On August 25, 2018, the Standing Committee of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee held a special democratic life meeting to further eliminate the bad influences of Yang Weize and Ji Jianye.Influence.Zhang Jinghua, Member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting.According to a Nanjing Daily report, at the meeting, members of the Standing Committee of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee made comparisons and inspections one by one based on people, facts and thoughts, and carried out open and straightforward mutual criticism.

Everyone agrees that the case of Yang and Ji's violation of discipline and law is a typical case of alienation from the party in politics, power-money transactions in the economy, and corruption in life.Yang and Ji trampled on the party's discipline and rules, damaged the party's image, and destroyed the political ecology. The impact was very bad, and the lesson was very profound.Everyone said that they will resolutely follow the deployment requirements of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, recognize and eliminate the bad influence of Yang and Ji from a political perspective, and truly be firm in politics, draw a clear line in thinking, correct deviations in action, and vigorously create a positive atmosphere.A clean and upright political ecology.

Zhang Jinghua pointed out that comprehensively and completely eliminating the bad influence of Yang and Ji is an inevitable requirement for resolutely safeguarding the authority of the Party Central Committee with the central leadership comrades at the core and centralized and unified leadership.

The lack of timely and thorough elimination of Yang and Ji's bad influences reveals that our standards for governing the party are not high enough, our requirements are not strict enough, and our measures are not solid enough.He pointed out that the most prominent corruption of Yang and Ji was political corruption, and the most serious damage Yang and Ji did to Nanjing's development was the destruction of the political ecology.Zhengshi News (WeChat ID: zsenews) noticed that in the first round of inspections by the central government this year, the four major teams in Nanjing were included in the scope of inspections.

Since the beginning of this month, the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee has held three meetings to eliminate the bad influence of Yang Weize and Ji Jianye.

From February 23 to May 23 this year, the Seventh Inspection Team of the Central Committee conducted inspections in Jiangsu Province, and included the principals of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the government, and the party group of the CPPCC into the scope of inspection and supervision.In July, the inspection team reported the inspection situation to the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee. Zhang Lijun, the leader of the inspection team, pointed out that there were problems in Nanjing that the political position was not high enough, and the bad influence of "Yang Weize and Ji Jianye" was not eliminated in a timely and thorough manner.Since then, on August 8 and 15, the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee has held two meetings on this.

On August 8, Zhang Jinghua, in his capacity as the leader of the leading group for rectification and implementation of the central inspection feedback, presided over the fourth meeting of the leading group to study the work plan for further eliminating the bad influence of Yang and Ji.

The meeting emphasized that the feedback from the central inspection pointed out that the elimination of the bad influence of Yang Weize and Ji Jianye in our city was not timely and thorough, and clear requirements were put forward for the rectification of the problem.

The whole city must improve its political standing, systematically analyze the adverse impact of the Yang and Ji cases on economic and social development and comprehensively strictly govern the party, and strengthen rectification and implementation in accordance with the requirements of the six lectures and six eliminations.It is necessary to further recognize the serious harm, avoid discussing the case and discussing the matter as it stands, and earnestly analyze the problems of Yang, Ji and the party's separation of morality, great success, corruption, etc. from a political perspective, and more consciously establish the four consciousnesses and practice the two safeguards.We must further do a good job in warning education, get rid of thoughts that have nothing to do with ourselves, hold special democratic life meetings, guide the majority of cadres to put themselves in it, and truly be alerted, understand the bottom line, and know the awe from the Yang and Ji cases.

On the 15th, the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee held a mobilization and deployment meeting to further eliminate the bad influence of Yang Weize and Ji Jianye, requiring the whole city to completely eliminate Yang and Ji's bad influence with a high degree of political consciousness, and build a clean and positive political ecology.Political Affairs News noticed that at this meeting, Zhang Jinghua proposed to resolutely eliminate the bad influence of Yang and Ji from six aspects.These include the comprehensive elimination of issues such as arguing about the central government, disloyalty to the party, and alienation from morality;

Resolutely eliminate the bad influence of forming cliques and forming relatives and estrangement, forming cliques for private business and gangs; resolutely eliminating the bad influence of disregarding the law of development, ignoring the opinions of the masses, and blindly launching projects;Questions such as the use of power to suppress law, etc.

In addition, at the end of last year, Nanjing also issued a document requesting relevant units to destroy the books written by Yang Weize.On December 6 last year, the Nanjing Municipal Archives Bureau issued an official letter to Nanjing Publishing House stating: In order to further implement the requirements of the ideological responsibility system and strictly enforce political discipline and rules, we now entrust your agency to destroy the files still stored in your agency and our bureau (library) as soon as possible.) and other books such as A Hundred Years of Urban History of Nanjing (a complete set of 13 volumes) written by Yang Weize.According to the staff of the Nanjing Municipal Archives Bureau, this matter is our normal work, just like the current army's elimination of the influence of Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou.

Yang Weize used to be a local leader, and he wrote prefaces for many books.There are not many of these books in stock now.When the book was published, he was double-regulated by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. It has not yet been printed on a large scale, but it is just a sample book.

Yang Weize and Ji Jianye were originally the secretary of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee and the mayor. They were dismissed in January 2015 and October 2013, respectively.

The scene of Yang Weize's sentencing

This pair of old colleagues who were packaged to eliminate bad influences were enemies when they were in office.Both of them have worked in Jiangsu for many years. From March 2011 to October 2013, they worked together as leaders of the party and government in Nanjing for two and a half years.During this period, the infighting between Yang and Ji became an almost open secret in Nanjing.According to reports, a major conflict between the two occurred over the rain and sewage diversion project in Nanjing.Since Ji Jianye took office as mayor in 2010, he has been promoting the project and is known as the bulldozer mayor.On the eve of Ji Jianye's sacking, Yang Weize publicly criticized the project, calling it superficial and a waste of money.

In September 2013, Ji Jianye took advantage of Yang Weize's visit abroad and led a number of Nanjing media to visit the construction site where rain and sewage were diverted, demanding positive reports.After Yang Weize returned to China on October 2, he was very displeased. He notified the Propaganda Department of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee and Nanjing Radio and Television Station by text message, asking the media to criticize the rain and sewage diversion project.On the other hand, Yang Weize and Ji Jianye are both known for their overbearing style.Ji Jianye once scolded his subordinates like his son in front of hundreds of people, but the local cadres analyzed that a "tough" person like Ji Jianye would have nothing to say in front of Yang Weize.On October 17, 2013, Ji Jianye was investigated.

On the same day, Yang Weize delivered a speech at a meeting, saying that the autumn air is crisp and the sky is high and the clouds are clear, which makes people feel refreshed.In April 2015, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison for accepting more than 11.32 million yuan in bribes.

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The scene of Ji Jianye's sentencing

According to media reports, after Ji Jianye was sacked, his father-in-law Gao Dezheng, the former executive vice-governor of Jiangsu Province, went to Beijing to report Yang Weize with his real name.On January 4, 2015, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that Yang Weize, member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and was under investigation by the organization.In December 2016, he was sentenced for accepting more than 16 million yuan in bribes2 years and 6 months.

Written by Xu Tengfei