief executive of BlackRock, the world's largest asset management company.

The three new members added last year include Michael Dell, chairman and CEO of Dell Technologies Group, Harald Kruuml;President Masayoshi Son.

On the morning of October 10, Premier Li Keqiang met with Kruger, Chairman of BMW Group.Krueger took advantage of this trip to China to finalize the agreement on the transfer of 25% of BMW Brilliance's equity to BMW. BMW will then become China's first foreign-controlled passenger car company.

Vice Premier Han Zheng of the State Council also met with Jacob Wallenberg, chairman of Sweden's largest family-owned enterprise, Yinruida Group, and said that China's door will be opened wider and wider.Safeguard the multilateral trading system.Wallenberg is also vice-chairman of ABB, Ericsson and Scandinavian Airlines.

Last year, the members of the Advisory Committee were the first group of foreign guests met by leaders among the presidents after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.In addition to relying on China and playing the role of a bridge between China and overseas, the Advisory Committee has also provided many learning opportunities for Tsinghua students in recent years.

This year, there were 13 activities in which advisory committee members walked into the classroom, including IBM's Chairman and CEO Ginni Rometty talking about IBM's transformation.

In addition, the Global Management Forum held the night before the committee meeting (October 11) was hosted by Jonathan Levin, Dean of the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University, and Richard Levin, former President of Yale University.)dialogue.

Bai Chongen presided over the dialogue. After the dialogue, he told the Caixin reporter that the theme of the dialogue between the father and son was technology and education. He had to rush to the venue early the next morning, so he hurriedly took out the keys, rolled out the bicycle, and disappeared.In the night of Tsinghua.

In the past few years, Qian Yingyi has undertaken most of the tasks of dialogue with members of the Advisory Committee.I became the moderator without paying attention now. He once admitted with a smile to the Caixin reporter that there is no other way, as the dean has to do everything, including coordinating meeting time, committee schedule, and temporary time adjustments like last year, etc.Work.

However, he is quite proud of the cameo hosting roles he has taken on in recent years.In recent years, his dialogues with the global president of McKinsey, the chairman of Goldman Sachs and other advisory committee members often caused bursts of laughter in the venue.

Bai Chongen, who has served as the deputy dean of Tsinghua SEM for many years, is the most solid and productive domestic economist in economic research.After confirming to take over as dean, he once told Caixin reporter that he had already spent a lot of energy on administrative affairs.

At the announcement meeting of the college’s administrative reelection held on August 23, he said that the college must make great efforts to meet the expectations of students, parents, Tsinghua University and the society with very high-quality students, and strive to train these students to becomeTalents with correct value orientation, solid and rich knowledge, and high ability.

At the same time, there are enormous challenges in creating knowledge.He said that over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China's economic development has made remarkable achievements, but China's economic management academic circles still need to tell the Chinese story well in academics, and develop from the practice of China's economic management.Outstanding academic achievements.

The Advisory Committee was initiated by Zhu Rongji, the first dean of the school, in 2000. At that time, he consulted with Paulson, the former chairman of Goldman Sachs, and others, hoping to provide suggestions and work harder for the school to build a world-class school of economics and management.

The issues discussed and resolved at the advisory committee meeting itself are very substantive, Qian Yingyi once told a Caixin reporter.The dean and the vice-president will make a report on one year's work at each meeting. After the introduction, each committee member will make a speech, and then the college will implement the committee members' suggestions.

The advisory committee also learns from the practice of overseas boards of directors and sets up secret meetings (executive sessions).During this session, members of the committee related to Tsinghua (including the president and former president, etc.) will leave the venue, so that members outside Tsinghua can put forward criticisms and suggestions more freely.

Last year, after an advisory committee walked into the classroom, the oldest member of the committee, chairman of Starr Financial Group, former chairman and CEO of AIG, Morris middot; Greenberg, who is 93 years old this year, specificallyWrite a letter to Zhu Rongji, saying that Tsinghua students now speak perfect English.

Zhu Rongji was very concerned about the English proficiency of the economics and management students.

President Zhu (Zhu Rongji) believed it only when they (advisory members) said so.Qian Ying said with a smile.■