The length of Meng Wei's violation of discipline, the extent of its influence, and the depth of its harm cannot be underestimated.On August 26, China's Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision News published a report titled "Why Pollution Controllers Become ls"Pollution Sources" and questioned Meng Wei, the former deputy secretary of the party committee and president of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, about serious violations of discipline.The article revealed that from 2001 to 2016, Meng Wei served as the dean of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences for 15 years, helping private owners of hazardous waste treatment companies to pass the inspection when the hardware equipment did not meet the standards;Major scientific and technological special projects in exchange for economic benefits and personal network management; disregarding discipline and rules, and setting up a small circle in the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences.

According to the official resume, the 62-year-old Meng Wei is from Qingdao, Shandong Province. He was admitted to Qingdao Ocean College, the predecessor of Ocean University of China, in 1978. After graduating in 1982, he was assigned to the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, where he worked for 34 years until his retirement.He has successively served as assistant engineer, deputy director, director, director and vice president of the Science and Technology Division of the Scientific Research Division of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences.From 2001, Meng Wei served as the president of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences for 15 years until October 2016.During December 2009, Meng Wei was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

According to the article, some private enterprise bosses picked up and dropped off Meng Wei by car, hugged each other, held luxurious banquets, arranged jobs for their relatives and friends, and hired nanny for their parents when interacting with Meng Wei.Among the many bosses serving Meng Wei, Qingdao businessman Han Moumou is a typical one.Since he and Meng Wei are fellow villagers, starting with boxes of seafood and vegetables from his hometown and red envelopes during the New Year and festivals, Han Moumou gradually narrowed the distance with Meng Wei.It was with the help of Meng Wei who spared no effort that Han's company grew wildly across the country. In just a few years, it developed from a small workshop-like enterprise engaged in waste recycling to a group company with more than 50 subsidiaries.

In 2014, Meng Wei, as the leader of the expert group, attended a certain project acceptance meeting. Under his specific arrangement and direct promotion, the industrial park built by Han XX company successfully passed the acceptance inspection even though the hardware equipment did not meet the standards, and became a national ecological park.Industrial demonstration park.The park has piled up tens of thousands of tons of hazardous waste on the muddy ground that has not undergone technical treatment. Some of the hazardous waste piled up in the open air has been damaged in packaging.A rash of unknown cause.

Severe environmental pollution triggered mass incidents in which local people besieged the gate of the park.After investigation, the East China Supervision Center of the former Ministry of Environmental Protection suggested revoking the relevant qualifications of the company and handing over clues of suspected crimes to relevant departments for handling. Meng Wei still acted on the request of Han XX to clear up the relationship for the polluting company in an attempt to avoid punishment., but ultimately be punished by law.

In order to contract a project for Han’s company, Meng Wei adopted the method of saving the country with a curve. First, he used his position to help a lake in a certain city in Hunan Province be selected as a national key lake. In return, Han contracted nearly 20 million yuan in the cityEnvironmental Engineering.

The reason why Meng Wei took so much pains to escort Han Moumou was that apart from being unable to withstand the meticulous nostalgia card played by Han Moumou, the more important thing was the huge amount of benefits delivered.Han Moumou said: I sent money to Meng Wei, so I dared to ask him to do things. If 100,000 yuan can be done, I will give him 200,000 yuan, so that he has to do things for me according to my requirements.According to the investigators, Meng Wei received millions of yuan in favors from Han alone.

According to Caixin reporter’s understanding, the above-mentioned Han XX is Han Cleaning, and his company is Qingdao Xintiandi Solid Waste Comprehensive Disposal Co., Ltd. The company’s hazardous waste business license was revoked by the former Ministry of Environmental Protection on December 2, 2016.

According to Shandong local media Economic Herald, the local Environmental Protection Bureau stated that in July 2005, Xintiandi Company’s medical waste disposal project was put into trial operation, and passed the completion acceptance of Qingdao Environmental Protection Bureau in April 2006; in August 2008, the hazardous waste disposal projectIt was put into trial operation and passed the completion acceptance of the Ministry of Environmental Protection in October 2010.Since 2012, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Laixi City has successively received reports from local villagers about the environmental pollution problems of Xintiandi Company, and the company has also received two rectification notices within a time limit.

In 2015, the East China Inspection Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection found that the company had many illegal problems in operation and management.The main manifestations are: the process parameters of the enterprise do not meet the requirements of the pollution control standards for hazardous waste incineration; the enterprise still blindly pursues economic benefits when the process parameters do not meet the standards, and it is super capable of disposing of hazardous waste and super capable of receiving hazardous waste.

After May 2016, villagers around the vein industrial park where Xintiandi Company is located have repeatedly reported that Xintiandi Company often emits exhaust gas at night, which affects the rest and health of villagers.At the same time, crops such as peanuts, corn, fruit trees, and green seedlings in the fields near the enterprise have experienced reduced production and damage.

According to the enterprise report, the company incinerated more than 10,000 tons of industrial waste in 2015, exceeding the amount approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and received more than 10,000 tons of hazardous waste exceeding its operating license.In addition, the enterprise illegally collected and stored tens of thousands of tons of hazardous waste, and some of the hazardous waste stored in the open air was damaged in packaging, the surrounding area smelled bad, and the environmental safety hazards were prominent; the enterprise also had problems such as falsified operation and disposal accounts and extensive management of hazardous waste landfills..

According to the report of the Laixi City Procuratorate on June 12, 2018, the Laixi City Procuratorate prosecuted 8 units and 23 individuals including Xintiandi Environmental Group, which illegally disposed of hazardous waste, for the crime of environmental pollution;Guiding the reform plan of the ecological environment damage compensation system, actively cooperating with the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to draft a request for instructions to the Qingdao Municipal People's Government on applying for authorization to claim compensation for ecological environmental damage to Xintiandi and other companies, and assisting the Qingdao Municipal Procuratorate in supporting prosecution work.

Another big problem for Meng Wei is profiting from scientific research.According to the article, in February 2006, the National Medium and Long-Term Science and Technology Development Plan (2006-2020) issued by the State Council identified 16 scientific and technological projects including the National Water Pollution Control and Treatment Major Science and Technology Project (hereinafter referred to as the Water Project).major projects.The chief engineer of water special technology is Meng Wei.

In the name of scientific research, Meng Wei practiced corruption, loved relatives and friends, looked at money in scientific research work, and regarded this water pollution control technology project with the largest investment since the founding of New China as a Tang monk meat.According to the investigators, many units undertaking special water projects have transferred benefits to Meng Wei in various ways.Chen Moumou, a professor at a university in Zhejiang at the time, sent hundreds of thousands of yuan to Meng Wei in order to set up a project in the special water project; a technology company in Hangzhou, in order to participate in the special water project, gave Meng Wei nearly one million yuan in the name of consulting feesYuan; after a Beijing environmental protection company sent a large amount of cash, it undertook a certain water project, which became a major benefit for the company's listing;

In addition to exchanging water for economic benefits, Meng Wei also used it to operate his personal network.Many researchers reported that it is very difficult for some well-known experts in the field of water pollution control to undertake water-specific projects, but Meng Wei's students, classmates, colleagues and friends can easily get the projects.Many of these projects that have been sent as human favors have problems such as false project establishment to extract funds, content plagiarism, multiple accounts, and misuse of funds.

Because of Meng Wei, the chief technical engineer, in the water project, a number of projects passed the inspection after modifying the scale and technical indicators of the demonstration projects. Although there are many demonstration projects, they have been transformed into technical achievements and designs of actual pollution control projects.There is a big gap between the goals, and some demonstration projects stopped running after the research was completed, and they were put on the shelf and became decorations.Meng Wei himself admitted that the research results of the water special project were rarely adopted by the "Water Ten Rules", and an important strategic opportunity to comprehensively support the country's water pollution prevention and control was missed.

Relying on the hospital to eat the hospital is another channel for Meng Wei to make money under the guise of scientific research.According to the investigators, Meng Wei repeatedly arranged for an environmental protection company to participate in scientific research projects of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences. After the funds were allocated to the company, the projects were still managed by the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences.The staff helped to complete it, and the essence was to deliver benefits to the company in the name of scientific research, and Meng Wei himself got kickbacks from it.

The person in charge of the company said frankly: Our company has no scientific research capabilities. After receiving the funds, we can buy a few cars and build a few waste recycling points. The rest of the money is directly included in the company's profits.For such a company, Meng Wei even recommended it as the co-organizer of the meeting of heads of environmental science institutes in China, Japan and South Korea, and made an exchange speech as an observer.

In addition, Meng Wei often organizes experts from relevant scientific research units to stand for the enterprise, and clearly mark the price of the appearance fee, so as to receive high returns.In 2012, Meng Wei organized a number of academicians and scientific research team leaders to participate in a company's development seminar, signed a cooperation agreement with the company in the name of a national scientific research unit, and received more than one million yuan from the company leader just this time.

In addition to seeking huge profits, Meng Wei also established a small circle in the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences. After the incident, he was involved in a wide range of inside and outside the hospital.When it comes to selecting and employing people, Meng Wei doesn't start from advancing his career, but whether he is in the circle, listens or not, and whether he is helpful to him.In order to promote and use his own people, Meng Wei did not hesitate to adopt illegal methods such as changing the scope of evaluation and tailoring positions.

Meng Wei's driver Miao, who is known as the second president of the Academy of Environmental Sciences, often used the banner of Meng Wei to collect money for other people. It was initially found that Miao was suspected of accepting bribes and the amount was huge.Many people reported to Meng Wei that there was a problem with Miao, but Meng Wei said that whoever said that Miao was not good had an opinion on me, and hired Miao as the deputy manager of the property company of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences in violation of regulations.

The decoupling and restructuring of EIA agencies is an important measure to implement the requirements of the central inspection and rectification and solve the problem of red-top intermediaries.During the decoupling and restructuring process of a Beijing environmental impact assessment company controlled by the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, Meng Wei changed the decoupling plan without authorization and helped a private environmental protection company undertake Class A environmental impact assessment qualifications and related businesses, and received millions of yuan from the actual controller of the company afterwardsbenefit fee.

In December 2005, knowing that a certain technology company was going all out to go public, Meng Wei transferred the company's shares held by the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences at a discount on the grounds that the listing was hopeless, without going through any approval procedures, causing state-owned assetsHuge loss, Meng Wei himself got a huge return from the company.

During the special inspection of the former Ministry of Environmental Protection by the central inspection team at the end of 2014 and the inspection of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences by the party group of the former Ministry of Environmental Protection in the first half of 2016, Meng Wei repeatedly asked the subordinates interviewed by the inspection team to report the content of the conversation.Knowing that the organization has launched an investigation on him, instead of taking the initiative to ask the organization to explain his violations of discipline and law, he frequently asks people how to resist the investigation.Even after being taken away by the organization, he still hopes that someone will come forward to find him.

According to the case investigators, a large number of clues to the problems of cadres were also found in the review of the Meng Wei case: there are cadres in the ecological and environmental protection system, and related cadres outside the system; there are leading cadres in party and government agencies, and scientific research institutesManagement personnel; both those directly related to Meng Wei's problem and other personnel found in the clue verification.

The disciplinary violations of these cadres involve many aspects such as environmental impact assessment approval, project contracting, scientific research project management, and cadre promotion.Among them, according to the clues provided by the task force of the Meng Wei case, the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection filed a case for review of serious violations of discipline by Jiang Yimin, the former party secretary and director of the Provincial Environmental Protection Department. At present, Jiang Yimin has been expelled from the party and dismissed from public office, and is waiting for the court's decisionFirst instance judgment.

The article stated that the Meng Wei case showed that the anti-corruption mechanism of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences was not perfect.From 2012 to May 2016, the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences did not have a party secretary for a long time. From 2007 to December 2015, the post of secretary of the discipline inspection committee was also vacant for a long time.Reports of Meng Wei's violations of discipline continued one after another, but he was repeatedly used.

According to the investigators, when Meng Wei served as the president of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, there were constant reports about Meng Wei’s violations of discipline. Due to issues such as the disposal of state-owned assets and shopping cards, Meng Wei was given two admonition talks and an administrative warning.In addition to him, many members of the leadership team of the hospital were punished by party and government discipline.But for such a team, the higher-level party organization did not make timely adjustments. When the audit found many problems in the special water project, Meng Wei was still recommended to take an important position in the National People's Congress Environmental Resources Committee, which further encouraged Meng Wei's supercilious mentality.

In addition, the system and mechanism are not sound, especially in the management of people, affairs and assets. The lack of system and the ineffective implementation of the system coexist, and the lack of supervision is also an important reason for Meng Wei's serious violation of discipline.This case exposed the problems of some party organizations in the ecological and environmental protection system who did not fulfill the two responsibilities, loose and loose governance of the party, and ineffective management and supervision.

In March 2018, Meng Wei was expelled from the party and dismissed from public office. His suspected crimes and clues were transferred to relevant state agencies for handling according to law.■