Liang Zhengjun, the former head of the technical investigation team of the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department, was in charge of the Dali City Public Security Bureau for 10 years before becoming the head of the team.In 2008, Liang Zhengjun was promoted to the deputy mayor of the Pu'er Municipal People's Government and also served as the director of the Pu'er Public Security Bureau. During his tenure as the director, he used his power to hand over the engineering projects in the public security system in Dali and Pu'er to his own people, and illegally accepted bribes from them..Liang Zhengjun not only collected money from engineering projects, but also used his position as director to sell officials, promoting six subordinates successively.On August 21, the Qujing Intermediate People's Court publicly heard the bribery case of Liang Zhengjun.The public prosecution accused Liang Zhengjun of taking bribes as high as 9.83 million yuan. Liang Zhengjun had no objection to the charges, but he disagreed with the amount of bribes.

During his tenure as the director of the Dali City Public Security Bureau, he accepted bribes for a total of 800,000 yuan many times

Judging from the evidence presented by the public prosecution agency, from April 1998, Liang Zhengjun began to serve as the director of the Dali City Public Security Bureau.In 2001, Liang Zhengjun was promoted to the deputy director of the Dali Prefecture Public Security Bureau, and concurrently served as the director of the Dali City Public Security Bureau. At that time, in Dali, Liang Zhengjun would intervene in the construction of the public security system, the renovation of the detention center, and the upgrading of the police station. He entrusted these projects to himselfpeople to do it.

Judging from Liang Zhengjun's performance of duties, he served as the top leader of the Dali Public Security Bureau for 10 years.In Dali for 10 years, Liang Zhengjun has always accepted bribes.

During Liang Zhengjun's tenure as the director of the Dali Public Security Bureau, he contracted the projects related to the Dali City Public Security System to Li. Liang Zhengjun received bribes from Li several times, totaling 800,000 yuan.

Received 1.98 million yuan in bribes from Yang Moujian during his tenure as director of the Pu'er Public Security Bureau

In July 2008, Liang Zhengjun was promoted to the deputy mayor of Pu'er City and the director of the Pu'er City Public Security Bureau, and he was in charge of the Pu'er Public Security Bureau for 8 years.Liang Zhengjun had just arrived in Pu'er as the director of the Public Security Bureau, and met Yang Moujian, the boss of the project. After meeting him for the first time, Yang Moujian sent 100,000 yuan to Liang Zhengjun in order to build a good relationship with the new director.When sending money, Yang Moujian said to Liang Zhengjun that he hoped to get the support of the director, and please help introduce some engineering projects.

In 2012, the hydropower project of the office building of Pu'er Public Security Bureau was going to be done. In order to get the hydropower project of the Public Security Bureau, Yang Moujian thought of Liang Zhengjun, and went directly to Liang Zhengjun with 1.4 million yuan in cash. When he gave the money to Liang Zhengjun, Liang refused.Later, Yang Moujian took back the cash, deposited the money in the bank card, and planned to hand over the bank card to Liang Zhengjun, but Liang still did not accept it.Yang Moujian gave another 1.4 million yuan to Liang Zhengjun's wife. After receiving the money, Liang's wife told her husband about the collection.In the end, Yang Moujian got the hydropower project of the office building of Pu'er Public Security Bureau.In 2013, when the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection was investigating Liang Zhengjun, Liang returned 1.2 million yuan to Yang Jian.

Yang Moujian also went to Xiaguan, Liang Zhengjun's hometown, Dali, to help the Liang family repair the house, spending a total of 100,000 yuan.Yang Moujian told Liang Zhengjun that there was no need to pay the 100,000 yuan.At the same time, in order to build a good relationship with Liang Zhengjun, Yang Moujian would give Liang Zhengjun a festival fee every year and festival, and gave a total of 280,000 yuan 16 times.

Liang Zhengjun not only assigned the relevant engineering projects of the Public Security Bureau of Pu'er City to Yang Xjian, but also called the directors of the public security bureaus of some counties and districts in Puer City to request that the engineering projects be assigned to Yang Xjian.The detention center did not pay the project money on time.In September 2017, Yang Moujian sent 100,000 yuan to Liang Zhengjun again, and asked Liang Zhengjun to say hello and let the public security organs pay the project money as soon as possible.Liang Zhengjun accepted a total of 1.98 million yuan in bribes when he built the place in Yang.

Received 1.92 million yuan from construction boss Yang Moulin

Yang Moulin is a construction boss. After Liang Zhengjun came to Pu'er as the director of the Public Security Bureau, Yang Moulin met Liang Zhengjun for the first time in order to obtain engineering projects such as the police dog training base of the Puer City Public Security Bureau and the Puer City driving test site.Sent 50,000 yuan.

Later, Yang Moulin sent money to Liang Zhengjun many times, and the largest sum was 600,000 yuan.After getting the project, Yang Moulin would also send festival fees to Liang Zhengjun every year and festival, and he gave 160,000 yuan for the festival fees alone.

Yang Moulin owns a house in Kunming. The two parties negotiated a price of 920,000 yuan. After Liang Zhengjun paid 560,000 yuan, the remaining 360,000 yuan was never paid.Later, when the Commission for Discipline Inspection was investigating, Liang Zhengjun's family also established an offensive and defensive alliance and wrote an IOU to Yang Moulin, the purpose of which was to resist the organization's investigation.

The evidence cited by the public prosecutor shows that: Yang Molin has repeatedly sent Liang Zhengjun bribes totaling 1.92 million yuan.

Received 1.22 million yuan from Hu, the owner of the game room

The evidence presented by the public prosecutor shows that Liang Zhengjun not only used his power for profit for the construction boss, but also intervened in the handling of the case when he was the director of the Public Security Bureau of Pu'er City.

Hu Mou opened a gambling game room in Pu'er City, which was investigated by the Pu'er City Public Security Bureau.Hu found Liang Zhengjun and asked to come forward to greet the leader in charge of the Pu'er City Public Security Bureau, so that the relevant personnel would deal with Hu's gambling game room lightly.According to the confirmation of the leader in charge and the police handling the case at the time, according to the law, Hu’s suspected gambling case met the standard for filing a criminal case. Because Liang Zhengjun greeted him, he was finally handled as a public security case.

In this regard, Liang Zhengjun argued that he was not aware of the specific circumstances of the suspected gambling case in Hu's game room at the time, but only asked the leaders in charge and the case handlers to deal with it lightly within the scope permitted by law.

The public prosecutor did not agree with Liang Zhengjun's defense, saying that it was only because Liang Zhengjun greeted him that the case was handled as a public security case.

Hu also confirmed that he opened a game room in Pu'er City and was inspected by the local public security organs many times. Because Liang Zhengjun greeted him, the game room was fined.In order to thank Liang Zhengjun for his care, he sent Liang Zhengjun 1.22 million yuan several times.

Liang Zhengjun not only greeted the suspected gambling case in Hu's game room, but also greeted a case of picking quarrels and provoking troubles in Jinggu County, asking the public security organs below to deal with it lightly.For this reason, Liang Zhengjun received a favor fee of 360,000 yuan from the other party in this case.

Liang Zhengjun sold his official position and promoted the deputy director to the director

At the end of 2011, Chen served as the deputy director of the Menglian County Public Security Bureau. In order to get promoted, he approached Liang Zhengjun and expressed his desire for promotion.Therefore, Chen sent more than 620,000 yuan to Liang Zhengjun successively.

After receiving the money, Liang Zhengjun actively recommended to the organization department and promoted Chen to be the director of Jiangcheng County Public Security Bureau.In 2016, in order to train Chen Mou, Liang Zhengjun promoted Chen Mou to be the deputy magistrate and director of the Public Security Bureau of Mojiang County.

In 2009, Li served as the head of the Pu'er City Traffic Police Detachment.Later, Li and Liang Zhengjun went to Menglian County to investigate. Liang Zhengjun took a fancy to a set of mahogany furniture. Li arranged for a construction owner to pay more than 170,000 yuan to buy this furniture and give it to Liang Zhengjun.

Later, Liang Zhengjun recommended Li to be the deputy director of the Pu'er Public Security Bureau.The public prosecutor said that Liang Zhengjun recommended Li twice to serve as the deputy director of the Pu'er City Public Security Bureau, but was rejected by the organization department twice.However, Liang Zhengjun recommended Li again, and finally, Li was promoted to the position of deputy director of Pu'er City Public Security Bureau.Later, Li felt the crisis and committed suicide.

The public prosecutor said that Liang Zhengjun sold officials for six subordinates successively, and the bribes for selling officials amounted to more than 1 million yuan.

In the court, the public prosecution agency listed one by one that Liang Zhengjun took advantage of his position to entrust 16 bribers, including Yang Jian, Yang Lin, and Hu, to intervene in the handling of the case, and to help the bribers undertake the public security system project under their jurisdiction.Witness testimony of Chen and other subordinates seeking job promotion and seeking benefits for others.


Liang Zhengjun

9.83 million yuan in bribes

The public prosecution agency accused Liang Zhengjun of being the deputy director of the Dali Prefecture Public Security Bureau and the director of the Dali City Public Security Bureau.During his tenure as the deputy mayor of the Pu'er Municipal People's Government, the director of the Pu'er Municipal Public Security Bureau, and the head of the Technical Investigation Corps of the Provincial Public Security Department, he took advantage of his position to accept a total of 9.83 million yuan in property from others.


Liang Zhengjun

Crying and confessing in court

During the trial, the public prosecutor asked: In the 16 cases of accepting bribes, are there any relatives?Is there a teacher-student relationship?Are there any classmates?

Liang Zhengjun thought for a while and said, there was none.

The public prosecutor said, after receiving the 1.4 million yuan from Yang Moujian, did your wife tell you?

Liang Zhengjun replied: I told you.

In court, Liang Zhengjun said that Wang gave him a set of mahogany furniture, which had nothing to do with his position. Later, he also recommended Wang for other positions.He also received a set of mahogany furniture from Li Mou, head of the traffic police detachment of Pu'er City.A traffic police detachment leader has a lot of power, and Li is also very rich. When he and Li went to Menglian County for investigation, they took a fancy to a set of mahogany furniture. He told Li that this set of mahogany furniture is very good and the priceNot too expensive either.Li said to the director, if you like it, I will do it!You don't need to pay for it.Later, Li spent more than 170,000 yuan to buy this set of mahogany furniture for him.

Liang Zhengjun cried and confessed in court, hoping that the court would treat his wife leniently and let his wife take care of his parents for him.

The case will be pronounced on a date.Reporter Bai Licheng